
In the arms of Argradan

It was pointless to mention how chaotic and stressful the night was. Only Rufon could have slept, but even he was not completely peaceful and woke up a few times to check if his plan to secure the place was still working out and if his horse was still there. 

The poor animals were so tense that they didn't dare to lay to sleep and only took casual naps still standing on their four legs. The night was almost over when it stopped raining, and eventually, the sun rose. This was the moment Gabron realized he was holding his breath for most of the night as he took a big inspiration when he saw the first sun rays in the mountain.

The eight riders took a deep breath at the same time when it was finally over. Mikel was the first to speak while trying to stand up carefully, hesitating, "Is everyone alive?"

"I feel dead," Rahir was the only one to answer with a slight growl while the others responded positively. 

"Good, let's go and leave this place."