

1389 AD, Ming Dynasty, China "Guardsmen! Take him to his exile in Yunnan, right now!" "Fu Huang!..." "Shut up! Oh... how can my own son stab me from behind... Not only other people I can't trust, and now I can't even trust my own son either!... It's far more painful..." *** "Tomorrow morning," Xie Wang said slowly. "Tomorrow morning... you will see dozens of dead bodies lying all over the streets in Yunnan." Xie Wang looked straight to Zhu Su, his eyes as sharp as a knife, "This is a war. The battle between me, Yuan Prince, and you Ming Prince. A battle to determine who is the most suitable to be the next ruler of Yunnan!" *** "Your Highness... Bad news, Your Highness!" Wu Qi was breathless as he answered, "All streets in Yunnan... are full of dead bodies..." Zhu Su stunned. It can't be, Witchcrafts of Xie Wang is the hell real?!? He just walked not any longer, yet he had found a dead body was lying face down on the street. The farther he walked, the more corpses he found. And finally, he arrived at the town square, where people had been crowded together. *** "I am Zhu Su, the fifth son of Hongwu Emperor, I promise to smash the Witchcrafts of Xie Wang, and get you all free from the outbreak!" Zhu Su sharpened his voice. "The promise from a leader is not a children's game. Bear it in mind!" A man in early forties, who seemed to be the leader of rebels, held his spear up, shouted, "Fine! We appreciate your determination, Ming Prince, so keep your promise! If you fail to keep it up, then I'll make sure that Ming honor, as well as yours, will be ruined!" *** A biographical novel of Prince Zhu Su, the fifth prince of the Hongwu Emperor who was the founder of Ming Dynasty, who devoted himself for medical science and humanity. But before he could fulfil his devotion, he was forced to go through royal disputes, conflicts, power struggles, punishments, rebellions, and even death threats. Could he overcome those problems and reached his noble dream? Find out in this novel. This is a work of biographical novel about a real historical figure. Some characters, plot premise, and certain sections of the story are based on historical events and figures, but there are some parts which are pure fiction. Some of names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This novel is an original work of myself, not a translated work. Last but not least; I hope you enjoy this story. And thank you very much for your appreciation and support! Have a nice day!

amelia_siauw · History
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342 Chs


Mr. Hong, the Chief of Emperor's Emissaries who was in charge of inviting Zhu Su to the palace, took him and his assistants towards one of the villages in Jiangsu outskirts with the worst conditions. Only one word was suitable to describe the situation there - Pitiful. Every medical clinic was filled with the scream of patients moaning in pain. As for those who cared for the patients, they were helpless to do anything but waited aside and just showed desperate expressions, as if they had been ready for the worst. He even saw a young mother who did not stop crying with her baby in her arms - since the baby was breathing her last.

"How long has the epidemic occurred in this area?" Zhu Su asked.

"Five months, Your Highness," answered Mr. Hong.

"And the victims consist of various ages and genders?"


Zhu Su was stunned. He glanced at Liu Ku, who remained silent while showing a poker face expression. Then he crouched down, took out his notebook and stationary, observed the patients one by one, and began to record their conditions. He also took out the other notebooks he was carrying, and matched the results of his examination with those notebooks. His assistants, who were no other than Liu Ku and Hu Nayin, also did the same Zhu Su did.

When Zhu Su and Liu Ku were quite far from Mr. Hong, Zhu Su immediately approached Liu Ku, pretended as if he had a discussion about the treatment for the patient. He whispered, "How terrible this epidemic is, Liu Ku! Exactly the same as what Brother Di wishes! But indeed, this is the only way to defeat him!"

Liu Ku gave a little smile, he whispered back, "But I never thought that you can get such a shrewd strategy."

"At first I am so worried on the way from Yunnan to Yingtian. It just came that way. Then it means, our resistance has the blessing of Heaven!"

"What is your conclusion, Your Highness?" Suddenly Mr. Hong had been standing beside Zhu Su, made his heart almost jump out due to a great surprise.

