
The Prince Of Night

A story from the series The Princes Of Galaxies. https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-princes-of-galaxies_21734481506444505 The night. Ariadne feels as if he could only exist in the night, where he rules, and his kingdom, the most famous planet in the galaxy banished from the light forever. He has such a past, his nature is complex, but that won't stop this fiery and so ignorant princess from wanting to know and love him.

ashellion · Sci-fi
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163 Chs


  Your godfather who loves you.

  Finishing the reading, Ariadne couldn't help but giggle, and ended up collapsing on the sofa because what she read was so crazy. She finally pulled herself together, still wondering how a man who shows such harshness to the world can hide a nature so close to purity towards those who are close to him. This immense paradox sometimes bordered in the eyes of the young woman a goal of the aberration. 

Mertillo Seurus, a renowned writer who had already won various prestigious awards, and even with some of these works that were adapted to the cinema, was his closest friend.

  "A man like that, adored by the world and respected by his fellow men, loves me, and adores me, more than myself. It is an extraordinary reality that I can't imagine". 

  And to tell the truth there is a deep and ineradicable reason that has created this infinite tenderness.

  But few people would ever understand or experience it.