
The Prince Bride

"If I can't have you then no man will" he thundered in anger as the earth shook before us

NaomiSamuel · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Broken trust

"Leah, are you sure you are alright?"

"Ofcourse am fine, kel what's the matter? Why the long face?"

"Oh...it's nothing" sadly

"It's just morning sickness, you shouldn't be sad kel, am doing just fine" embrace her

I wish you were dead leah, I wish you did fall down dead right now, you can't have everything while I have nothing, you were meant to be at my mercy

"Am glad you are" pat her back

"Oh kel, I have something for you" held her hands as she drop a small box in front of her

"What is it?"

"Open it" smiling

She gasp in shock when she saw the golden jewelries and gems, she stare at leah who was smiling at her.

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you"

I hate you even more for doing this, you shouldn't be this nice to me leah, you have no idea what awaits you

"I bump into Tasza few days back"

"Tasza? How do you know her?"

"I heard her talking about the king still visiting her, and the women around mentioned her name that was how I get to know her"

"I told you to stop listening to those meaningless gossip, my husband will never cheat on me"

"How can you be so naive leah, for Pete sake open your eyes to see the reality right before you"

"He loves me kel nothing in this world will make me doubt him again"

"Am telling you nothing but the truth"

"Did you see them together?"


"See, you have no proof, please stop listening to those lies about my wonderful husband"


Kellen was surprised when Ariana came in with cake, she had to force a smile because she is already pissed with leah for not believing her lies

"Happy birthday "

She burst into tears not because she was touched by their action but because she didn't succeed in her plan to kill leah and have Tyler all to herself.


"Am grateful, thank you"

"You will be the godmother of my child always remember" 

Have leah lost her sanity already?

Me? godmother?

How disgusting, I will make sure I kill you both and become the queen. 

"It's my pleasure, can't wait to see how adorable the baby will look"

"I will be the best Aunty" grinning 


"Am feeling sleepy" yawn

"You should go to your chamber, kellen and I will continue the celebration"

Tyler returned to the castle and find kellen and Ariana chatting and laughing while eating, he wonder what they are celebrating, he was glad leah was not there, he missed her so much and can't wait to tell her how much he missed her.

Kellen let out a gasp when she saw the man her heart has been yearning for;  he is just three feet away from her, she couldn't hold the pressure in her heart, she couldn't hide her tears, she was ready to hug him when she stopped, the look he was giving her was that of anger and hatred. She reluctantly dropped her hands 

"No one is allowed to touch me expect my wife and sister, know your place kellen" coldly 

"Am sorry your majesty" bow

She stare at his back as he walk majestically, she felt Ariana's hand on her shoulder.

"Let's go out and have fun"

"No, let's just stay here"

"Why are you crying after seeing my brother?"

I know why she is crying but I just want to be sure, perhaps I might misunderstood her but it was obvious she is in love with Tyler.

"Ohhh something got into my eyes that's why"

"You are a good person kellen, am sure you will meet someone wonderful someday that will look at just you and no one else, just like the way my brother is towards leah" smile as she walk away 

"Ar...." broke off

She wonder why Ariana made those statement but it seems so obvious that she was aware of her feelings for her brother, she is right going after Tyler is pointless.

He will never love her just like Nick who never loved her but only use her body for pleasure, but Tyler will not accept her body nor heart, how stupid of her to even think she could tame a beast.

Will leah ever forgive her if she finds out that she has been feeding her with poison and want to have her husband all to her self

She don't need her forgiveness, she was supposed to be at her mercy, why is she taking Ariana's speech so serious when she can keep trying until she get what she wants

Afterall she is kellen, what she wants, she get.

Leah felt warmth around her, she knew there is only one person in the world who could make her feel this way, opening her eyes she saw him looking so breathtaking. She can't believe the man in front of her is her husband, it's like a dream coming true

"My queen" kiss her 

"When did you come back?" Weakly

"About two hours ago" held her tightly around her waist

"I miss you"

He reacted by kissing her, she stopped when she saw a letter falling from his pocket, she could feel his tense reaction when she held the letter.

"It's from tasza" calmly

"What?" Shocked

Does that mean kellen is right?

Is he cheating on me?

Damn this jerk to even think he could get away with this 

"I didn't open it yet, the messenger said it was urgent, I recieve it an hour ago"

He was careful with his choice of words so she wouldn't get hurt or mad at him 

"Here" gave him the letter 

"I want us to read it together wife" held her from behind as he open the letter

 She gasp as she stare at Tyler after reading the letter about her life being in danger and kellen trying to have her dead at all cost

"How dare she lie against my friend .....no not just a friend but a sister!" Flame up in anger

"Wife....I know tasza, she will never lie about such things"

She roughly pushed him away from her, how dare him defend her.

"You are taking her side" disbelief 

"No, wife, I also warn you about her,  can't you see that your so called friend is madly in love with your husband" yell in frustration 


"Your so called friend wants to ruin your happiness and have it all to herself"


"It's the truth!"

"I want to see tasza, she have to say this in front of kellen"

"As you wish wife"

How did he expect her to believe what is not true, kellen will never try to harm her in any way.

Tasza didn't hesitate to go to the castle to meet Tyler, her heart ache at his sight, she look down, she doesn't want any misunderstanding, she only want to protect the queen who has changed him to be a better man

"Why are you accusing kellen of attempting murder?" Harshly

"Am saying the truth your highness" nervous

She didn't expect leah to be nice to her not after how rude she was towards her on their first meeting, she should have been nice to her then perhaps things would have been different.

"Can you say this in front of Kellen?"

"Yes your grace"

Tyler fold his arms and watch his wife making judgement on her own but he is sure that tasza was saying the truth, kellen went startled when she saw tasza.

"What is she doing here?" 

"Kellen, I want you to be honest with me, do you know this woman and have you met her regarding me before"

"I swear I have nothing to do with her, I only saw her telling some women how she's been seeing the king lately"

Leah glare at tyler who shrug his shoulder, still folding his hands he stare at kellen and then to tasza before resting his gaze on his wife

"Tasza is saying the truth"

"Leah, you can't believe  them, I will never hurt you"

"My husband has no reason to lie to me kel, but am still finding it hard to believe. What will you gain from killing me?"

"Leah, how can you believe someone like her?"

"Because my husband said so but I still want to know the truth kel, is it true? You were joking right! You have no reason to kill me. Why will you want my husband? When you clearly know he is my everything, please tell me all this accusation against you are lies" screamed in frustration 

"I will do no such thing"

She closed her eyes and summon flora who bow before them, kellen was afraid, she didn't know leah could actually summon a fairy, she thought it was a lie.

"Flora, you know what to do, find the one telling the truth, reveal it here"

"Tasza is saying the truth, kellen is the one lying"

She revealed everything in front of them, leah couldn't hide her pain when she realized her supposed friend poisoned her, all the tea she claim she prepared for relieving stress was poison.

Oh God

What will happen to her baby?

"Flora....my child?"

"The baby is fine, the poison was not effective because of the energy surrounding you"


"Wha....." before he could complete his statement, flora vanished because leah asked her to, he clench his fist in anger, he want to strangle kellen to death but he couldn't because she is someone special to his wife, staring back at his wife he noticed her gaze was on kellen who was trembling in fear and tasza who was standing helplessly 


She felt a sharp pain on her chin, she stare at leah in shock, never in her wildest imagination has she thought of being slapped by leah

"Lea...h you slap ....." she didn't  complete her statement when she felt another slap on the other side of her chin, the look in leah's eyes is like that of a viper ready to strike.