
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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138 Chs


Jäwell groaned slightly, awakened by voices around him and a massive headache. He recognized Sarin's voice screaming his name outside and rubbed the back of his head before standing up. His limbs were numb, Jäwell stumbled and caught himself on the furniture in the tent to be able to reach the entrance of the tent he was in as best as he could. 

When he managed to go out, he was Sarin kneeling in front of Zuline, trembling out of fear in front of her impressive allure. She had no kindness or compassion in her look as she stared at him from above, the floor had the marks of her hooves that pounded to the ground recently. Jäwell stepped outside for good, Sarin raised his head with sparkling eyes, making Zuline turn around in shock, "Jäwell?! How did you wake up yet? It is too soon!"

Sarin used the moment to stand up and run to Jäwell as quickly as he could. The giant man was looking like a mess. He had lost weight and was covered in dust. Jäwell noticed he seemed to be freezing. When he looked around, Jäwell realized he was not in the same desert anymore. Everything around him was covered in dusty snow, and a night that seemed as static as a painting was covering the sky. This was a view of desolation, and his heart tightened.

"What happened?" Jäwell muttered, throwing a dark look around while being still dizzy from the long sleep. It looked like a bad dream.

Sarin took his hand and squeezed it, "I searched for you everywhere. The undead invaded the surface! They attacked the Razgons, and they had to flee to the Akshren so they could ask for shelter from the confederacy of Rekh city-states, but it was refused and many died, the others gathered at the closed doors."

Jäwell stopped Sarin by placing a hand over his shoulder kindly, then, he glared at Zuline angrily, "Explain!"

"It is a plan of Archanium, Jäwell, you should not be here. It is extremely dangerous, more than you can imagine."

"Explain, I said!" Jäwell was sweating in rage, screaming at her furiously as he realized he had been pushed aside one more time.

"Fine," She started, taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts, "Archanium somehow managed to shine in this world strongly enough to blind the Jessadians remaining in Ombrae. He brutally kills humans randomly with his fire, and nobody has come to collect the undead for centuries. The creatures shelter underground and attack at sight, and Thurisaz, who stayed in Ombrae to lead the Jessadians seems to see nothing of it."

Jäwell was listening, losing patience. The troll continued, "Archanium has made an army under the cover of Zarkhaïm's name, using the undead to kill humans and reach the confederacy of Rekh city-states."

"Why would he do that? He doesn't usually lose time without a purpose," Jäwell growled.

"Because these people are maybe the last ones in the seven worlds to venerate the memory of Tridjan. Once they all die, Tridjan will be completely forgotten. The word will spread that undead ravaged them, and they will accuse Zarkhaïm. This world will be under the total domination of Archanium."

"He does this for power?" Jäwell was doubtful.

"Not only," Zuline said almost in a whisper, "A long time ago, Tridjan and Zarkhaïm allied to fight him. It is about revenge as well."

"Why, in the name of the shadows, did you drug me, Zuline?! I could have helped to stop the undead!"

She took a step towards Jäwell, almost pressing her forehead against his, "You can't fight them! You almost lost an arm last time, I saw you fighting! What do you think will happen if you confront a full army of feral undead?! They don't recognize you, you are just human to them, meat to devour! Who will lead the Ombrae? Do you seriously think Tarim can replace you?! You can't die here!"

Without realizing it, Zuline had a grip over Jäwell's shoulders and was almost shaking him. Jäwell quickly pushed Sarin away behind his back. Sarin's nerves were slowly breaking, he went through the attack of the undead, and the massacre of civilians, and he found himself between a troll, a Jessadian, and the prince of darkness arguing. It was too much for him to handle, and he was trembling. 

"I have the right to die for the cause I chose, Zuline," Jäwell said in a dark tone. The atmosphere was getting more and more tense, the troll quickly walked to Sarin to grab his arm and drag him far from the two about to fight. Sarin understood that things were going to be messy, yet, his first concern was that the woman would forget Jäwell human's state and kill him by accident. 

"Jäwell, listen to me carefully," She started while grabbing his collar firmly, a dark fire passing through her eyes, "The day you came to Ombrae, nobody wanted you. You are the one who fought, you wanted the crown, you wanted the fight, and you took the lead. Now, you assume. Your people need you."

