
Discord in the Dining Hall; Decorum, Schmorum

Elara gave Lilith's shoulder a gentle squeeze before rising. "It's time for dinner, Princess. Your parents will likely want to discuss tomorrow's departure to Grimoire and the impending union."

Lilith nodded, wiping away the last traces of tears. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the conversation she knew awaited her. Lilith moved towards a mirror, her reflection now a mix of vulnerability and determination.

After a quick adjustment to her appearance, Lilith summoned a subtle burst of magic, mending the crystal vase that had fallen victim to her earlier tantrum. The shattered pieces realigned, the fractures disappearing like ripples fading on a cosmic pond. Elara, witnessing the magical mending, gasped in astonishment.

"Princess, you shouldn't use magic like that. It's forbidden for royalty," Elara whispered, a hint of panic in her eyes.

Lilith, unapologetic, smirked. "Rules were made to be bent, Elara. Especially when they're as silly as not fixing a vase with a bit of magic."

Elara's eyes widened with concern, but before she could voice further protest, Lilith changed the subject. "Speaking of bending rules, I have just the accessory to irk my parents tonight."

She reached for a hidden compartment in her vanity and produced a delicate silver circlet adorned with black crystals—a forbidden piece in the royal wardrobe. Lilith had acquired it during one of her secret excursions to the market, relishing the thrill of rebellion.

"This should add just the right touch of defiance," Lilith declared, placing the circlet on her head. It shimmered in the dim light, a silent declaration of her intent to resist the constraints placed upon her.

Elara, torn between worry and admiration, sighed. "Princess, your parents won't be pleased."

Lilith met Elara's gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Exactly, Elara. Let them be displeased. I've had enough of playing the obedient princess."

Together, they left the chamber, Lilith adorned with the forbidden circlet, her steps echoing a newfound determination. As they approached the grand dining hall, the scent of an opulent feast filled the air, but Lilith's thoughts were consumed by the impending conversation with her parents.

The doors swung open, revealing a lavishly set lone table. King Oberon and Queen Seraphina, regal figures with stern expressions, awaited their daughter. As Lilith took her place at the table, she could feel the weight of their expectant gazes.

"Sit down, Lilith," King Oberon commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

The lone table in the grand dining hall cast elongated shadows as the flickering candlelight played on its surface. Lilith, feeling the weight of her parents' expectant gazes, took her place. The tension in the room was palpable, a silent storm raging beneath the veneer of regal composure.

Lilith avoided direct contact with her parents. The regal figures before her exuded an air of elegance, but also distance. It was like, rather than being just across the room, they were miles away.

The grand dining hall echoed with the clatter of silverware against porcelain. Lilith, with a blatant disregard for decorum, attacked her plate with noisy determination. Each bite, deliberately loud, seemed to mock the carefully crafted elegance of the setting—a small rebellion against the expectations that had long confined her.

Her father, King Oberon, scowled at every disrespectful chew, his face growing increasingly flushed with irritation. Her mother, too, looked sour.

"Lilith," Queen Seraphina snapped, "Sust you eat like a wild creature? Have some decorum."

Lilith met her stern gaze with a defiant glare, her jaw working deliberately, as if challenging the constraints of polite society. King Oberon's disapproving eyes flickered across the table like a distant storm.

The clinking of silverware and the audible chewing created a discordant symphony, a rebellious counterpoint to the refined ambiance of the dining hall. The threat of punishment lingered, palpable with each deliberate crunch.

King Oberon, unable to contain his frustration, raised a threatening hand, fingers tensed in a rigid grip. "Enough! One more misstep, and you'll find yourself locked in your room for the foreseeable future. Do you want that, Lilith?"

A cold shiver ran down Lilith's spine at the ominous warning. She froze up.

No...she didn't want that. Not again. to be locked in her room, with the windows covered in temporary bars, even if it was only until tomorrow morning. She might go insane.

With a sudden change of tune, Lilith went quiet. The rebellious spirit that had animated her every bite vanished, replaced by a facade of politeness. She delicately set her silverware down and folded her hands on her lap, a picture of refined composure.

"I apologize, Father, Mother," Lilith said, her voice now gentle, a stark contrast to the tempest within. "I suppose I got carried away. Please forgive my lack of decorum."

King Oberon's expression softened, mollified by the sudden shift. Queen Seraphina, though still disapproving, nodded in acceptance. The dining hall, once filled with the echoes of defiance, now settled into an uneasy calm—an ephemeral ceasefire in a perpetual war.

King Oberon sighed, the tension in the room gradually dissipating. "Lilith, my dear, we understand the challenges you face, but this marriage is crucial for the stability of both kingdoms. Grimoire holds powerful alliances, and your union with Prince Ymir will secure the prosperity we've worked so hard to achieve."

Queen Seraphina, her disapproving gaze softening, added, "You represent the Void Kingdom. Your conduct in Grimoire will shape not just our standing but the fate of our people. It's imperative that you present yourself with grace and dignity."

Lilith nodded, a sense of resignation settling within her. The weight of her parents' expectations pressed upon her shoulders like a heavy cloak. "I understand, Father, Mother. I will do what is necessary for the kingdom."

King Oberon offered a weary smile. "That's our sensible daughter. Grimoire has its own customs and traditions. You must learn to navigate them with poise. Prince Ymir is a powerful ally, and this union serves a higher purpose. It's a small sacrifice for the greater good."

As they spoke, Lilith's mind drifted, her thoughts a swirl of discontent and silent rebellion. The looming political machinations, the marriage arranged for the convenience of realms, felt like a cage closing in on her.

"Tomorrow, you will set forth for Grimoire," Queen Seraphina continued, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "We've arranged for a grand procession to mark the occasion. Remember, Lilith, your actions there reflect not just on you but on the entire Void Kingdom."

Lilith nodded again, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a gathering storm. She would embark on this journey, play her part in the political game, but within the depths of her being, the spark of rebellion still flickered—a quiet resistance against a destiny chosen for her by others.

As the discussions continued, Lilith listened to her parents' instructions on etiquette, diplomacy, and the intricacies of Grimoire's court. Their words became a distant murmur, lost in the vast expanse of her internal turmoil. The grand dining hall, once a battleground of defiance, now bore witness to the quiet acceptance of a fate that seemed as inevitable as the stars in the night sky.


 Of course, Lilith didn't plan to really accept this fate.

She was just an expert at wearing a mask.