
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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139 Chs

The feast 

Dante was astonished to learn that most of the servants here had been amputated from their tongue, he was wondering what happened to others. As proof that not all servants were enduring the same fate, there was a group of artists on a stage. The servants here were singing perfectly. They took place at the long dining table and Dante found himself next to Talim. The feast was incredible and the meal they shared was opulent. The captain was enchanted by what was in front of him. Talim was curious and she immediately started the conversation. She was a very joyful and elegant lady even for her young age. 

"Tell me, Captain, how is the Ombrae where you come from?" She said as she placed her hands under her chin to listen carefully, avid of knowledge.

"The ombrae is a world of shadows, it may be mentioned in different cultures as an afterlife world, do you have this notion?"