Jäwell pushed her hand violently, "I can do whatever I want! You are just a servant, do not dare to talk to me this way!"

Zuline stayed frozen for a moment, Jäwell never spoke dismissively. He was arrogant and cocky, but he never lowered the surrounding ones. She felt her anger boiling in her veins, "Excuse me?! What have you said?!"

"I said, you are a servant of the shadows. You are made to obey," His teeth gritted so strongly it could be heard by everyone around.

Jäwell was about to say more to hurt her and vent his frustration when he felt himself flying in the air, his feet not touching the floor until his back crashed into the wet floor. He winced in pain at the impact, trying to sit up, he saw Zuline walking towards him with resolve. Her fists were so tight that her knuckles were white, but her look would have been enough to terrify anyone. 

Sarin looked at them from the side, he wanted to go and interrupt them before they seriously started to fight, but he felt the hand of the troll holding him. When he turned his look to him, he noticed the intention of the creature was surprisingly wise, hearing his whisper, "They need this, let them."

At the same time, Zuline walked to Jäwell. Her horns were hidden, she was not using her powers against him while he was a human. She took him into a fight with equal force. When she was at reach, her hoof shocked his jaw violently. Jäwell was stunned, but he grabbed her tail and pulled as strongly as he could, in reaction, Zuline emitted a painful cry."Asshole!"

To which he responded, "You drugged me! How could you drug me?!"

One of his teeth fell to the floor after a massive headshot from her, he placed his hand around her neck and pressed strongly to choke her. None of them was taking it gently. They wanted to hurt the other, but deep down, their feelings were hurting on another level. 

After some time of struggling, ripping hair, pulling tails, punching faces, and kicking in the stomachs, they eventually lay down together in the brown dusty snow stained with blood. Panting from exhaustion. Zuline tried to gasp for hair, bearing the red marks of Jäwell's fingers around her throat.

"I will not let you die," She breathed with pain.

"I know," He sighed, despairing, "I do not intend to die, Zuline, I just wanted to live."

"You would have fought them, this is suicide."

"My companions fought them, I had the right to be with them."

"Do you crave companions so much that you are willing to put Zarkhaïm's heritage in peril?"

"You left me. Everyone left me."

Zuline opened her eyes widely, realizing suddenly the burden Jäwell had been carrying for so long. The intense loneliness he had been subjected to. She left in exile with her clan, Leïlana left suddenly with Ëmie, Zarkhaïm left without a word and Miroïr disappeared between time and space. Jäwell was alone, with no hope of fulfilling the empty space in his heart again soon. 

"I need them, I have to go to fight with them. I need a cause, a reason to live for. I need a challenge."

Zuline sat and stared at him pensively, not hiding a hint of anger, "You could not say it from the beginning?"

"Say what?"

She made a teasing, almost mocking face, "That you need your little friends around you."

"Shut up," He said laughingly. 

She stood up and gave him a hand. Being serious for a moment, she looked in the direction of Sarin, "I can accept you to go with him on one condition."

"You are not my boss, Zuline."

"I am," She said without hesitation, "As long as you are unable to communicate like a responsible adult, I am. You can go with him only if you allow me to place a shield of shadows to protect you from the undead. I will mark you for them to not attack you."

"That is cheating!" Jäwell complained.

"That is my condition, it is not negotiable"

Sarin was confused. He was discovering the dynamic between Jäwell and Zuline, and that was rather impressive to see them fighting, and then laughing as if nothing ever happened. Jäwell took the time to think before nodding.

"I accept to be marked. If…" Jäwell had a perverted smile towards her, Zuline waited for the worst. Of course, he would not have accepted without discussing it.

"If?" She asked frowning.

"If you apologize for drugging me against my will and promise to not do it again."

Zuline was surprised, this request sounded legit compared to everything she was expecting from him. In a low whisper, she admitted, "I am sorry for manipulating you. I should have never done it and will not do it again."

In a quick move, Jäwell pulled her and made her fall in his arms. A large deep smile on his lips, murmuring "I missed you," to which she answered while kissing his cheek, "I missed you too."