

1389 AD, Ming Dynasty, China "Guardsmen! Take him to his exile in Yunnan, right now!" "Fu Huang!..." "Shut up! Oh... how can my own son stab me from behind... Not only other people I can't trust, and now I can't even trust my own son either!... It's far more painful..." *** "Tomorrow morning," Xie Wang said slowly. "Tomorrow morning... you will see dozens of dead bodies lying all over the streets in Yunnan." Xie Wang looked straight to Zhu Su, his eyes as sharp as a knife, "This is a war. The battle between me, Yuan Prince, and you Ming Prince. A battle to determine who is the most suitable to be the next ruler of Yunnan!" *** "Your Highness... Bad news, Your Highness!" Wu Qi was breathless as he answered, "All streets in Yunnan... are full of dead bodies..." Zhu Su stunned. It can't be, Witchcrafts of Xie Wang is the hell real?!? He just walked not any longer, yet he had found a dead body was lying face down on the street. The farther he walked, the more corpses he found. And finally, he arrived at the town square, where people had been crowded together. *** "I am Zhu Su, the fifth son of Hongwu Emperor, I promise to smash the Witchcrafts of Xie Wang, and get you all free from the outbreak!" Zhu Su sharpened his voice. "The promise from a leader is not a children's game. Bear it in mind!" A man in early forties, who seemed to be the leader of rebels, held his spear up, shouted, "Fine! We appreciate your determination, Ming Prince, so keep your promise! If you fail to keep it up, then I'll make sure that Ming honor, as well as yours, will be ruined!" *** A biographical novel of Prince Zhu Su, the fifth prince of the Hongwu Emperor who was the founder of Ming Dynasty, who devoted himself for medical science and humanity. But before he could fulfil his devotion, he was forced to go through royal disputes, conflicts, power struggles, punishments, rebellions, and even death threats. Could he overcome those problems and reached his noble dream? Find out in this novel. This is a work of biographical novel about a real historical figure. Some characters, plot premise, and certain sections of the story are based on historical events and figures, but there are some parts which are pure fiction. Some of names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This novel is an original work of myself, not a translated work. Last but not least; I hope you enjoy this story. And thank you very much for your appreciation and support! Have a nice day!

amelia_siauw · History
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342 Chs


It was a cloudy morning when Zhu Su and Hu Nayin came to the palace on the next day. They could smell the fresh aroma of ozone emanating from the air. The temperatur was brisk and chilly it made them automatically tighten their clothes.

"Actually I am very happy to meet with Liu Ku and Wu Qi again. However," Zhu Su sighed, "I don't expect it to turn out this way."

Last day there was even no greeting between Wu Qi, Liu Ku, and Gao Qing for the night. Liu Ku and Wu Qi still treated Zhu Su politely according to royal etiquette - but merely to that point. Long conversation full of warmth and enjoyment did not exist, the atmosphere was really cold and grim, just like the gray cloud hanging on the sky right now.

"They are still attached with the euphoria of their imagination." Walking through the palace corridor, Zhu Su looked at the gray sky. "They believe, as a son of the emperor I should fight to regain power in Ming. It is very contrasted with the mainstream perception if a prince goes out of his country instead and becomes a citizen of another country."

"Then... which way will you choose?"

"I don't know."

The showers started to fall down. Hu Nayin stared at him, astonished.

"When Liu Ku and Wu Qi appeared yesterday, I immediately received a Magical Message uttering that "This is the time for me to return to Ming". This is a call for me to go back. However, Mr. Gao is correct somehow. I am just an ordinary human being, I am afraid of death, afraid of war, what I need is merely to live in peace. So. The identity, or the necessities of life. I don't know which one I have to choose."

A flash of lightning brightened the sky. Shortly thereafter, thunder boomed.

If Fu Huang and Mu Hou really love me, they will guide me to choose the best way I need the most at this time. Yes, Mr. Gao is correct. I don't need power or dignity. Twice I have been banished into exile whereas at that time I was still a legitimate prince. I just need to live in peace. I just want to eat and sleep peacefully, have a home to shelter from the heat and rain, and have a happy family - real happy family, which is full of warmth, not the one which is only fighting for power.

