
Chapter 4: Worlds Collide

The forest is more active today.

Jasper looks up through the holes in the treetops and he sees the birds flying high, moving North.

“It is odd that they are all leaving their nests this early in the day. I have never seen so many at one time,” he thinks to himself.

“Son,” Conrad Darcy begins.

Jasper fights the urge to roll his eyes. He clenches his teeth and prepares for what his father will say.

“I know your mother spoke to you already. There is no debate on the matter. You will go to Viptan and you will find your mate there. You must partner with another Xefol. There is no other way.”

Jasper glances over at his burly father who shoulders a large deer carcass that they have just taken down. It will be added into their stew simmering at the cottage.

“Papa, is it so important that I find a mate right now, and that they are from our clan?”

“Yes. There is too many mixed breeding. You need to keep our bloodline pure.”

“I was under the impression that your mate is already predetermined. How am I to choose mine?”

“Honey, he is correct.” Beatrice sighs softly as she leads them into the meadow that holds their cottage.

“I don’t even want—”

All three stop in their tracks, a loud growl echoing against the trees.

“What was that?” Beatrice gasps staring off into the forest.

Conrad tightens his grip on the carcass and glowers around at their landscape. He lifts his nose softly, “It smells like bear. They sound close. Get inside and keep the door closed. We do not know what these bears want.”

Jasper ushers his mother inside and latches the door behind him. Once he pivots around, he notices that there is a soft scent of honey that sits in the air.

“That is odd. We have not had honey in the cottage for weeks,” he wonders. He shakes his head and steps further into the room.

“Oh my, whatever could it be?” Beatrice tugs at her thick necklace. It is made from dense rope and ends with a piece of stone etched into the shape of a paw.

“It is nothing we cannot handle.” Jasper reassures her as he tosses his bag at the bottom of the chair at the table. “We normally have random Pivurlion that pass by. It is normal. I am sure they are just travelers.”

His mother shakes her head as she stirs the stew. “I am glad it is not the Vojik. Those dogs stink. We will never get the stench out of the house again.”

Jasper chuckles at his mother as he saunters over to his bedroom. “I am sure it will be okay.”

As he opens the door to his room, the strong smell of honey overtakes his senses and causes his vision to blur. He lays his eyes on a strange figure that is curled up on his bed. Breathing in slowly to hold off a cold gasp biting at his lungs, Jasper drinks in the sight of the strange female. She has matted golden hair that clings to her pale cheeks and a dirt caked dress that is sprawled out around her.

Overwhelmed by the gentle sight of her and the scent that coats the inside of his nose, Jasper’s vision goes white for but a brief moment, one word stamping itself in his mind.



Eliana slowly opens her eyes, the grogginess of slumber still holding her tightly. After a moment, she clears her vision and comes to realize that she is staring into a set of dense, creamy eyes. There are flecks of emerald hues within the swirling gaze that causes a stirring in Eliana’s stomach.

Her heart immediately jumps into her throat before she can register any other features of the stranger. Her own eyes widen, and she scrambles away, pressing herself against the wall. She is unable to look anyway else except for the boy, no, man, in front of her. He has a square jawline, his teeth clenched as he stares down at her. His ebony hair dangles down around his eyes, overshadowing his face. Eliana cannot help but to visually caress his visage as the scent of lavender intoxicates her.

It is difficult for her to clear her mind and concentrate on her emotions. The fear tightening her muscles is mixing with the need to touch the stranger. To run her hand through his hair. The itch to act twitches her fingers and heats up her neck.

“What is wrong with me? He is a stranger. He could be an enemy.” She chastises herself within her mind.

The fear now overruns any other emotion as Eliana glances around the space, trying to find an escape.

“Why are you in my room?”

Eliana’s heart skips a beat as the stranger speaks, terror speeding up her pulse. There is an underlying emotion, though. The sound of his gravelly voice sends a quiet shiver rolling across her arms and neck, causing her hair to stand on end. She clenches her teeth together in order to stop the soft gasp that tries to escape.

She forces herself to swallow all emotion and clear her throat. “I—I. . .” Eliana cannot finish her sentence, her paranoia taking over her mind.

The man rocks away on his heals from Eliana but does not step back from the bed. His arms are folded, his hands tightly squeezing his toned biceps. His grip is so tight, Eliana could swear that he was going to break skin shortly. His thick brow is furrowed roughly, his gaze stormy.

“What do I do,” she wonders inwardly. Eliana’s senses are still swarming with lavender and the memories of her mother. The urge to move closer to the owner of the bed overruns her fear on what will happen to her.

“Jasper, has she awoken yet,” a woman’s voice calls from the other room.

Eliana jumps and tries to get further away from the man, but as she nears the edge of the bed, she slips, tangling up in the blanket, and tumbles toward the cold floor.

She does not fully slam down, though. A pair of strong arms gently guides her. The rough texture of the man’s hands causes goosebumps to run the length of her arms and back, a gasp audibly leaving her body. Eliana clamps down her mouth as she stares once more into the man’s eyes. The edges of her vision are blurry as heat blooms in her cheeks and neck.

The stranger does not talk, he only watches Eliana carefully. As she tries to open her mouth to speak, the woman from before beats her to it.

“Jasper, I asked if she was awake.”

The woman now enters the bedroom. She towers over Eliana quite a bit, her long brunette hair twisted up in a bun. She is wiping her hands on a stained and old cloth. As she makes eye contact with Eliana, she smiles and tosses the rag onto her shoulder.

Eliana’s gaze is drawn to the pendent dangling around the woman’s neck. It is a paw. It is thicker than that of a wolf. Fear now the dominant trait overrunning Eliana’s body, she tries to shove the stranger away as an anguished gasp escapes her body. “You are werebears!”