
A beloved ? - IV

They were cheering with happiness and content. If Tristan announced anything more, I was sure that they would start dancing too. 

It made me furious. How can I dance in my misery? Who gave them the right to dance! 

"Stop it!" I screamed! "Stop it! Stop dancing!" I yelled as tears gathered into my eyes and my vision blurry. How could they dance when I was miserable! 

A sob broke out and my chest jerked but I sniffed and fisted my skirts in my hands, lifting it up. I ran out of the room and the men parted to let me out. They even opened the door. 

I sniffed and ran up the stairs where Tristan had once dragged down from. 

I opened the door to a room, which one I did not know, but threw myself onto the bed face down and cried my heart out. 

What had happened? I wailed as I thought about it. 

Why was everyone happy but me? 


I had fallen asleep while crying. I felt the dried tears on my cheeks and my nose was still runny.