
The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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339 Chs


Liu Wei was finally inside the elevator.

She watched intently as Anna pressed the button for them to go up to the fifth floor.

She could feel her body heavy, she took a deep breath, letting all the air out of her lungs.

How could she help but feel her body shake in anxiety?! Her omega was somewhere inside that hospital.

She had already noticed that the hospital was huge in many ways, three large buildings and she would easily get lost if she dared to walk alone.

In addition to the wards and medical areas, there were the administrative buildings and the faculty that was also included in its perimeter.

Anna seemed slightly familiar with the place and that reassured Liu Wei.

The elevator door finally opened and Anna got out, Liu Wei followed.

The floor was much quieter than the first one where she was with Qui Mei, there were nurses walking around and watching the unexpected visitors attentively. The fifth floor was restricted and only critically ill patients with their companions could attend.

Liu Wei could feel more uneasy seeing where they were... Had something happened to the queen?!

Anna walked to a room door and faithfully opened it so Liu Wei could enter.

The first and certainly the most important thing she saw when she entered was Wang Zheng standing in the middle of the room as if he had just been waiting to arrive.

Liu Wei just wanted to finally be able to hug and kiss her.

The room could be filled with people, she didn't care about that at the moment, she just wanted to be able to feel her omega next to her.

She quickened her steps in a few milliseconds they were hugging.

Liu Wei could feel his chest heavy and his throat ache. She wanted to cry. Was this the feeling of loss they talked about so much?! She hated it.

In her mind it was never an option not to have Wang Zheng by her side and for a few moments that becoming a possibility was painful and terrifying.


Wang Zheng could hear the tearful tone in the young omega's voice, the tightness between their bodies increased. "I'm fine, Weiwei."

The queen briefly released Liu Wei's body so that she could finally face those sweet eyes that she loved so much. Her girlfriend looked ready to cry, it broke her heart into a thousand pieces.

The young princess stared into that sweet smile she loved so much and placed a hand over her face as she groped for it. So beautiful. "You don't know how worried I was."

During the explosion when she tried to stand upright with Huan Yang completely unconscious in her arms she could feel one of her feet misaligned with the rest of her body and due to the high adrenaline dose of the situation she didn't feel any pain, but when she finally arrived to the hospital she could barely touch her foot to the floor.

The queen for her level of importance had a high priority and numerous exams and protocols were being carried out.

Wang Zheng gently touched her omega's face, she felt happy to have someone by her side even though she was crying. They were together and facing all that.

Anna was as still and silent as a shadow and her presence could only be felt when she finally had to break contact between the princess and the queen so that Wang Zheng could sit on the bed again.

"Your Majesty... The doctor asked you to remain in complete rest."

Liu Wei felt her face hot with embarrassment, they were like that in front of Anna... It was almost like kissing her girlfriend in front of her mother for the first time. So embarrassing.

Anna helped Wang Zheng to lie down properly on the bed and Liu Wei could not hide the anguish in her heart to see her like that. "Does your foot hurt a lot?"

Wang Zheng was so anxious about Liu Wei's arrival that she even forgot that she couldn't stand for long. She smiled a little awkwardly at Anna.

It was very strange for the queen not to have Huan Yang by her side.

She sighed wearily.

"Yes, when I arrived I thought I had broken it..."

Liu Wei walked to the edge of the bed and sat down next to Wang Zheng.

They intertwined their fingers. Enjoying the closeness of their bodies.

Wang Zheng could feel the real effect of the temporary mark for the first time.

An omega when branded could have all sorts of physical and emotional effects, but in the queen's case, she still hadn't felt anything but homesickness and excitement.

But for the first time she was exposed to such a stressful situation that the only thing she could think about was that she needed to be close to Liu Wei, and when she finally saw her walking through her bedroom door it was like the world was coming to life. again and your heart getting lighter.

She snuggled against Liu Wei's body, so warm and comfortable.

The young princess wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and to calm her down she released some of her pheromone.

Wang Zheng let out a comfortable sigh, she could feel the sweet smell of mint enveloping her and making her lighter and lighter.

Liu Wei whispered softly, only for Wang Zheng to hear. "Do you already know what happened?"

Wang Zheng wasn't as nervous as before, but she couldn't help but feel uneasy… That was clearly an attack.

Liu Wei could feel the hug tighten, the queen looked like a small frightened child hiding in her mother's arms. "No... Firefighters are containing any fire and possibility of a new explosion along with the bomb disposal team... But it was your cabin that exploded."

The queen followed the situation closely and all updates were sent directly to her first hand.

She already knew that the explosion had been caused by a gas leak in one of the cabins and from the location everything indicated with almost 99% certainty that it was the separate cabin for Liu Wei's exclusive use.

Wang Zheng was trapped in a mixture of anger and dread… Did anyone really want to harm Liu Wei?!

"Do you think...?"

one more chapter to count! see you in 24 hours. Creation is hard, cheer me up! gogogogog

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