
The Princess' Rearrangement

“Firstly, before you ask, I loved your brother dearly.” she said all in a breath. Noticing his hands stiffen, her clench grew tighter. His prior momentarily arousal vanished leaving behind a tainted slight scowl as he attempted to shove her hands off. *** Merely days before her wedding, she is informed of the tragic death of her childhood fiancé and must now marry his brother, a brother no one had heard about. From having to survive through plots, secrets and their very marriage, Ayisha must find her place in the castle as well as her kingdom.

a_lady_in_blue · History
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2 Chs

"A Wedding of Sorts."

The crowding cheered as they saw the white carriage accompanied by white horses arrive close to the church. A couple even tried to touch it but were pushed back by guards. The curtain like doors stopped them from guessing who was in, it didn't however stop them from speculating which rich young Miss it could possibly be.

Meanwhile in the church, people were also crowding, however for a different reason.

"I do not like this, it was my son's favourite colour." A penetrating voice roared, "Bring in the red décor instead."

The maids in the castle paused momentarily, unsure of whether to carry out the Queen's instructions or not before carrying out her commands.

"I understand you aren't happy with Ashton, however by using red, you will be condemning Ayisha too." The king patiently whispered.

"Do not say his name in my house." She roared.

The maid sprung up and down the halls. Cleaning, dusting, decorating. On occasion they would glance towards the door that was the barricade between them and the spine-chilling anger couple that held their future as well as their future of their children to come. No one dared approached the doors, especially when he wasn't here. It would be more pleasant to lay down in the way of a war horse. The smashes of glass snapped the maids out of whatever trance they had been in. They waited. For the smashing to cease? For someone to exit the room alive? The door remained closed so they carried out their jobs, ignoring the desperate screams that were amplifying every second.


"Where is the prince?" the King asked as he took his seat near the empty throne.

"He hasn't been reported leaving his room, Sir." the king's personal head servant, Michael, reported.

"Well then find the bastard-

Before he could finish roaring his commands, the main doors to the cathedral opened, entering was a charming, young in a white tux. He walked up towards the altar with a figure by his side, his left-hand man, Edward. The crowd was packed with nobles from both kingdoms, most glared at him with snares and disgust, some with disappointment and the rest with a somewhat neutral look. Overall, all, the total of people represent that wanted him there summed up to 1, more of a half.

"Wow, bad crowd." Edwards whispered to Ashton, earning a glare in return.

"Sorry.", he continued, "But I've heard that your wife-to-be is a be-u-ty"

"I'm only trying to lighten the mood; everyone looks like they either want to kill you or sleep with your then kill you. Basically, I'm your only fan at the moment." He snickered.

Ashton just ignored his friends' monologue as he mouthed something to someone in the crowd. When they reached the top of the altar, he greeted the Priest before turning to standing in his position.

The piano version of "The Bridal Chorus" played. The grand doors opened once more, this time, it showcased a female figure gowned in a white flourishing dress. The long lace veil dragged from behind her also covered the entirety of her face and most of her hair. Her hands shakenly held onto her father's arms. The slowly walked towards the man in front, a wide smile could be seen on the King's face. After reaching the groom and saying a quick reassurance to the bride, the father glared at Asthon and then left for the ceremony to consume.


"I now pronounce you Man and Wife." The priest declared.

The couple were individually escorted into the dormitory section of the castle while their family interacted with in the guest.

In the marital room, Ayisha sat on the bed as her personal maids undressed her from her condensing ballgown into a silk dress. The maids left once they heard Asthon enter the room.

"I shall be moving to the other room." He snorted.

"Wait!" she exclaimed as she clasped her hands onto his wrist.

"There is something I must speak to you about first." She expressed, her grip on his wrist remained tight.

"Firstly, before you ask, I loved your brother dearly." she said all in a breath.

Noticing his hands stiffen, her clench grew tighter. His prior momentarily arousal vanished leaving behind a tainted slight scowl.

"You must understand that he was my oldest friend." She explained.

This time, his fists began to loosen up, with a small smirk crawling up Aiysha's face, she gradually let go of her hold on him.

"I understand the lack of love and care between us however we must respect and trust one another." she said, "If we are going to rule a nation together, we must be seen by as a united front and assure them that we can rely on each other."

She began moving deeper into the bed, further away from the edge.

"I couldn't care less about your love life, just think of a marriage as a wedding .... of sorts." She uttered, earning a snicker from the man before her. "You are allowed one of course however please do reframe from parading her in the castle or better yet, inform me of when she is around so I can leave in peace."

"Are you finished?" his gruff voice asked.

"Yes, I do believe I am. Those are all that I ask of you." She sighed. She moved into the bed, covering herself with the duvet before turning back to the figure at the door.

"Be a dear and close the door on your way out. Good night." she yawned before dosing of to sleep.

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