

Wang Zheng couldn't resist the temptation to open her eyes and face what Liu Wei had done.


Well, she definitely didn't regret it.


A beautiful tray full of food, a beautiful cake... Candles? Why were there candles?


"What are we celebrating?" asked Wang Zheng completely not understanding what was going on.


Liu Wei smiled and crawled onto the bed, getting closer and closer to her wife. "My dear wife doesn't know what day it is?"


Wang Zheng felt a little anxious, should she know?! "Her birthday has passed and our wedding anniversary is just a few months away..."


The little princess sat on Wang Zheng's lap and kissed her, that kiss reassured Wang Zheng mainly because he knew that her wife was not angry.


But that only made her more intrigued, what could be happening that is so important for them to be celebrating?!


"Baby, today is your birthday, did you forget?"