
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The glorious end

"What am I on this earth? A man ready to die. A man who knew how to serve and be loyal. One who will always think of you. Is there a way for the world to remember me? The battles and the stories. Is there a way to let you know? All the things I have been through. Because I was just a man who was ready to die, a man who knew how to serve. A man who thought of you.

There was a long time to wait in the dark. I could hear the shackles resonating when I wanted to move and feel the heavy metal. My arms were tired before it even started, and I could hear the crowd cheering, enchanted.

I looked around and there was nothing but the shadows, they had shut down the candles. I waited for my turn as I was the last one to enter. My blood was boiling for what was about to come. I think I was excited, it was the moment I had been waiting for all my life. My end. 

Would you be proud of me for the fire that runs in my body? Would you be here if you could? To look at my last moments on this earth. I could feel my body being dizzy, my sight blurring. They have put something in my tea. 

What am I for them, to have been so terrified of my strength? I am the rider in the night. I am the wind that blows in your hair when you feel freedom in your spirit. Even more! I am the shadow behind you, remembering where you come from, but mostly, I was the inspiration that people needed.

Don't cry for me, because I know. Don't regret me, I am happy.

I heard somebody move, and people outside got excited. Here we were, they touched the wood in front of me, the light was blinding, and I felt hurt. The sand smelt of blood, and I was deaf from the screams of joy around. But as surprising as it was in this situation, they were scanting about my name. They were all looking at me. Some of them took a large cloth and wrote my name on it, some were beating wooden planks to make noise and encourage me.

I could feel your love carrying me, despite the steel that kept me tied to the floor. I was free. No one could have restrained my mind, as my mind was away already, with you. Lost in the memories of our long embraces, our long evenings discussing nonsense, and the beautiful moments of joy when I was holding our son in my arms. For all these reasons, no one could have restrained me. You gave me the keys to every shackle of the world. I would always be free. 

Someone came with a set of keys. I could feel the fear in his eyes, and his shakes were creating a sweet melody in my ears.

The metal chain was not attached to the floor anymore, I know I smiled. I took the chain and rolled it around the neck of the guard. The crowd got excited, and there was a loud crack when his neck broke. The feeling of his little frail body falling in my strong hands was something bringing ecstasy. The power I held was the one of life and death, I knew I would never come back victorious. This was the last one, and I would have given everything I had. I didn't want to deceive my public, after all.

I saw a woman passing out on the podium. Not only that, but I left my cell after I wrapped the chains around my torso, ready to fight. I did three steps only when I saw what the situation was.

My fellow riders were trying to survive as best they could. Mikel had managed to get rid of his shackles and steal a sword. This guy was ingenious. I knew he would have done something before my arrival. If there was one who didn't need me, it was him.

Now that I think of it, we never engaged closely together, the smart-ass was always discussing my ideas and complaining about how brutal I was. He knew everything better than everyone, well, maybe he did, but that was not a reason to brag about it. 

He also had the look for him, every girl was falling for him, and they didn't even have time to notice my presence. This guy was a nightmare to be with, and I am glad you saw me before you saw him. I still have to admit that I liked him. He was honest and proud. I could respect that.

Then I saw Gabron and Rufon. I always had a bit of pity for Gabron. The little one was not good at war, yet, he found himself in so many battles, even before we arrived in his life, that he was scared of everything. Probably even his own shadow. I tried to help him, and we all did, but he was anxious constantly. His life has not been easy, it must have been tiring to look behind your shoulder all the time. 

That made Gabron an unexpected fighter, and this was extremely dangerous for the enemy. No one ever knew what he was about to do, I always thought even he, himself, didn't know about what his plan was. Gabron was a ball of energy, we usually sent him to transmit messages, you should have seen this. How fast he could run to a target when he was stressed. It was almost unreal. 

As for Rufon, this buddy was simply the best. No matter what, he never cared about anything. It was as if he didn't even know he was here with us. How many times have we opened a beer to look at the battle unfolding in front of us? I was going to fight and come back, taking a break with him. He was always sitting somewhere with a fresh drink. 

He was not a coward, he never hid himself. Rufon just didn't care. He was sleeping on his horse when we fell into ambushes most of the time and didn't wake up. I knew he trusted us, that was why he could be so relaxed, but still, I wish I could have been so carefree. He was the one living the true freedom amongst us. The freedom to not care about anything or anyone.

I turned my eyes to Urak, and I laughed. Of course, the man tried to negotiate with the guards. He managed to negotiate to remove his shackles and was trying to discuss the eventual outcome of the fights without any of us needing to die. The guard was listening, but it was obvious they would not grant his request. 

I loved this in Urak, he never abandoned what he believed in. He always thought negotiation and speeches could handle things as well as a sword. I found it pathetic, but I have to say that he got us nights in the taverns and free drinks many times, and that was useful! 

The last one I saw was Falin. This image will remain in my mind forever. My friend was standing in the middle of the chaos, and he was not moving anymore. I tried to join him, but the guards caught me and I had to fight my own fights. 

Falin tilted his head in my direction and I could see how desperate he was. He could understand the need to kill in the battle. To die for ideals and values, but he never understood what was good in the arenas. 

I had no time to explain to him now, but judging how static he was, I was in shock. I wondered how long it would take for one of the guards to kill him. It didn't please me, but I was prepared to see my friends dying today. 

I knew they had kept me in the dark as they thought I was too big a threat to them and I would unbalance the battle. I agreed with them, about the unbalance, but I agreed on one thing. This was the reason why they kept me longer in the dark. Together, we were almost invincible. My brothers and I were the best fighters in the world. That would have been way too messy from the beginning and the public would not have been able to enjoy their creepy show.

I never felt so alive than in the last moments of my existence. Here was my glorious death, I owned it.

And when I died, everybody heard me. The guards heard me laughing, my friends heard my pride, and the public heard my agony to not be with you at this moment. I died happy, but I died scared to not be able to find you again after."

The woman next to Rahir chuckled, he gently pressed his hand on her cheek and started to delicately rub her tenderly with his thumb. Rahir's wife took his other hand in hers as he asked her with a caring voice.

"You found me, as you promised," she whispered in his ear.

"I didn't, this was this woman with horns. She came to me when I died, and she told me that I would find you if I followed her, so I did. No matter if she had horns and hooves. I wanted to see you again. At least one."

"I know, she did the same to me, she added that this was her way of apologizing to Jäwell. I guess this one of your friends had a lot to hide in the secret of the night."

"Jäwell? Not much, he is a kind of demon, son of the King of the darkness," Rahir said bluntly.

She opened her eyes widely, "How do you know that?!"

"How could the others not know? It was obvious, the guy didn't know how to drink or eat when we met him, but he sure knew how to kill a man in a thousand different ways," Rahir laughed heartily. 

"You forgot to mention his strange shadow that was almost independent of his body," She added, laughing. 

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Rahir went to open it. They had very charming neighbors since his wife died.

Agatka and Filipek welcomed them warmly, Rahir gave the puppy eyes to his beloved for her to allow him to go fishing with Filipek. It was a perfect day to fish, even if they would not bring anything, as usual.