
The Prince of the Forgotten

Telenor, a world of magic, adventure and war, will descend into chaos when the Forgotten Ones return...

Aywwen · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 : New World

« Where am I?... What is this place?... My head hurts... What's that smell?"

With difficulty, I stand up. I'm naked as a worm. Looking around, I see nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. A dense forest surrounds me, but how can this be? I'm sure I've been somewhere completely different. I try to remember, but a stabbing pain burns in my skull. The more I try to think, the more the pain increases. Suddenly, I notice that the sky is beginning to darken. Naked, in an unfamiliar place, this doesn't bode well. Hesitantly, I start walking with difficulty.

After a while, I come to a small stream. I don't know whether to drink the water, but thirst wins out. I squat down and drink. The water, though slightly earthy, is surprisingly refreshing. Should I cross the stream and continue straight ahead? Or follow it downstream or upstream? I've no idea. So I decide to follow it downstream. It's dusk, and daylight is gradually fading. I pray that my headache will subside and that the moonlight will guide me.

As night falls, I can barely see, the trees obscuring the sky. My legs are aching, my feet are bleeding, and I'm starting to feel hungry. Why must I endure this? Why should I? WHY? Suddenly, I come to a clearing, and the starry sky reveals itself, accompanied by the moon. The moon? No, the moons. I fall to my knees, stunned, tears streaming down my cheeks. Where am I? By the Valar! Why are there two moons, one red and one blue?

I don't know how long I stand there, crying. Screams ring out. Maybe I'm not in my world, but I recognize the howling of wolves. I look for a place to hide, but the clearing offers no protection. Suddenly, two pairs of eyes light up in the shadows, fixed on me. I swallow. Then more pairs of eyes appear, up to a dozen or so. By the stars, I'm a goner. What am I doing in this strange world?

A wolf strides into the clearing, illuminated by the light of the moons. That wolf? How can it be so big, so massive? Without thinking, I start running. The wolf curls his lips into a smile and stands still. I keep running, but before I can get out of the clearing, he's already standing in front of me.

I'm definitely lost.

"Where are you going, human?"

I look around, searching for where the voice is coming from.

"It's me talking to you, human. Right in front of you."

I stare at the wolf, dumbfounded. A talking wolf? Why not, after all, it's no stranger than two moons in the sky.

"Are you going to eat me? If so, do it without hurting me, please."

"If I wanted to eat you, you'd have been dead and devoured long ago, human."

I frown. How can he know I'm not of this world?

The wolf seems to understand my unasked question.

"The person who summoned you here charged me with looking after you, teaching you the culture of this world, and enabling you to survive in it. Skinny as you are, you wouldn't last a day," he said, seeming to sneer.

"Why have you summoned me? Who is this goddess? Who are you really? And what's this world called?"

"You have a colorful language, I see. I can't answer your first questions, but I can tell you this: you're in the world of Telenor, human."

What kind of chaos is this?