
The prince bride

Sam was just an ordinary girl, who accidentally saw the prince of Castile and she caught his attention The prince ended up inviting her to the palace to compete for him Will she go? or will she reject the prince

Gift_Lucky · Teen
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11 Chs

I'm not allowed

In the morning, Sam woke up feeling refreshed, the sun rays from the sky and was piercing directly to her eyes. She stretched her hands and then, sat up. At that very moment, two maids came in and told her that they where are the service, and her daily activities.

She asked them, who sent them and they answered that it was the prince .

she asked them for their name, and they answered

My name is mirabel your majesty "the one name mirabel answered

My name is Annabelle your majesty "the one name Annabelle answered

We are going to be your personal attended both of them answered in unison.

okey "she answered simple

One of her attendants left to prepare bathhouse, for her to take her bath. Though it was uncomfortable for her she didn't reject. it at least for once she wanted to feel what the royals feel that's not greediness right? she asked herself

Once they were done with the her, they left and told her that they will bring breakfast for her.

Theo: (knocks on the door) Good morning my lady

Sam: Good morning your majesty

Theo: How was your night

Sam: Great and you

Theo: cool. So I was thinking, if I'm not disturbing you

Sam: Nope

Theo: (Leaned in and whisper something on her ears)

Sam: I would love to

They both sneak out of the palace, and went to the place where they had a conversation the day the prince gave her that ring.

Though they went in disguise, so that people may not recognise them.

They went there to have their breakfast and quickly returned to the palace without anybody noticing their absence.

When it was noon, the prince took Sam to a beautiful garden, with different kind of flowers and different kind of colours with a stream across it.

Sam: (Amazed) wow this place is fascinating

Theo: Yeah.This is my spot when I'm angry or sad or happy. I always come here and nobody knows apart from you

Sam: really

Theo: yes

Sam: Wow thanks that means a lot. Look over there, there's a stream!!!

Theo: yes

Sam: let's swim

Theo: no I'm not allowed

Sam: Really, besides no one is going to see us. Not even the Queen nor the king nor the guards

Theo: yeah, you're right let's go see me but not swim coat

Sam: Do we need swim coat (she removed and long gown and jumped inside the water)

Theo: (He pulled his overcoat and enter the water)

They both swim and had fun.

For the first time in the princess life he had the time to swim, and he grabbed it, and savour the moments

Theo: (Loving the moment) I've never been so happy in my life like this, and this is my first time to swim.

My mum will suffocate me if she sees me, she will go ballistic on me. let me guess what she will look like, a monkey who just ate a sour tangerine

Sam: hahahahahaha OMG YOU Hahahaha you're very funny. Your mum will kill you if she finds out that you insulted her

Theo: I didn't, that's the truth

Sam: (Her facial expression changed) Theo do you ever regret that day, I mean our first encounter

Theo: Nope. The only thing I regret is not kissing you that day

A blush creeps on her cheek and her ears. Her ears flushed red and she turned to back him to hide are blushing face.

They laughed and laughed till it was getting late, they set to go home and they went to their rooms to get ready for the dinner