
The prince of nothing

In the heart of the ancient Dark Forest, where shadows whisper secrets and the trees seem to breathe, a crack in space suddenly appears. From this rift, an inhumanely long onyx-black arm emerges, holding a tiny, naked baby. The dark deity, shrouded in mystery and malevolence, drops the child into the forest before vanishing back into the void. Who is the dark deity? Where did it come from? Who is the little baby? Read and find out ;]

NoNamedAuthor · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Cry in The Forest

Chapter 1: The Cry in the Forest

The vast, dark forest of Arcanis was a place of ancient secrets and untold mysteries. Towering trees with gnarled branches reached towards the sky, their leaves whispering secrets to the wind. The forest floor was a tangle of roots and underbrush, a labyrinthine maze that few dared to traverse. It was here, in the heart of this enigmatic woodland, that something extraordinary occurred.

As the moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the forest, a sudden tear in the fabric of space appeared. The air crackled with energy, and a black hand, at least two meters long, emerged from the rift. The hand was as dark as the void, its fingers long and slender, exuding an aura of otherworldly power. In its grasp was a tiny, naked baby, its skin pale and delicate.

With a gentle yet deliberate motion, the hand lowered the baby to the forest floor, placing it near the base of an ancient oak tree. The rift in space closed as quickly as it had appeared, leaving no trace of its existence. The baby, now alone in the vast black forest, began to cry—a plaintive wail that echoed through the trees, a sound of pure innocence and vulnerability.

The baby's cries continued throughout the night, a haunting melody that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the forest. Creatures of the night paused in their tracks, their ears twitching at the unfamiliar sound. The forest, usually a symphony of nocturnal life, fell silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation.

As dawn broke, casting a golden light over the forest, the baby's cries finally ceased. Exhausted, the infant lay still, its tiny chest rising and falling with each breath. The forest began to stir once more, the creatures resuming their activities, but the presence of the baby had not gone unnoticed.

On the second day, a man of bulky build, clad in a brown leather armour, made his way through the forest. His name was Auron, a seasoned warrior known for his strength and bravery. He was on a hunting expedition, seeking game to bring back to his village. His keen eyes scanned the forest, ever alert for signs of movement.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, he heard a faint sound—a soft whimpering that tugged at his heart. Following the sound, he soon came upon the source: the tiny baby, lying near the ancient oak tree. Auron's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. What was a baby doing in the middle of this treacherous forest?

Kneeling down, he gently picked up the infant, cradling it in his arms. The baby stirred, its eyes fluttering open to reveal a pair of gleaming onyx eyes.His lightless eyes were like two pools of unfathomable darkness. Auron felt a strange connection to the child, as if fate had brought them together. He knew he couldn't leave the baby here, vulnerable to the dangers of the forest.

With a determined expression, Auron made his way back to his village, the baby securely held in his arms. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that this child was special, that there was a greater purpose to their meeting. Little did he know, the baby's arrival was just the beginning of a series of events that would change the course of his life—and the fate of Arcanis—forever.