
The Prince Bride

"If I can't have you then no man will" he thundered in anger as the earth shook before us

NaomiSamuel · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Leah couldn't be much happier as her husband is now lovely and caring, she never thought she would be loved again, their first encounter was nothing to write home about but who did thought that one day someone as powerful and handsome yet as perfect as tyler would be her husband and will come to love her.

She went to the market with jean, leaving her husband to train his knights; she wanted to know everything about airangon and their culture, she noticed the people were all happy and looking healthy.

"It's so beautiful"

"Yea it is"

They bump into someone, jean slightly bow but the lady was glaring at leah

"Is she the wife of our king?" She said in disgust, leah need not to be told who the blonde haired woman was, she knew her instantly to be tasza, she was indeed pretty and a bit fatter than her, she has a blue eyes which seems to be very common in airangon, she is yet to meet someone with a green eyes like hers. She dislike the lady immediately because tyler seems to be interested in her among hundred other women.

"Yes my lady"

"What ...."

"You must be tasza and I have heard quite a lot about you" she interrupted. The annoying lady sway her hair as she smirk at leah, she hate the fact that she cut her hair she would have shown her who the boss is but the bitch deserve a lesson.

She intentionally dropped her bag as she bent down to pick it in seductive manner and then she flip her hair causing it to fly with the wind for some seconds, she noticed the bitch mouth was slightly opened as she stare at her in awe, she smirked remembering the drama she learnt it from, thanks to bae suzy in while you were sleeping where she had to cut the bitch off her man. It was indeed working cause the damn tasza girl now knew who the boss was

"Uhm....you know, he enjoy my body quite well and he just can't get enough of me, we were together last night" she said doubtfully as I smirked at her

The bitch is so annoying but she met the wrong person.

"Well, we will see about that tasza, if he will even look at your direction from now on cause I have decide to take good care of him in bed you know" I said seductively as I winked at her

She blinked as she burst into laughter which I found very annoying, she disgust me to the core but am not going to let her win

"Baby, what are you doing here?" I asked when I saw tyler approaching us, which made tasza more confident as she smirk at me

I felt my heart scattering into pieces, is he really going to flirt with his mistress in my presence, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his voice

"Why didn't you take the carriage?" He bellowed

Damn the jerk, is he like that because I was with his mistress

"My lord" tasza said as she blushed trying to get his attention but he kept his gaze on me, he knew I was angry, his next action surprise me, not just me but everyone including the bitch who have been adjusting her gown in a seductive manner

He carried me in his arms as he kissed me while grinning; I so much love the dimples that strike across each cheek whenever he smiled at me, when I lifted my face to stare at him, he speak in a tender manner

"I miss you already wife, I couldn't wait because you didn't take the carriage that will bring you home to me in time"

Stupid! Stupid leah, how could you have misunderstood him. Both jean and tasza were shocked by his action, they have never see him smile and acting all in love, it was unlike him.

"Am sorry" she said as while playing with a lock of his hair, as she peck him on cheek but just like a little kid he pointed his lips for her to kiss him which she did

"I will take you to the tour myself my love" he stared at my shock expression as he smile at me

Did he just call me my love? What on earth is happening? Who is this man? Just who the heck is this handsome man treating me this way? Just who are you Tyler is this the real you that you kept hiding? I kept asking myself

Both tasza and jean were in a daze as he carried me while walking, I kept insisting he let me down but he refused, so I let him show me round with me in his arms.

"It's very beautiful"

He held my hands as he led me to somewhere in the forest, I was curious but when I question him, he didn't say a word.

I exclaimed at the sight before me, there are millions of fairies. He bought me to their dwelling, I was touched by his action as I hug him tightly before pecking his chin, he frown as he stare at me


"I prefer it being on the lips"

She ignore him as they stood there watching the fairies, who now noticed his presence as they came to bow

"Behold my queen, leah grimney of the other world, your one true queen and henceforth she is my second in command"

She blinked her eyes as she stare at her husband who was giving his command and all the fairies hail her, she cling to him as she stare at him with tears filled eyes

"What is wrong?" He gently wipe her tears away as he pull her in his arms and held her tightly

"Thank you" she muttered as she cried even more

He smiled as he stroke her hair which was getting much longer than when she cut it

"Wife, should we go home now?"


