
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Wash away the Dragon’s way

It was like holding a breath for a long time, the heart beating in the chest and echoing in the ears. These simple three words had the power to stop time. Talim ran her fingers along the collarbone of her brother tenderly. 

Pressing her body against his, their exchange was more fusional than it ever was, as for once, he was not terrified to hurt her. He could squeeze her in his arms, there were no powerful claws to slice her. He could kiss her, again and again, biting the lobe of her ear, and there were no dragon's jaws to rip her apart. 

He could finally be free to love her as he wanted to. Without consequences, without crying and screams. Talim pulled away and looked into his eyes, the connection they shared had never been so strong. Her voice was shaking, and hesitant, and her words stuck in her throat. 

Tarim knew what she wanted to say, she didn't need to say it for him to feel it. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to the bedroom, murmuring, "I desire you too."

Time and stories have been telling a lot of things about the Norimean. Their magic was considered by Terimatian as disturbing and controversial. If it was normal for the Dragons to be close to their human siblings, Talim and Tarim were particularly fusional, even for their kin criteria. Tarim even refused to have offspring with his sister as he was too scared for her health, going against his very nature and instinct to continue their royal bloodline. He had decided to spare her a risky pregnancy when other dragons didn't even understand how he could be so soft and try to push him in this way.

They were still young, they thought they had time, but most importantly, Tarim thought he had the time to find a cure for her. To make her healthy and happy, while Talim was falling into her guilt of being unable to fulfill her role as a queen. Making an end to her bloodline due to her weakness.

She had been blamed all her life for her condition, being considered a waste and a burden to the most powerful dragon alive. Meanwhile, he was sure she was sick because of him, thinking something went wrong during their birth, thinking he stole her health for himself while he was an infant. 

Talim and Tarim shared a deep love, intense and pure, trying their best for the other, even if this implied going against their society's codes. Talim was supposed to ride Tarim on the battlefield, but she accepted to be called a failure as she knew this was her brother's will to ensure her safety in the castle. She accepted the blame, allowing him to shine, reassured that her innocence remained untouched. Sparing her the view of the blood.

She was his queen and he was her king. Everything in their behavior meant it in the deepest levels of relationships, and now, Talim and Tarim have been hiding in the woods, just a moment in their life of peace. Enjoying the fact that for the first time in their lives, they were both humans looking, even if the essence of their being was different. 

Tarim was fishing in the river near the cabin when he came back and pushed the door. The view of Talim brushing her hair in front of a mirror made him chuckle as he knew it was pointless since her hair would be messy again soon after dinner. She saw him entering and giggled when she saw him biting his tongue.

"Fish again?" She asked with an amused grin.

Tarim immediately went to the sink to clean the fish he caught. Proud of himself, he started to prepare them for the dinner to come.

"Yes, I love to use these tools, fishing rods are so relaxing. This is slow, yet, it requires power. It is a sport by itself."

Tarim was so focused and enjoying the moment that he didn't notice Talim standing up on his back and coming to join him. She placed her hands around his waist, surprising him, and cuddled him from behind while he was cooking. Talim didn't move anymore, her breath was slow and deep. Intensifying every second makes his smile grow bigger.

Talim pressed her lips on his back, pecking him along his backbone. Tarim had a goosebump and a wry smile. They didn't need many words to understand each other, they were sharing a life they always have been dreaming of. A life of peace, made of little meaningless routines. 

When he finished baking the fish, she left him to give him two plates to serve, and they went to the table to eat.

"I saw a fox today," She said with enthusiasm, "It was a gorgeous grey fox."

Tarim chuckled, "Did you eat him?"

"No! I am not that hungry, brother."

She bit her fish, upset, and this amused him so much he almost choked on a fishbone, making her laugh so hard she almost spitted the water she just had drunk before. In the middle of these exchanges, he placed his hand over hers, caressing her skin with his thumb with care.

"I never thought it would be so amazing to be able to touch you this way," He said, in awe of her.

Talim replaced a strand of her hair behind her ear, coming closer to him over the table and pressing softly her lips on his. They didn't finish their dinner, they didn't need to eat to survive anyway. This was only an activity Tarim wanted to do as he wanted to taste what was to have a routine and a simple life with her. 

The dinner was cold when they came back to the table, and her hair was messy. 

They heard a knocking at the entrance door, Talim stood up, tidying up her dress and hair to be presentable before she opened. In front of her were a couple of undead of a certain age. The old lady was missing an eye while the man was missing a leg that he replaced with a piece of wood. The woman had a basket in her hands when Talim opened it, she took the girl's hand in hers and gave her the present.

"Welcome young ones!" They claimed as they entered without even waiting to be allowed to enter. 

Tarim stood up to salute them, both of them were disturbed to see these old persons walking in and taking place on the couch.

"You have a very nice inside! We are glad to see new people in the neighborhood. We are sure you will love it here."

Talim was stunned, there was a mushroom pie in the basket, she placed it on the table in silence, looking at Tarim and not knowing how to react. He, on the contrary, bursted out in laughter suddenly. He poured water in a pot over the fire and came to join the couple happily.

"Thank you, dear elders!" He answered them while squeezing their hands in a friendly way. 

Talim remained shocked but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him, he continued, "My wife and I are newly arrived in Ombrae. We are glad to meet you, dear neighbors! What a pleasant surprise."

Tarim chuckled as he felt the dark look of Talim on him, she whispered, "Wife?", but there was no time for this. Tarim was enjoying the situation a bit too much, playing the role of the new neighbor to perfection and he was visibly loving the exchange with the elders. 

The old man looked at the fishing rod on the wall and exclaimed while pushing his wife with his elbow, "See Agatka! I told you I saw the young guy fishing! I was right!"

"Yes, Filipek, you were right, you are always right," she sighed.

The old woman had a kind smile as she looked at the young couple in front of her, "We didn't present ourselves, we are Agatka and Filipek Pimpek, and we are enchanted to be the first ones to welcome you."

Tarim had a very large smile, squeezing Talim's waist to make her a bit more warm to their guests, "My wife and I are Talim and Tarim Silverclaw. I would be happy to go fishing with you Filipek."

The old man stood us, judging the material Tarim was using and the two men started to discuss the plans to come. Agatka stayed with Talim, and the old woman noticed how tense the girl was in front of her. 

She sat closer to her and took her hand kindly, her warm smile was meant to be encouraging.

"Don't worry, child. I know arriving in Ombrae is a lot of changes. Being dead is not easy. But you are not alone here. We are a big family."

Talim was shocked, not only she didn't expect such a thing but she didn't know she loved it so much. The words of the grandmother were so warm to her that she even felt herself blushing. 

Tarim was right, to rule a world, you needed to know its people, and seeing him so excited to talk about fishes, rivers, and fishing rods, was a view Talim would cherish for the rest of her eternity.