
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The long night 

The drums of war resounded. Zuline and Jäwell left the room quickly to go outside. In the dark sky was a multitude of lights, Zuline's heart tightened realizing the angels had started the assault.

Jäwell's expression darkened, "It started." 

Zuline went back inside immediately while Jäwell left to organize the positioning of the defenses. She joined Clyss and caressed his head to reassure him. The loud sounds outside were stressing him quite a lot. 

"I need your help, Clyss, can you trust me?" She whispered to him tenderly. 

The dragon looked at her, he would have followed her everywhere without hesitation and this is how she led him outside. The first time he saw the world, this one was on fire. The sound of explosions, the screams of people, and the smell of ashes were overwhelming. He took a step back and wanted to go back to the ballroom to hide. Zuline pressed her hand on his leg.

"I need you," she said firmly. 

Clyss controlled himself and didn't run away even if he wanted to. The world was ugly, he felt fear and pain for the first time and he was not prepared for this. Zuline had only given him love and care, she didn't teach him the war as she was supposed to. She couldn't break his innocence and she regretted what she had done at this moment. 

She walked to his wing and climbed on his back, it was only the second time she would be flying. The first time with Jäwell left her a scary impression, she swallowed hard to gather her courage before she ordered Clyss, "Fly."

The dragon moved his wings and she wanted to cry out of fear immediately. She couldn't contain a little scream when they were above the castle going in the direction of the plains. 

She didn't want to lose more time. The view of the giant beast in the sky was the signal. Quickly, the other Jessadians on the land monopolized their forces to create portals. Zuline got used to Clyss' back and they roamed the world for everyone to see them and gather the population as fast as possible out of the combat zone.

The world was stunned to see the creature. For a moment, the assaults stopped, the war was like freezing in shock. Allies and enemies didn't know how to react to the view of the giant beast, and nobody knew of his capacities. This allowed Zuline to have the time to be sure everyone would have seen them before they landed at the portals where she used Clyss's powers to fasten the process. They managed perfectly and the civilians were all evacuated in a blink of an eye. Explosions were coming closer and without the dragon's strength, they would never have the time to save everyone.

Zuline was the last one. Standing next to Clyss, they watched the sky and the world before passing the portal. A harsh pain took her heart, she knew she should not be involved but leaving her world was killing her inside. A single tear rolled down her cheek. 

"We have created this world to be a shelter, to be a warm cocoon," she lowered her head in defeat, "we have failed you, my king."

The world she had sworn to protect was slowly getting covered in blood and tears. She turned her back to the world with a stomach ache. At this moment she had abandoned her convictions in the name of an ancient promise. Jessadians were not fighters, they vowed to protect the souls and, as their leader, she had to fulfill her role. 

But she had to admit that meeting Jäwell had changed something in her, she couldn't describe what it was about. When she arrived on the other side she realized she had cried all the time she crossed the worlds. People saw her and were frozen in shock, rare were the ones who knew that a Jessadian could cry. Her soul was divided between duty and will. It was an insufferable torture but she had to act quickly. 

The light world where they arrived was a large desert, if it was the night at this moment, soon, the sun would rise and most of the refugees would suffer from the burn. Zuline went on Clyss's back once again. Together they flew all over the desert that was around them, spreading shadows and covering the sky behind them. The dark fly spread darkness, offering a sweet cocoon to the refugees from the Ombrae.


Humans living here ran away in front of this massive amount of shadows appearing from nowhere to never return. The desert was not a rich land worthy to die for. 

In the world, Rika's desert became famous as "The Long Night". A place where the sun was eaten by a dragon. The refugees were terrified by the power of the dragon, they didn't know how to feel. Between awe as he provided them shelter and fear as he could kill them all. This was a weird situation. 

The refugees organized themselves to mount tents and shelters, the Jessadians were admirable in their way of handling crises and everyone was safe, but when Zuline came back with Clyss, she could not accept the situation. She isolated herself with the dragon apart from the group and she was here for no one. She sat between his large claws, watching the dark sky and she sighed. 

"You know, this is not the first time I led people to a dome of shadows to save them. A long time ago, we were a strong powerful nation, this was before we knew the existence of Archanium."

She turned her head and she noticed the dragon's head was resting on the floor, he seemed to listen to her carefully, as if he understood her words. She had a faint smile as she caressed the side of his mouth. 

"Archanium chased us, but we survived. We sheltered in the North of the world, we made a civilization here and others joined us. Before Archanium attacked us again. Then, Zarkhaïm and he made the pact of truce. To save humans and the world. Archanium would be in exile in the Golden City in the sky and Zarkhaïm made the Ombrae for us." 

Zuline took her head in her hands and she suddenly cried loudly, "I am tired of running away and shelter, Clyss. I am so tired."

The dragon pressed on her arm softly, he could easily understand her feelings. She raised her head and the simple view of the camp was stirring an intense frustration in her. 

The hate she felt for Archanium was burning her blood, Zarkhaïm left selfishly and Jäwell was actively fighting to kick the Gods back to their prison. She stood up and pressed her forehead on Clyss's cheek.

"It has to change, I am sorry, I can't do this anymore," she murmured with determination and sadness.