I just want as simple as that, Fu Huang and Mu Hou... as simple as that...

"Mr. Su, the Queen Dowager summons you to enter."

The chief courtier was standing before them. He went poker face, no one knew what he was thinking at this time, and it made Zhu Su, who was not feeling well, soon got a scary thought.

Chief courtier turned around. Walking briskly to the queen dowager's bedchamber. Zhu Su and Hu Nayin walked hurriedly behind him.


"May I report, Your Majesty the King, Your Majesty the Queen Dowager. I have brought Mr. Su and Miss Hu here."

Zhu Su and Hu Nayin bowed in a respectful manner, anxiously looking at the expression of the king who also went poker face.

Queen dowager rose from her bed. "Both of you, look at this!" She said, pointed at her right arm and leg.

She began to move her right arm. Her right arm, which was paralyzed before, now could move up and down.

Zhu Su's eyes widened. But the queen dowager had still not finished her activity. She also moved her leg. She got out of bed, stepped onto the ground.

Although she must be very careful while doing it, but still, she could walk.

"I can move my hand and walk again!" Queen dowager uttered happily. "And even more, I feel very healthy, full of vitality and good memory. Much healthier than before!"

The king chimed in. "Mr. Su, you have succeeded in healing my mother, helping her even better than before. I really appreciate your help, profusely!"

"Yes... Your Majesty the King... Your Majesty the Queen Dowager..." An immense feeling of excitement immediately infiltrated Zhu Su's chest. Yes, it was truly a big joyfulness to see the queen dowager moved her arm and leg happily, to view the king laughed cheerfully. To find that his treatment brought such a good result.

This time, he really did it.


"Mr. Gao! Youdun! Queen Dowager has been cured!" Shouting aloud, Zhu Su told about his success as he returned home. Accompanying him, Hu Nayin also kept on smiling very broadly.

Gao Qing and Zhu Youdun soon got to their feet.

"Wow, you are so great, Fu Wang. Congratulations!" Zhu Youdun said cheerfully.

"I have guessed it," Gao Qing also said. "Ava is your future. It's all under my calculation."

Liu Ku and Wu Qi entered the room. "You look so happy, Your Highness. Is there good news?" Wu Qi asked.

"I have cured the Queen Dowager. Now she can move her body as before!"

Their faces immediately turned cloudy. It was obvious that they were unhappy.

"So... you will settle in Ava?..."

Zhu Su got stunned. "Ah... that..."

Replacing Zhu Su, Gao Qing shouted, "Yes, of course, he will live in Ava. It's obvious! He will live in a country which is willing to accept him, which is proud of his ability and complies to give him a decent life. He won't bother himself to beg towards the country which has expelled him for accepting him again, he has the pride not to do such a nasty thing!"

"Your Highness!..." But Wu Qi's sad scream broke off when he saw Zhu Su, instead of being disagreed with Gao Qing, just stared back at him in silence.

Liu Ku threw a look of disappointment at Zhu Su. "Your Highness... to be honest, it's beyond my expectation... after we've tried so hard to escape from prison and pass through several countries... what we must get is this bitter reality..."

"Liu Ku..."

"Please let me ask you one more time?" Liu Ku asked seriously. "Are you really unwavering to stay in Ava, and don't want to return to Ming, no matter what happens?"

Zhu Su remained silent.

Wu Qi dropped himself down, kneeling on the ground, "Your Highness! I beg you, please return to Ming! You are the prince of The Great Ming, Ming is your motherland, your hometown! Our blood will never change wherever you go... You are the Descendant of the Dragon forever. So, Your Highness, I beg you, please go back to Ming!"

"Ming... is my motherland..." Zhu Su uttered vaguely. "But... Jianwen Emperor abandons me unreasonably... and that unfair punishment is still going on... doesn't it mean that Ming has abandoned me?"

Cheerful atmosphere scattered, and it was sorrow which adorned the entire room. Outside, strong winds rustled. The sky that had already been dark was getting darker. And the rain continued to fall... much heavier... much heavier...