"Eeerrr... I'm considering the medicine we should give to the patients..." Zhu Su answered quickly.

"Chief Royal Physician of the palace has given his family prescription which has been passed down for eight generations because of its effectiveness, but still, the results are nil."

"Maybe there is something missing from the prescription? I'll come to see him later to get further research for it."

Even though Zhu Su had been clear about what he had to do, he decided to keep pretending much longer. Because it indeed would evoke suspicion if he could suddenly issue a way of healing without carrying out a thorough examination. Zhu Su wanted his strategy to work perfectly. Many innocent lives had been sacrificed in vain for this war, that was why he did not want to see more victims lost their lives.

Brother Di is so ruthless! Just because of being oppressed and always lost to Li Jinglong he then has the heart to use this method. Even a newborn baby must be a victim because of the war unrelated to her! My Heaven, I can't stand to see all this any longer!

But finally, Zhu Su could force himself to see this frustrating situation and kept checking all of sick people inside the clinics. He also visited the chief royal physician to see the prescription he had given. He did all as fast as he could.

Three days later, he announced the results to Mr. Hong.

At first Zhu Su showed a distressed expression when giving the report. "Mr. Hong... I must admit it... this epidemic is a real difficult case, the most complicated of all cases I have ever handled all this time..."

"Then, Your Highness... what is your conclusion?..." Mr. Hong thought that Zhu Su would be the same with other experts - he would report that he had failed to solve this problem.

"There is only one way to diminish this epidemic..."

"You have found the solution?!" Mr. Hong shouted, he was somewhat lack of belief in Zhu Su, but at the same time he felt excited.

"Yes... but... it is such a horrible thing to do..."

Mr, Hong's excitement was reduced. "What do you mean?..."

"We must hold human sacrifice. And for the sacrifice... it must be taken from the imperial family!"

Mr. Hong gasped. "W... what?!?"

"Do you know why this epidemic can occur? This is a curse. The Great Ming is being cursed! Something wrong has happened and makes Heaven get angry. That's why this disaster may occur. And the victims are innocent people, whereas the people in charge are actually the imperial family! So, to ease Heaven's anger, a member of the imperial family must be the sacrifice, by then this epidemic will disappear!"

"You... You can't fool around! Your words are very dangerous, because you have offended the imperial family! Whoever offends the imperial family must be severely punished!"

"Is that wrong to offend my own family?"

"Eeerr... that..."

"When I mean by the imperial family, of course, it is including me. Or... have I been banished from the imperial family?" Zhu Su asked sharply, while Mr. Hong could only remain silent without being able to utter a word. "Just report my words to the Emperor, I guarantee you, no big problem will occur. The worst thing which will happen is just that he calls me by showing that kind of anger expression I've guessed."

Indeed, Zhu Su made a correct guess. Infuriated, Zhu Yunwen immediately ordered Zhu Su to come before him.

"Fifth Uncle must be taunting me, right? You want to say that this epidemic occurs because I've launched the Politics of Xuefan?!" asked Zhu Yunwen angrily.

"I have no idea about that. Maybe yes, maybe no," Zhu Su answered with Liu Ku's annoying style.

"I don't like this result. It seems that I am being cheated!"

"It's up to you. I just give the report based on my finding."

Zhu Su was staring straight at Zhu Yunwen, his eyes were sharp. Zhu Yunwen felt hesitant. Whether the royal physicians, or the well-known physicians from the commonalty - whoever was great in medical skill, he had summoned all of them, but no one could diminish this epidemic. Then now Zhu Su showed up with an answer which was very different from those failed physicians. What if his fifth uncle was correct? By not obeying his fifth uncle, did it mean that he had wronged the people?

But, Zhu Su said, the sacrifice must be a member of the imperial family? Which member of imperial family was allowed to be the sacrifice for commonalty anyway?!

Or, could it be?!?...

"Then, who will become the sacrifice?..." Zhu Yunwen asked, face turned pale. It was obvious that he was frightened so much.

Zhu Su answered slowly, "I will."