
The Prince of space

Enerlyn_Rosado · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

I found something in my backyard

This story begins when I hear this loud noice in my backyard it was like if something just had crash into my backyard. Am a scary cat so I said, "Nah that could be a cat or something like that". So I just went to sleep. In the morning I didn't even look outside to my backyard. I new there was something there but I just didn't want to know what was that there. But how bad luck chases me my mom forces me to go to the backyard to look for this spinning thing (I don't know the name of it). So I went back there and trust me I almost pee on my self when I herd somebody crying or something it was a weird noice. I went to check it out. Like I wasn't already late for school. I went to check it out and when i got to the backyard I saw that there was something there and it told me to back off. That's when I freak out and started to screaming. "Shut up"something or someone said. I tried to calming down but I couldn't. I move forward. I saw a man or that's what i think it was. Cause it had a tail, two dog ears but it had human legs and human arms. It had white hair and some blue with brown eyes. I ask, "what are you"i ask." What do you think I am?" he ask me." An Alíen" I answer . He smile and said, " so that's how you call creatures that don't come from 14A". "Yes that's how we call creatures that aren't human,plants or a animal" i said to him. "What's 14A" I ask him. "It's the name of the planet that this is" he answer. Then I ask him, "what's your name?". I know he said something but couldn't hear it. I ask him, " can you repeat that please". "my name can't be pronounce by humans" he said. I said, " so can I call you Jack". "doesn't matter that much anyway I'm going to die soon" he said. I move a little forward and saw how his whole body was covered in blood. When I tried to get closer to him i heard how somebody was coming.

Hi, this is my first time writing something like this. This book is going to be an epic fail. I know that only like two people are going to read this so yeah I’m going to try beast at making as interesting as possible so you can enjoy.

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