
The Princess's Dangerous Vampire Mate

"You are not human, like us, are you?" The words left my mouth in whispers as my eyes glanced around eyeing the destruction caused by the two men. Two men who had effectively taken out Twenty guards. All heavily armed and trained. But now, not even one old get up. "What gave that away?" My companion, who I had feelings for, mocked. "Perhaps the strength we displayed caused her to see reality," in the blink of an eye, he was in front of me making me stumble back in fear. "Is that not true, Princess?" I looked to the man who was silent and ever watchful. "Why? Why were you not true?" I loved him, only him I let myself feel for. He glanced around and spotted Diwal, my trusted advisor. "No one is true in nature here," he pointed to my advisor, "Not even him." Unwanted tears came to my eyes as I glanced around me. I could die tonight and it would all be in their hands. "Don't worry, your highness, it's just the time for it to come to light." My advisor smiled and so did the other two men. •••• A gentle yet cold bastard prince. The bulky, muscular King to be. And a Princess. ~ slow burn ~

Inara_Me · Fantasy
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437 Chs

Conversations in the carriage - II

He offered me water which I gratefully took and after that, I had fallen silent. 

"People especially girls are leaving the owners daily. Carriages and wagons leave the country full of them yet you and your sister, I assume, coming to the country and roaming into the markets. Are you not scared of being abducted?" 

I have had a year experience of abduction when it came to me being forcefully sold to a brothel and then to a nobleman of the king. 

Yes, I greatly feared abducted again. 

I nodded my head. "I do," I answered as a glanced at him. 

From the corner of my, I could still see him looking at me and got in my reactions. He was observing me from where he sat. As a princess one was used to have thousands of people look up to them and stare but as he was the only to present in the carriage somehow it irked me that he was staring at me. 

"Something that you want to say?" I asked in a rude tone. My governess would have gasped at the tone I used but good for me that she was not here. 

He shook his head and mirth dance in those beautiful silver eyes. "I was just wondering why do you lie so often?" 

Lie? The man had in front of me excuse Royal Princess of lying! If this was in front of the guards the man would have been seized and sentenced to prison immediately! 

"I do not lie." I Defended myself immediately and looked out of the window not wanting to continue any conversation with the man. 

"Yes, you do." He chanted like a child. Even Catherine has stopped chanting words like that. 

I turned to him once again. The man was on my nerves! "When I say that I do not like it means that I do not lie. There is no reason for repeating it again and again."

"Alright." He nodded and I looked away, satisfied that the man now won't talk again. "If you do not like then why is it that daughter of a farmer is having such a commanding tone?" I stiffened at that. "I would have believed it and let that fact go if you had told us that you were the daughter of an owner of a plantation. That would have allowed you to command over a lot of people . . . .  But for the farmer's daughter to have such a commanding tone, my I wonder."

"Don't let your mind wander too much," I replied with snark. "I wonder What would you trust ladies with, if you end you end up losing it." 

"Are you saying that I am not raised with looks?" The man smiled! "Well, I would like to apologize for having such a beautiful lady sit with a man like me." 

He was handsome. Tristan was handsome enough to give Prince Lysar a good competition but I knew better than to agree to it and give in to the man's ego. 

"Yes, you are not graved with looks. I pity the girl that would marry you." 

He hummed and captures eyes on me as I had mine looking outside the carriage. "It has. She is the queen to be." 

Queen for a merchant? I ignored the delusions of the man.