
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

4: The Royal Affair

"From this area to this area, we need to find a solution for the problem. These three areas will experience flooding in less than 5 months," Thatcher, the royal builder, pointed out some downhill regions that would be inundated by the floodwaters.

"The dam will be of great assistance. If we can retain all the water in the dam, it will not only prevent the flooding in those areas, but we can also harness the water for agricultural use," he reaffirmed his opinion.

"Proceed with that plan. I hope that this year we can address this issue and also utilize the floodwater as a resource," King Samuel issued his directive.

"Ahem, Your Highness..."

"Is something troubling you, Lord Stanssoff of Calabury?"

"Forgive me, sire. May I inquire about something?" King Samuel nodded briefly. What now? This cunning baron will never miss an opportunity!

"I believe this project is under the purview of The Crown Prince. Why is he absent from today's presentation?" A question that had piqued everyone's curiosity since the early morning. The absence of Prince Hadrian had sparked speculation among the attendees.

King Samuel surveyed the room. Everyone seemed on edge. In truth, even he was unsure why his eldest son had not attended the meeting. As far as he recalled, he had informed Prince Hadrian about the morning session.

"I understand that Prince Hadrian had to excuse himself due to a private matter," suddenly, his eunuch, Morton, spoke up.

All eyes turned toward the charismatic eunuch, a prominent figure in the castle. He was one of the elder eunuchs, rich in experience. At times, he seemed wiser than some of the barons, which garnered him immense respect.

"What kind of matter, Eunuch Morton? Is this matter more pressing than today's proceedings?"

"I believe it concerns the future of our kingdom, Your Highness. To my knowledge, he is well-versed in this project. Even in his absence, the work can continue," Morton spoke with confidence.

"I hope your words hold true. Your Highness's absence has given rise to rumors that he is neglecting his responsibilities as The Crown Prince. Some of us are left wondering if Prince Hadrian still aspires to ascend the throne," Lord Stanssoff interjected, showing no fear as he addressed the king directly. King Samuel regarded him with a composed demeanor.

"He is my son, and I know him well. His duties and tasks proceed even when he is not present. Do not rush to judgment, Lord Stanssoff. I have not heard any complaints from his subordinates. I believe he has valid reasons for his absence from our meetings," King Samuel responded, addressing the situation candidly. He knew that Prince Hadrian never acted impulsively.

"May I inquire about Prince Hadrian's destination?" another baron inquired. Morton glanced at King Samuel, well aware that the answer might not satisfy them.

"Just go ahead, Morton. Let's quell this turmoil," King Samuel sighed, placing his hand under his chin. He was fatigued, tired of the arguments and posturing that were a constant in these meetings.

"He's gone to the north for conjugal arrangements," Morton responded, knowing that the news would send a ripple through the room. The murmuring spread quickly.

"Conjugal arrangements? With whom?"

"His Majesty didn't mention a word of this!"

"Why was this information withheld from us?"

"Perhaps he's just using it as an excuse..."

"Enough, everyone!" King Samuel's patience finally gave way. The room fell silent. The young king, with his accumulated experience, could no longer bear the pressure. He knew some of these barons would never fully respect him as a ruler, but he hoped they could at least respect his role as a father and a fellow human being.

"This matter is still under discussion. I anticipated these reactions, whether you were aware or not. Had I revealed this news, it would have sparked contention and opposition among you. So, I chose to wait and observe," His Majesty explained with a heavy heart. He gestured to his private eunuch.

"The meeting is adjourned. His Majesty requests that you all leave."

One by one, the attendees rose and exited the room.


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Is it true he went north? Is he taking my suggestion seriously?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"How is he?"

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Is something amiss with him, Morton?" King Samuel's tone grew sharper. Morton began to tremble, but he managed to steady himself.

"Your Highness, I don't know where you've gleaned that idea, but The Crown Prince is in perfectly good health, as usual," Morton responded, meeting King Samuel's gaze. The elder could see the change in the young king's demeanor. He knew King Samuel's next move before it even occurred.

"I know you excel at keeping secrets, Morton..." King Samuel's gaze softened.

"Your Highness?"

"But not from me." The soft gaze turned intense.

"Your Highness... this isn't a matter of significance that warrants your concern. You have a kingdom and its people to oversee. There's no need to trouble yourself over this minor affair," Morton attempted to reassure the king, bowing with what strength he had left. The years had taken their toll on him, yet he needed to bolster his spirit for the sake of the kingdom's safety and stability.

King Samuel reached out and placed his hand on Morton's shoulder, pulling him gently upright. He regarded the elder with an affection that surpassed mere respect. Morton had been the one to carry him when he first arrived here, and their bond had only grown stronger with time.

"Morton..." King Samuel spoke softly, his eyes gleaming.

"Sire," Morton responded, meeting those sparkling eyes.

"I know you're skilled at keeping secrets, but you're also like a father to me. I want to understand. I want to know."

Morton's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting the depth of their connection. He held onto King Samuel's robe, standing there as a steadfast pillar of support.

"I lost my father during that civil war. I had Hadrian when I was already crowned as the king of this kingdom. I had the power to rule and manage this kingdom, but I had zero knowledge of how to be a good father. My princes already lost their father the moment they were born," said King Samuel. His eyes began to well up with tears.

"I wanted to be a good father. I wanted it so bad! But there was nothing I could do to make things right between us. I was supposed to act as a father when I talked to them, but I couldn't do that! I couldn't favor them just like a father, because I am The King," Morton understood that feeling so well. He was the best witness to see how King Samuel grew up, became the king, and a father. He couldn't act much because he was the people's ruler.

"So, for once... I'm begging you! Please, let me be a father to him.. even if just for a moment. Please, I want to be a real father to my princes!"

" Your Highness... I am so sorry..."

"It's alright, Morton."

"About the prince..."