
The Prince Has Returned!

The Main Character, Betrayed By His Siblings For the Throne and Eventually Gets Killed, Gets the second chance that He wanted, With this chance He will Get His Revenge! Bussinesses? I already Invested In The Largest Ones Opportunities? I Got all the Best Items and Magic spells Strength? I Can Kill A Dragon! And All Those Who Are Trying to Kill and scheme against Me? Get Ready! For I Am Back!

God_Of_Yandere · Fantasy
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Goddess and Return?!

1479 Of The Imperial Calendar

In a dense forest, A man can be seen running while a 5 men on horseback chased after him, The man was clutching his arm, He seems to be bleeding but he still ran, But it was futile as the horses were faster eventually catching up to him

A man With Blonde hair and Blue eyes who seems to be the leader of the men on horses looked forward with Ridicule in His eyes, Looking at a man with Black hair and red eyes

"Give up Brother, You can no longer escape and Even if you do, You have already been poisoned so you will still die, Stop this Futile resistance" Said the Blonde Haired man with a Arrogant smirk


"Hmph, You talk too much, Its the end of the line, You can No longer do anything, This is where you die" Said the blonde Haired Man

"HA! YOU THINK I WILL JUST LET YOU KILL ME!" Said the Black Haired Man


After Which Proceeded He Proceeded to Pull out a scroll and Tear it, After which a Barrier was Created preventing the Men on the horse from running, Which Made the Blond Haired man Panic

"What Are You Doing!?" Said the Blonde Haired Man

As He Said That, The Black Haired Man Gave Out a Mad Smile and Said

"See You In Hell, Brother!"

And A explosion Proceeded to Happen Which Caused all Six Of The to Die


In A room Full of White, Stood There a Man With Black Hair and Red Eyes, He Stood there Baffled

"What? Arent I dead?" He Said Thinking of All possible reasons He Is here

Till a Voice Started Talking to Him

"Hello My Child" said The Voice

There was No body to be seen on from which the Voice came from But The voice Strangely felt Calming But he did not let his Guard down, As His senses Has been Honed To always Be on Guard, He would not have lived for 2 and a Half Years Against The Minions and Assassins That were sent by his siblings who were aiming to kill Him, He Only died Due to an Ambush and Poison That weakened him and also sealed His magic

Then He Responded to the Voice

"Who are you and Where am I!?"

Then A body formed In front of Him Which Looked to be the representation of a perfect woman But He Didn't feel Lust towards it, Only awe, And the woman Said

"I am The Goddess And Creator Of this World, I have brought you here for a Request"

As She Said That He did Not seem to Doubt her, Which Was new Because It was Hard to gain His trust, Then The voice spoke again

"I want You to Kill Your siblings" Said The Goddess

(A/N: Damn, You would not hear That everyday")

"What? Why?" Said The Black Haired Boy Confused

"It Is as You have Heard, I Request That you Kill Your Siblings" She Said

"Wait Wait Wait, How could I even Know You Are the Goddess" He said Still Doubtful

Then Instantly The Surroundings Changed And His Memories Started Playing, From His childhood, To Some stuff that even Only he Knew, He saw it all and This Also Confirmed For Him That she Is A Goddess as Memory Reading Magic Does Not exist

"Ok, So you are the real deal, But Why would you want me Kill my siblings? And How Could I Even Do That when Im Dead?" He said

(A/N: Damn He Just Spoke Informally to a Goddess, mad respect!)

"First Of All, I would Like you to Kill them As the will Cause The World To end, After Your death they started fighting each other, Eventually They will end the World, Due to Their fighting and Nothing Could Stop Then Due to the power they wield" She Said

"How Could A They even end the world? There's Multiple Countries and Powerful people in the World?" He Asked

"The Gods Have Grown Corrupt and Bored, So They Began Giving Their Blessing To Your Siblings And Some Other In The World" The Goddess Said

"I see, But How Will I stop Them? Even If I Get Revived They Still have Blessings, And With the Head Start and Connections They Have It Will Be Difficult To stop them, Not Impossible But I would need A Lot Of Time" He Asked

"I plan On Rewinding Time And Sending You back 10 years into The past with your memories" Said The Goddess

"You can Do That?" He Asked

"Yes, And I also Plan to give you My blessing" The Goddess Said

"I see, Can You tell Me The Effects of your blessing and Who Has the blessing of which God?" The Black Haired Man Asked

"Yes, When You Get To Your Body I will give You What you asked For" Said The Goddess

"Alright, I can Use Any method Right?" The Black haired man asked

"Yes" Responded The Goddess

"One Last Question, Will My Brother Who I Killed Also get His memory or only me?" The Black haired man asked

"Only You Will have Memories of Your 10 Years of This current Life" The Goddess Responded

"Alright, I am Ready, Please Send Me Back In Time Now" The Black haired Boy Said

As He said That A Magic Circle that covered The Whole Area He was In Was Shown and Started Glowing, Then The Goddess Suddenly Said

"May Luck Be on Your Side"

"I Hope Your Mission Will Be Successful, Ryzen von Rehmker"


A/N: Woo! That Was A Long Chapter, Longest Chapter I Made, 981 words XD idk How the story Will Go XD But I Hope I get More Motivation for this one XD, I also Wanna Ask On What I should Do Next, Well Thanks For Reading!

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