
The Princess and The Bad Boy

After her mother dies, Daphne Lane has to go with her father and stepmother who is a queen to Luisa Island, a small (fictional) island that is very prosperous. To become a member of the royal family, she is taken to a mansion in Los Angeles (Twin City of the capital of Luisa) to be taught manners. During the debriefing, she was mentored directly by her stepmother and got a private tutor. In an instant, Daphne's free life begins to be restricted by rules. A set of rules that become a habit should not be broken. Like it or not, Daphne must follow the rules that apply in her life. Transferring to a new school, Daphne immediately becomes the spotlight there as the Princess of Luisa. Although many are queuing up to become her new friends, Daphne prefers to befriend the children who are members of the "Dumped Students" to avenge the crimes of the popular students' club led by Trixie Marshall. Despite being known as a trouble-provoking and a school bouncer, no one knows how Daphne has felt since losing her mother and having to live under the same roof as a stepmother who upholds manners and often compares her to Christabel. Her stepmother and even father also began to make her feel alienated in her new environment. Daphne tries to escape by tricking the security. But unfortunately amid her attempt to escape, she actually 'meets' with Justin Lancaster, an annoying guy who is a troublemaker at school. So her journey to the place of contemplation was again interrupted by the boy's presence.

MinAera · Teen
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50 Chs

The Real Handsome Boy (b)

I don't like that kind of bullying. Looks like they need me. Don't say I'm arrogant, I've always been known as a school bouncer.

But… remembering Jackie's threat, I'm in a dilemma. I can't make a fuss at school to maintain my status as a PRINCESS. Arghhhhh, burn me in your hell Hades.

Stopping in front of the locker, my big brain recalled a series of rules that were handed to me. Gertrude says I have to instill manners and get rid of my bad habits; such as swearing, picking his nose in public, laughing out loud, and blah blah blah.

I banged my forehead against the locker door repeatedly, ignoring the astonished stares of the students passing by around me.

"I don't want to be a princess. I don't want to be a princess. I don't want to be a princess," I mumbled like that while banging my forehead against the locker. "I DON'T WANT TO BE A PRINCESS FOR THE TARTAR SAUCE!" Venting my frustration, I threw my fist into the air, which somehow managed to land on a person's face causing him to scream in pain. Practically, I pressed my palm to my lips to see a young man touching his temple which had just been hit by my fist. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean it!"

As soon as he removed his hand from his temple, I could see who the boy was. He smiled kindly at me. My heart seemed to stop beating when I saw his beautiful smile like that. The world seemed to stop spinning. Like in the drama films I've seen. It felt… I felt like I was going to faint. Oh my God, he's so handsome.

"That's okay."

His voice even sounded like the reassuring sound of church bells. I didn't blink for a second, still with my eyes wide and mouth agape in amazement.

"Hi." He waved his hand in front of my face, causing me to blink and my soul back into my body.

I hastily changed my awkward expression. I laughed dryly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Hi…." Oh my God, forgive me for punching one of Your handsome creations.

"You look like you're pissed," he said, still maintaining that crooked smile of his sexy bastard.

"Erm… yes. Sorry for the punch. I haven't practiced my karate moves in a long time." I crossed my fingers behind my back. In fact… I often practice my karate moves to beat up the assholes who often poke my ass.

"No problem." He stared at me intently. "I'm Marcel. Marcel Vaughn. You?"

Oh my goodness this handsome guy asked my name. Where's the air, I need air to breathe. Give me oxygen, please!

"I'm Daphne."

"Daphne. Pretty name."