She was curious about what he wanted her to wear for the party, she felt her stomach growl at the thought of Fred


"Huh...baby can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

He encircle his arms around her waist as he rest his head on her shoulder as he kept inhaling her scent

"Fred...what happen to him?"

She felt his grip tighten around her as she felt him sigh heavily before pecking her on her cheek

"He is alive"

She sighed in relief as she held his hands before turning to stare at him as she smile sweetly at him

"I should better go get ready"


He peck her on both cheeks before letting go as he walk out, they went to the party together but then he excuse himself to get them some drinks

Tyler couldn't take his eye off his wife, she is the only person that complete him, never in his thousand years had he ever find someone who make him have peace but then he look away from her when he saw the lady he did fucked the last time beside him grinning at him

"It's been a while my lord"

"Yes it is"

Leah don't know why it took tyler so long to get their drink, she felt her heart beating furiously in anger as she saw him with the same woman, talking and ofcourse the bitch was flirting with the jerk.

He turned to find leah glaring at him, he knew he is in trouble because she won't believe that he just sent the bitch away, he could hear people gossiping about him choosing the bitch twice over his wife, they were all staring at Leah as usual as she tried so hard to hold back her tears

Most of the guest thought Leah couldn't flirt with other men and every men avoid her because of Tyler and what happen to Fred the last time at the party

Everyone attention were on them when he approached her, he tried to hold her around her arm, she glare at him as she pushed his hand away from her arm

"Don't you touch me!"

"Wife listen to me, I didn't do anything I swear"

"Go away!" She barked at him not minding the people that were there listening to them, tyler saw it and he felt it.

He was angry when her gaze rest on fred as she was heading out, he thought she was going to meet fred. He roughly grab her hand, she yelp in pain as he let go immediately, he stare at her with guilt and shock but the look she gave him was that of hatred, the look he hate each time she stare at him like that, then he knew he had lost


"You disgust me" she said in a tone he had never heard before

She spat as she ran out, the atmosphere was tense as tyler remain frozen in the spot she left him, no one could utter a word after noticing he burnt his wife.

He was angry as he ran after her but couldn't find her, he hate himself for being the way he was

"Flora" she mumbled but she was sure he did find her if she is with flora, she kept running not knowing where she was heading to until she stumbled and fall, she winced in pain as she landed on the ground

This was the second time he has burn her arms, she thought he has change to someone sweet but she was wrong.

She needed to get away to somewhere far, far from him and his world and that place is home; she don't care if jean will make her life more miserable or for the fact that nick and kellen betrayed her, the pain she was feeling right now is greater than the one they had given her

She snapped out her thought when she saw some strange creatures, they turned towards her she screamed as panic surge through her, their eyes were black and to be specific they look like zombies

She turn to her heels as she began to run away but exclaimed when she saw one of them in front of her, his finger grew longer and was ready to strike her, she kicked his groin as she took off but then she saw them flying which startle her.

I knew at that moment that I was going to die, I closed my eyes as I went on my knees, I was thinking of tyler which baffle me, even at my death hour I was thinking of that jerk. I knew instantly that I was deeply in love with him and now am going to die without professing my love to him

How could I be so foolish to leave like that? I should have at least listen to his explanations, I let my jealous nature to get the best out of me and now am dying. I sure deserve to die, yes I deserved it!

They didn't strike me, I opened my eyes to find tyler standing there as he glare at the creature he just murdered, my heart was beating too fast, he has blood on him. I was afraid thinking he was hurt but then my gaze fell to his hands where the blood was dripping only to find the creature heart on it, the remaining ones bow in fear as tremble

"She is my wife...no one harm her!" He thundered, I flinch at the sound of his voice then i saw them tremble as the wind blew harshly as the ground shook, then the lightening which suddenly appear, I was as scared as the creatures who tried to kill me, I hug myself to the tree in other not to be blown away by the harsh wind as I stare at him while crying, he was protecting me despite how much I have humiliated him some minutes back