
The Prince Of Night

A story from the series The Princes Of Galaxies. https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-princes-of-galaxies_21734481506444505 The night. Ariadne feels as if he could only exist in the night, where he rules, and his kingdom, the most famous planet in the galaxy banished from the light forever. He has such a past, his nature is complex, but that won't stop this fiery and so ignorant princess from wanting to know and love him.

ashellion · Sci-fi
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163 Chs

Immortal like night

Then when Azhewo used his extraordinary magic to keep drinking, Ariadne, who clung to him, believed that she could never bear this intolerable feeling of vertigo and fullness.

Seurus, silent, faithful and unfailing companion stood by their side.

Ytel, who recovered from the princess' desperate attack, came back and ran towards them, with all the remains of his hatred, imposing as never before, and at the height of his power.

Azhewo reached out his hand and calmly, in quintessence with Ariadne and all his loved ones, invoked his power. And when he was ready, he launched a terrible attack that swallowed up in the light, he detached himself for a moment from his princess and came to his doomed enemy.

- Ytel, what do you want so badly?

- I want to make you suffer, because you took a friend. And Mertillo was a friend.

- He committed the irreparable, just like me. So it was time for him to pay him like I did and always will.

- But I loved him.