
Sincerely, Genevieve.

"Thank you, Sir Gerald." Politely thanking him, I took the scroll and kept it in my lap. No one commented and asked to know what it is about. When Augustus tried to earlier, he had woken up with his leg broken.

"Finish your breakfast quicky, child. The messenger awaits." Queen Mira commented. She always looked perfect on the outside yet she did not remember any chore of the palace that she had to take care of.

"Let her highness take her time, your majesty. This mere servant shall wait." He, Sir Gerald, respectfully bowed yet his eyes were cold to her.

"Master Lionel," I call the head chef who waited on the side. "Could arrange breakfast for the gentleman?"

He nodded and hurried off, the messenger went away with him to eat in the Knights dining hall.

I finished my breakfast and so did Catherine. Excusing ourselves, I walked her to her classes and went to my room. I shall read the letter first and then take up my duties.

I sat on the writing table's chair, equipped with ink and paper as I would use them to write my reply. I opened his letter and started reading.

'My Dearest Princess,'

'I hope my letter finds you in good health. I shall inform you of the important matters first; my coronation is decided for the spring and we shall get married the last month of autumn that is three months from now.

My princess and soon to be my Queen, I hope you are learning well from the writings my mother sends you. She eagerly awaits your arrival here as well. I think it is the thought of her grandchildren running around but who knows.

Second, I have readied the supplies of help that we will be sending to your country the day after my marriage. We will be sending scholars as well.

Write back to me, I shall imagine your sweet voice reading to me. I cannot wait for these three moons to pass and see you dressed as my bride. Mother sends her love and you will always have mine.

Love, Terrence.'

I hurriedly keep it down. Half of it makes me blush and the other, makes me worry. Three months? That's all I had?

I must inform my sister first. Her plans to become the queen were important to me more than Prince Terrence but he could wait and give us time, right?

Regardless, I decided to put my Kingdom's future queen first. I walked out of the room and into Estelle's which was next to mine. 

"Sister," I called and she nodded but did not look up from the scroll she is reading, "Prince Terrence is being crowned the king on the new year's spring. We shall be married after three months. I am sure that the queen has sent a message to father as well."

"I am sure," she muttered, holding back her reaction. I knew she was depressed now but she won't show. All our plans are washed away. What we were going to do in a year couldn't possibly be done in months.

"Tell father about it. I know he will be happy." She says with a smile on her face, "We should begin the preparations soon. It's my sister's wedding!" She happily smiled my way. She chose me over her dreams. Her role as a sister than a royal Princess and for this, I shall always be indebted to her. For making me her priority.

"I shall tell him then," I nodded with a sullen and walked to the king's chambers.


Merilyn; my lady in waiting was combing my hair as I looked in the mirror with a wandering mind. It just never settled. 

"What of your plans now, your highness?" She whispered. I don't like when people talk loudly when there is no need for such.

"I do not know," with a sigh I continued, "Estelle could be taken a prisoner if anything happened after my marriage against the king. We were supposed to gain favours this year but.."

"But there is no time." She completed for me.

"Yes, true." I agreed. "I wanted her to be the Queen. It is my mother's kingdom yet father rules it like he was born to do so and he made some else; a stray enter my mother's chambers!" My voice, in the end, turns into harsh whispers. I never yelled, a Princess or a lady with manners never does. Yet emotions overrode me. 

"The maids were talking about something," she wearily glanced into my eyes as I looked at her from the mirror. I nodded, giving her my permission.

"She was wearing her highnesses ornaments after breakfast today." She whispers stepping back.

"She was?" I get up and walk to the medicine cabinet. Merilyn was fearing that like any other royal, I would take out my anger on her. She should know better by now.

"Hmm, do me a favour, would you? When she wakes up tomorrow, she should drink a herbal remedy for beautiful skin. If she wants, put it in her bathwater as well." I smile. This shall be fun.

"Yes, your highness." Merilyn enjoys this just like me. Mira had killed her mother as well because she was truly loyal to mine.

"Go then," I smile. As she closed the door, I walked to the writing-table and write Terrence's letter. I must give it to the messenger the next morning.

'My respected Prince,

I hope everything prospers in your kingdom and lives. I have informed the king of our marriage, and just like him, I am delighted to hear about it as well. Please thank the Queen for everything.

I am worried that if we get married before your coronation, my presence might affect it negatively. I wonder why can we not get married when you are the king? Please do not take offence, my prince, my mind thinks of it and can't be at peace.

Sincerely, Genevieve.'

Folding the scroll, I keep it aside. Princes could never be trusted. They had more concubines than anyone could think of and even though he had taken a liking to me, it didn't mean that he was not possibly having an intimate relationship with other women.

Who's knows if someone was pregnant before I was crowned the Queen?

Sitting back in front of the mirror, I start combing my hair while humming. I was going to be the queen and I would make sure of it.