
The Princes & Useless

A King gave birth to five sons and the least was regarded as being useless but then the gods of ice and snow gave him power that was unspeakable unknowing to him. Being immortal is a gift but yet a curse just like being a Prince and the last son, you don't have the hope of becoming king yet you have to live like you will be king one day. I don't have any choice of being born into a royal home or having a special gift from the Gods but not being able to know about my gift on time and learning how to control my powers is a bigger problem. Unlike magicians, they just coil their wand or cast a spell, mine works with the mind. I control water, ice, and snow from my mind. After the passing of my father the king, my eldest brother chooses to kill the rest of us Prince, making sure he has no threat coming to the throne, I decided to run away to save my life, I ran far to Northland and on my way, I discover a new path... Waging war against my drunk power brother is the considerable choice I must make in other to save the lives he has condemned. ************* I hope you enjoy the book, leave a review after reading it, and add it to your library also your voting will help me to do better. English isn't my native language, so there is some difficulty when my choice of words is not nice enough for what I'm trying to picture. I'm using a modern and medieval scene. My setting is presently not the best, but I hope it gets better over time as per your comment. Thanks for reading...

fidelis · Eastern
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25 Chs


After a few minutes of confusion about how to get the guards' attention, I realized that more drastic measures were necessary. I took a deep breath and decided to take matters into my own hands.

"Please, can I get help over here?" I shouted, trying to sound distressed. The guards, clearly annoyed, asked me to leave. I hesitated, pretending to comply, but instead, I discreetly moved to the back of the nearby truck, keeping an eye on their reactions.

One of the guards, perhaps sensing something was amiss, approached to check if I was truly okay. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly and silently snapped his neck, ensuring he wouldn't raise an alarm. I remained motionless, waiting for the other guard to investigate, but to my surprise, he simply returned to his post, seemingly oblivious.

Realizing that a direct approach was necessary, I decided to confront the remaining guard directly. Just as I prepared to make my move, he called out to us, expecting a response. However, knowing that the other guard wouldn't be able to reply, I remained quiet, maintaining an element of surprise. The guard, growing suspicious, picked up his gun and cautiously approached my location.

Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly disarmed him, engaging in a brief struggle. With a swift motion, I used his dagger to slash his throat, incapacitating him permanently.

Now, the only obstacle remaining was the heavy door leading to our freedom. I returned to the door, observing that it was locked. Despite the lack of visible keys nearby, I knew I could rely on my lock-picking skills. However, I needed a suitable piece of metal to work with.

I quickly made my way to the guard station, hoping for a stroke of luck. To my surprise and relief, the keys were right there on the desk, seemingly waiting for me. I grabbed them, feeling a surge of adrenaline and determination, ready to proceed with our escape plan.

After finding the keys on the guard station desk, I quickly grabbed them, thankful for the stroke of luck. With the keys in my possession, I made my way back to the heavy door leading to our escape.

Carefully examining the keys, I matched them with the various locks on the door, searching for the one that would grant us freedom. It took a moment of trial and error, but eventually, I found the right key and inserted it into the lock.

Turning the key, I felt a surge of anticipation as the lock clicked open. With a deep breath, I pushed the heavy door, revealing a dimly lit corridor that stretched ahead. Marvel and the others were waiting anxiously, their faces a mix of hope and determination.

I motioned for them to follow, and together we ventured into the corridor, moving quietly and swiftly, mindful of any potential guards or obstacles that might still stand in our way. We stayed close, relying on each other for support and encouragement.

I, Max, Ethan, and Gandalf, played a vital role in ensuring Marvel's safety throughout the perilous journey.

Gandalf, being more familiar with the facility's layout, took the lead as we embarked on our escape mission. The two hitmen picked up discarded guns from the floor, ready to defend ourselves if necessary. As we ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors and rooms, we remained cautious, sticking to the shadows and avoiding heavily guarded or monitored areas.

However, our hopes for a seamless escape were shattered when we unexpectedly ran into a guard. In a split second, a chaotic shootout ensued, resulting in the guard's demise. The sound of gunfire alerted the rest of the guards, triggering a frantic search for our group.

