
The Princess and the 7 Princes

The Crown Princess Aliana is the future Queen of Astaria, her father says she must marry before she is 21. She turns down every suitor until her father sends her on a journey to find a man to be her King Consort. She goes to the seven principalities where almost 100 men are chosen for her to pick 7 from. Who knows who she will pick to take back to her castle, she has to narrow the choice down to 7 to pick and then marry one before she is 21. Join Princess Aliana on a journey of a lifetime to pick her future husband or husbands...

Thewickedwitch333 · History
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Captain Rainze and Sneaking Around

Throughout dinner, Captain Rainze was growing more shocked by how casual Princess Aliana was. He had heard rumors of how ruthless she was in battle and being a strict general to her soldiers. The relaxed and easy-going young woman in front of him painted a very different picture.

Lucien, on the other hand, was highly concerned about Aliana, he remembered when the princess came back from that fateful trip when she was a child and it changed her. Her pale face and blotchy cheeks were not a normal sight for him to see.

"How do you find your cabin, Your Highness?" Captain Rainze asked before sipping his wine.

"It is quite accommodating, thank you, Captain," Aliana said politely.

The captain nodded and went back to his meal with gusto. The cooks on board the ship were skilled in their craft and dinner was delicious.