
The Princes & Useless

A King gave birth to five sons and the least was regarded as being useless but then the gods of ice and snow gave him power that was unspeakable unknowing to him. Being immortal is a gift but yet a curse just like being a Prince and the last son, you don't have the hope of becoming king yet you have to live like you will be king one day. I don't have any choice of being born into a royal home or having a special gift from the Gods but not being able to know about my gift on time and learning how to control my powers is a bigger problem. Unlike magicians, they just coil their wand or cast a spell, mine works with the mind. I control water, ice, and snow from my mind. After the passing of my father the king, my eldest brother chooses to kill the rest of us Prince, making sure he has no threat coming to the throne, I decided to run away to save my life, I ran far to Northland and on my way, I discover a new path... Waging war against my drunk power brother is the considerable choice I must make in other to save the lives he has condemned. ************* I hope you enjoy the book, leave a review after reading it, and add it to your library also your voting will help me to do better. English isn't my native language, so there is some difficulty when my choice of words is not nice enough for what I'm trying to picture. I'm using a modern and medieval scene. My setting is presently not the best, but I hope it gets better over time as per your comment. Thanks for reading...

fidelis · Eastern
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25 Chs


It had been seven long hours since I reached out to Vicky, and there was still no response. Time seemed to drag on, and as hours turned into a full day, exhaustion and fear took their toll on us.

When we finally arrived at the cabin, our contact greeted us, assuring us of the precautions taken to ensure our safety. With caution, we entered, meticulously checking each room for any signs of intrusion.

Finding the cabin well-stocked with essential supplies brought a sense of relief from uncertainty. We allowed ourselves a moment to breathe, knowing that, for now, we were secure within these walls.

Once we were confident that we were alone, we gathered together, seeking solace and support from one another. In the shelter of the cabin, we shared our fears, drew upon our strengths, and brainstormed ideas. It became evident that our lives were now intertwined. With a renewed sense of determination, we prepared ourselves mentally and emotionally for the unknown, ready to fight for our survival.

As time passed, the tension within the cabin began to ease, if only slightly. We took turns resting and keeping watch, discussing the potential motives behind our relentless pursuers. We awaited the arrival of Vicky's men, who would escort us back to safety.

As evening approached, I made another attempt to contact Vicky, but once again, there was no response. Marvel, sensing my frustration, spoke softly, "We are safe here until morning. Take solace in that." She moved closer to where I was sitting, providing comfort and understanding.

Marvel's mention of Gandalf, our lost defender, weighed heavily on her. Tears filled her eyes as she whispered, "He has protected my family in ways I can never repay."

Curiosity got the better of Marvel as she questioned, "How did you find us? How did you know we were trapped there?"

I paused for a moment, reflecting on the serendipity that had brought us together. "The important thing is that I arrived in time. The why of it all is still a mystery to me," I replied honestly.

Though uncertain of the exact circumstances that had led us to this point, I trusted my instincts. They had guided me to Marvel, and I had faith that they would continue to guide us through the challenges yet to come.


The night had been unusually long, and as dawn broke, the Castle still remained under maintenance. Mr. Gorge, the caretaker, was diligently inspecting the house when he heard a desperate voice coming from one of the rooms. "Is anybody there? Please help!" The urgency in the voice compelled Mr. Gorge to rush toward the source of the plea.

He swiftly opened the door, revealing Thomas, cuffed to a table. Shock and concern washed over Mr. Gorge as he realized the gravity of the situation. Committed to assisting, he called for the help of other domestic staff members. Together, they worked to break the handcuffs and liberate Thomas from his confines.

"Oh my God," Mr. Gorge exclaimed, his mind racing with questions and concerns. As he helped Thomas to his feet, he couldn't help but mumble, "I told you it was not a good idea to invite the police to this place."

Thomas, still nursing his wounds from the encounter with Woodly, gingerly sat on the sofa, trying to piece together the events that had transpired. He inquired about the whereabouts of the diamond, hoping that it had been recovered. Mr. Gorge shook his head in response, saying, "Nothing of the sort was found, and I highly doubt the existence of such a valuable item within this building."

With confusion clouding their minds, Thomas recalled that Useless was supposed to meet him. He asked if anyone had come searching for him, but it appeared that no one in the castle had received any visitors matching Useless's description.

Realizing the delicate nature of the situation, Thomas implored Mr. Gorge to handle the press inquiries discreetly. He emphasized the importance of keeping the details of the event confidential. Thomas took charge, ensuring that security within the castle was reinforced and also extended to other agencies owned by the McQueens.

The weight of the McQueen family's legacy now rested solely on the shoulders of Thomas and Mr. Gorge. Faced with uncertainty and a lack of trust, they forged a steadfast alliance, determined to protect what remained of the family's honor. Recognizing the need for additional support, Thomas swiftly organized a meeting with other influential gangs in the area, hoping to garner their advice and assistance.

However, Thomas soon discovered that the other gangs were unwilling to join him in a direct confrontation with Lucas. Each leader expressed their concerns, emphasizing the need to protect their own territories and avoid becoming entangled in a familial feud.

"We cannot risk involving ourselves in this conflict," the executive gang leader asserted. "Our primary responsibility is to safeguard our own interests and the well-being of our men. It would be unwise to bring unnecessary trouble upon ourselves."

Thomas listened intently, understanding the valid reasoning behind their reluctance. As he weighed his options, another gang leader spoke up, revealing his unwavering loyalty to the McQueen family.

Thomas's gaze hardened as he absorbed the gang leader's words. He felt a surge of determination fueling his resolve, knowing that he couldn't stand idly by while Lucas continued to threaten the McQueen family and their legacy.

"I appreciate your concern for your territories," Thomas responded firmly, his voice carrying a sense of conviction. "But this fight goes beyond personal vendettas. It's about justice and protecting what's rightfully ours. Lucas has shown no mercy, and if we don't unite against him, he will continue to exploit and destroy."

The room fell into a tense silence as Thomas's words hung in the air. The other gang leaders exchanged glances, weighing the risks and potential consequences. Finally, one by one, they began to nod, their expressions shifting from apprehension to determination.

"You're right, Thomas," the executive gang leader spoke up, his voice laced with newfound resolve. "We can't allow Lucas to go unchecked. Count us in. We'll fight by your side."

A ripple of agreement spread through the room, as the gang leaders pledged their support to Thomas and the McQueen family.

It was a fragile alliance, born out of necessity and a shared understanding of the imminent danger they all faced. They knew the risks involved, but they also knew that their collective strength and resources would be crucial in combating Lucas's reign of terror.