Remaining undeterred, Gandalf swiftly led us towards a secret exit located in the facility's yard. As we reached the exit, we spotted an engine boat nearby, providing us with a means of escape. Understanding the urgency, I carried Marvel on my back, while Gandalf and the hitmen covered our retreat.

With the guards closing in, Gandalf made the brave decision to confront them head-on, buying us valuable time. However, he paid the ultimate price, sacrificing himself to hold them back. We watched in anguish as he was gunned down before our eyes, a testament to his unwavering dedication.

Undeterred by Gandalf's sacrifice, we started the boat's engine, determined to reach safety. Our escape continued as we sailed through the open ocean, but eventually, we ran out of fuel. Nevertheless, we remained resolute and used the paddles to navigate towards a nearby river, continuing our journey against the currents.

After what felt like an arduous and exhausting ride, we reached a stop along the riverbank. Stepping out into the open, we realized that we had successfully evaded the facility's clutches. Marvel and the rest of us exchanged glances, relief washing over us. Although we had taken a crucial step towards freedom, our journey was far from over.

"I think we should get her to the hospital" Max, one of the hitmen, expressed concern about Marvel's condition, urging us to find the nearest hospital. However, realizing the potential risks, Ethan, the other hitman, suggested seeking refuge in a nearby light that caught our attention. We agreed that reaching that location could provide us with a safe place to administer first aid to Marvel while we devised a plan to contact our allies.

Determined to ensure Marvel's well-being, I lifted her onto my shoulders, carrying her towards the distant light. As we approached, we discovered it was a farmhouse, where we could hear voices emanating from within. I instructed Max and Ethan to avoid any violent confrontations and instead focus on gaining entry peacefully.

To our relief, the owners of the farmhouse, an elderly couple, proved to be kind-hearted and understanding. They assisted us in providing Marvel with much-needed first aid, tending to her injuries with care and compassion. Their hospitality and generosity served as a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, humanity and kindness still existed.

With Marvel's immediate medical needs addressed, we took a moment to rest and gather our thoughts. The old couple offered their support and guidance, providing a glimmer of hope as we contemplated our next steps in our quest for justice and ultimate freedom.

(Inside the farmhouse. Marvel is resting on a makeshift bed, while Max and Ethan keep a watchful eye on the surroundings. Elizabeth, the kind old lady, approaches the group.)

"She is sleeping now. I think you should all rest. It's morning, and then you can take your leave after I make breakfast." Elizabeth said softly

Max and Ethan nod in agreement, acknowledging the need for rest and nourishment. Charles, the inquisitive homeowner brought us blankets

"You guys must have gotten into a real trouble. Mind telling us what happened?" Charles asked curiously

I took a moment to assess the situation. The walls of the farmhouse adorned with family photographs hint at the couple's love for their own kin.

(hesitant) "It's a long story, and I would not want to burden you with it. But could you help me with a telephone? I need to make a call."

(Elizabeth, compassionate and understanding, steps forward.)

"Of course, dear. I'll bring you a telephone. It's the least we can do to assist you in your time of need." Elizabeth said

Elizabeth exits the living room momentarily, returning with a telephone and handing it to me. I take a deep breath, preparing to reach out for help.

"Thank you, Elizabeth. Your kindness means the world to us. Once I've made this call, we'll discuss our next steps and how we can navigate through this tumultuous situation." I said gratefully

Charles and his wife, intrigued and empathetic, exchange glances.

Charles added "Whatever you need, consider us allies. We may not have all the answers, but we are here to support you in any way we can."

I nod, appreciating their willingness to help.

"Your support is invaluable. We'll share the details once we regroup. For now, let me make this call and see if we can find a way to seek justice and bring an end to the troubles that have befallen us." I responded with a great sense of sincerity

I stepped outside and took a distance walk as I dial the numbers on the telephone, the weight of the situation and the determination to fight for Marvel's freedom evident in my eyes