
The Prince of space

Enerlyn_Rosado · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Before anything

"Wait before anything isn't there something else that I should know about this contract" I ask him

"Ummm well I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate but if you tell me to do something and I don't do it it supposed to give me some sort of pain" he answer

"Why not try it, like that we can be sure of that" I said

"Well ok, tell me to do something" he said

"Ok, do my homework" I said with a smile

"Hold up you want me to do your what" he said

"My homework I didn't do it so I want you to do it for me" I said

"No i won't do it"he said

Then the mark that we both have started to light up and then he fell in the floor and started making noise like someone was stabbing him.

"What's wrong"I ask him

"It's nothing"he said while trying to get up

"So that's what happen if you don't do what I tell you" I said

"I wonder if it could happen to you too" he said to me

"Yeah, I wonder if that could happen to me too"I said to him

"Well I think it could happen but there's a low possibility that can happen like I'm the one that's supposed to serve you it wouldn't make sense if it happen to you"

"Yeah that ma true"i said

"Yeah" he said

"So Jack I need to go to school now" i said to him

"Who's Jack" he said

"You are Jack forgot that humans can't pronounce your name " I said

"Ohh yeah sorry" he said

"Look I really need to go to school if you want to you can stay here or or go inside but you can only go after 9:30 that's when my mom leaves for work" I said while turning around

"Ok bye"he said

"Bye" I answer

From now on I will be posting a new chapter every 2 days. Thanks for for reading I’m trying my best at doing this Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Have a grate day. Hope you like it.

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