
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The feast 

Dante was astonished to learn that most of the servants here had been amputated from their tongue, he was wondering what happened to others. As proof that not all servants were enduring the same fate, there was a group of artists on a stage. The servants here were singing perfectly. They took place at the long dining table and Dante found himself next to Talim. The feast was incredible and the meal they shared was opulent. The captain was enchanted by what was in front of him. Talim was curious and she immediately started the conversation. She was a very joyful and elegant lady even for her young age. 

"Tell me, Captain, how is the Ombrae where you come from?" She said as she placed her hands under her chin to listen carefully, avid of knowledge.

"The ombrae is a world of shadows, it may be mentioned in different cultures as an afterlife world, do you have this notion?"

She chuckled, "Not really, we believe that when we die, it is simply the end of the journey and nothing happens after for us."

"Maybe it is true, I never saw one of yours in the Ombrae after all," He commented, "Our world is a mixture of thousands of races and cultures from the seven worlds." 

He said this as he knew he would catch her attention and pick her curiosity, it would be easy for him to negotiate goods, especially arts, after this. 

"This world must be wonderful, I wish I could see it one day with my brother, " She says, dreaming. 

Dante grinned maliciously, "I could manage to take you for a visit, I mean if you are willing to pay the price."

The girl turned sparkling eyes in his direction, "What would be the right price?"

"A dragon egg?" Dante asked audaciously.

Talim laughed loudly at this, it was now obvious that a dragon egg was too much to ask, Dante knew it and he was hoping that after asking this, everything else would look like a very little request. Yet, he was surprised to hear this answer from her, "We will think about it."

It was not a yes, but it was not a no as well. He tried to change the subject to satisfy his curiosity.

"May I ask you why some of your servants have their tongues removed?" 

Talim turned her eyes in his direction with pride, "They are war prisoners, no servants. Our scientists remove their tongues to mark them as what they are, potential liars."

Dante swallowed hard, he didn't expect such a brutal answer from a young delicate, and sick lady. She continued, "We keep a few of them, their vocal cords are modified to make them perfect to sing for us. It was how it was done in ancient times and we enjoyed this idea. It helps us to bring beauty in this world thanks to our enemies."

Talim was a product of the war without doubt, even if she was more focused on exploration and knowledge, she kept the most barbaric traditions of her people intact. Dante felt a cold chill in his back but before he could answer anything to break the awkward silence, the young lad spoke to her. 

"Why are you sick? You said you are dying."

Dante had goosebumps as the young one brought up this subject once more, but this time again, Talim seemed peaceful and not angry at his morbid curiosity.

"I was born this way, I am weaker than my brothers and sisters, yet, my twin brother and soulmate Tarim is the most powerful dragon born since the era of Tiar and Hiar, our ancestors."

The captain listened carefully, it was the confirmation he didn't want to have, these legends were true and so, these people were truly bathed in magic. He tried to visualize for a moment how a dragon and a little weak human, even with translucent skin and deep eyes, could mate together. Still, he had a stomach ache and he preferred to focus on something else quickly, thinking to himself, "Don't speak, it is magic." 

It was at this moment Dante was sure about his doubts, the boy suddenly asked the question that revealed his true nature.

"What if we could save you and your brother but in exchange you would have to leave the throne to have a life of travels and exploration between the worlds?"

Talim looked at him, first with an amused grin, then, with a solemn and desperate expression. He had touched her sensible spot, she knew she was dying and with it, she was condemning her brother. The young lad was offering her what she missed the most, the hope to live a long life and for his brother to do the same. 

"Tell me more," She said without smiling anymore.

The young one rubbed his hands and leaned closer to be a bit more discreet.

"I know someone, he is searching for a partner. He looks for a creature powerful enough to help him to keep a few things for him. If your brother is as powerful as you say and if he could accept the job, then, my friend would find a way to make you both immortal."

Talim swallowed, it was tempting to her. She never craved the power of wealth, the only thing she adored and desired was to live a long life with her brother. She was born weak and knowing her days were numbered, that she would have a short life, no matter the treatments the healers tried, nothing ever worked. The queen was afraid to hope for a lie and she was now mixed between the desire to believe in these stranger's words and the wisdom to not fall for a trick like a butterfly burning himself to the light in the night. 

"How could you do that? How could your friend know if my brother could handle it?"

The young lad had a challenging look, "My friend would fight your brother to test his potential. If he is strong enough to touch my friend once, then, my friend would keep his word."

Dante had a terrified look at the man, He had no idea about the prince's plans, the captain was lost. He didn't know what to believe anymore if the young lad was a spy, an ambassador, or even the prince himself. Dante was scared to speak in front of him and started to drink his wine to hide his stress from the discussion. Talim was more than receptive to the idea, she nodded and claimed, "Tomorrow, then. Tell your friend to fight tomorrow. We will see if your friend is a match to my brother."

The young man bowed his head to accept the deal before he stood up, "Good night to everyone, I am sorry to let you now but I must prepare my friend for tomorrow," He said politely for once. 

Talim chuckled a bit and she turned to Dante, "This guy doesn't speak about a friend, isn't it?"

"You are right, I am afraid he is the one who will fight tomorrow."

"He looks so young, don't worry for your man, I will ask my brother to go easy on him. Tarim may look cruel but he can sometimes have a heart for another being if I ask him."

Dante shook his head, "I am afraid I am the one who should talk to "my man" to ask him to go easy on your dragon brother."

"Why is that?" She said, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Because I am afraid this man may be the most powerful being in our world at the moment."

She didn't believe it, it was logical that she didn't fall for this. It looked so weird that it could be a theater scene. The dessert arrived on the tables and all Dante's crew was enjoying the meal. There were twenty different dishes at least and the pirates didn't know where to place their eyes. 

"You can take everything you want", She said, amused.

The melody from the servants was astonishing, it was too perfect to be real. He understood her when she explained that the men captured from their enemy were modified by her people to be the most beautiful art piece of her collection. 

They eventually started to talk and share about the differences between the Ombrae and her kingdom. 

"So, the library of your world has been demolished by your prince because he needed space for sword fighting? But he could train everywhere else." She noticed with a hint of disgust.

"He could, but it was a rainy day and he realized that many books had images inside so he used them as targets."

She laughed loudly as she heard this, it was the first time she had heard about such irresponsible behavior from a royal. 

"And how did the different populations react?"

"Oh, they were not happy, but now, we have a central library to save the books from the prince. Lady Fluffy and Ajira worked very hard, it was a tremendous task to collect everything and hide it from him but they did it. The prince tended to use the old manuscrits to start fires in his fireplace in his private chambers. The prince doesn't know how to read and he doesn't understand the purpose of it. He says it gives him headaches." 

"Then, tomorrow, my brother will fight a ruler who doesn't know how to read, doesn't understand the importance of culture, knowledge, or in general, books?"

Dante nodded, and then, she laughed, "A man without knowledge will never rivalized against my brother, there is nothing to fear. Tarim is very smart, he will win, I am sure of it." But what the Captain saw were her hands tightened together and rubbing a little piece of a towel showing how stressed she was under the mask of a strict and solid ruler.