
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

23: A Grateful Event

The heat from the Sun burnt the open skin like a roasted chicken on an open fire. The crisp feeling penetrated through into the bone.

With this very position, the sharp heat was obvious. Right onto the face.

Ayleth gritted her teeth tight. Her eyes were almost blinded by the lights. She could feel her brows burnt by the scrotching hot Sun. Both of her legs went up straight to the sky, while her body was laying on the ground, on her back.


The unison of voice abused her hearing. With that, automatically her legs drop to her right side. But, Ayleth's whole torso remained straight. She grunted silently, for the pain was unbearable for her.

Not only her. The whole team could feel the sting.

This is the 7th formation, The Twister. Or, what the whole recruits called The 7th Hell Formation.

Ayleth looked at her right side. She could see the back of Eran. The man still in solidified posture. He is indeed among the best recruit in the team. To catch up with him, it's impossible. He was fit like a horse.

But, that's not what Ayleth put her concerned thoughts. It was something else, more than her position in this recruitment training.


"I know I shouldn't trust you! Right at the moment when I laid my eyes on you!" Eran pushed his unyield sword even more closer to Ayleth's throat. She could feel the wood squeezing her throat.

"Just because I got a royal seal?"

"No one in this world will have that, except for a thief like you!"

"I didn't steal anything!"

"So, where the hell are you just now, when everyone was heading to the pool?" Eran's question surely built up nervous feeling to Ayleth.

"I told you, I took a light walk..."

"You're coming from an estranged place-"

"That forest behind the quarters is a strange place? Like how?" Ayleth asked. " Few days ago, some of the recruits went there for a vent up session. If you know what I mean..."

That's when Eran loosing up.

"Call me a liar, but I don't need the seal to prove myself. I came here for my family, and I was just happened to safe the right person at the right time!" Ayleth upstand herself. She pushed Eran lightly, away from her, before struding herself to the room.

But, Eran managed to catch the collar of her robe, almost revealing the bind on her chest. He stopped when he saw the white bandage on Ayleth's shoulder, all the way to her bicep and tricep. She quickly flipped the robe back onto her body and glared at Eran.

In the deepest dim lights, Ayleth could see Eran's facial changed.


"Does he know?" Ayleth asked herself. The anxiety slowly hit her on chest. She frowned, locking her jaw to uphold the pain. The weather wasn't really helpful, plus, her position right now made things even worst.

She burst a deep cough. Realizing that her act attracted some people, she silently hold her breath.

That's when she felt tight on her chest.

No... Not right now, Ayleth! She cursed under her remaining breathe, wishing that she won't died at this point. However, the more she pressed and tried to focus, her chest felt tighter and for that, she burst a deep cough again.

This time, she felt numb on her head. And slowly, her hearing distorted.

"Al? Al?!"


Once she opened her eyes, all she could see was blank white surfaces around her. A smell of antiseptic abused her nose.

So, this is how a hospital looks like...

Ayleth slowly rose up from the bed. Those smell had no effect of her as she was used to it. When her sister was still alive, Ayleth smelled it often on her clothes. Right now, she got another thing that she concerned about.

"You passed out..."

Ayleth glared at her side. Eran was leaning against the wall in that room. She almost jumped on her feet if it wasn't for the sore muscle.

"Did you-"

"They won't dare touching you when I told them you have a bad injury on your shoulder. So, they called the physician and a team from the military hospital," said Eran.

"How- how did you know about my injury?!"

Eran grabbed a chair and slammed it next to Ayleth. He tilted his head a bit and checked on her shoulder.

"I saw it last night, while I grabbed your robe to stop you. That's one hell of an injury," Eran replied to Ayleth calmly.

"I don't think you can see it clearly..."

"I was raised by a gladiator. Believe me when I said it was severe," Ayleth gulped. Her concerned began to eat her now.

"You saw the wound. Only... The wound?" Ayleth softly asked.

"Should I look at something else than that?"

Eran's cynical respond made Ayleth's heart calm down. So, that means, he only saw the bandage at her forearm and nothing more.

Just assume the secret save until now.

Eran was about to ask something, but the intention got interrupted when a group of men enter the room. Eran quickly stood straight up, although at ease. Ayleth wanted to do the same but she could only stay still in her bed.

"Your Highness," both of them gave a polite greeting gesture to Hadrian. He came along with Kamui, Ron, and Aden.

"Tone it down, everyone. I am here for my friend," Hadrian smiled at Ayleth. She stared at the prince with a mixed feeling.

"Your Highness..."

"Don't move too much..." Hadrian quickly stopped Ayleth from moving too much. She could only moved an inch before Hadrian pushed her back to bed in care.

"Your injury is quite severe according to Aden and Kamui. Did you fall somewhere before you came to training camp?" asked Hadrian.

Ayleth watched Aden and Kamui, who stood in stoic next to each other.

"I... Fell from a horse riding, a week before coming here..." Ayleth lied.

"You should've told us..."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness..."

Hadrian sighed heavily. He turned his head towards Aden and Kamui.

"Call the camp. Tell them Al might stay a bit longer at the hosp-"

"I don't think we should extend it, Your Highness. I don't wanna get leave behind. Besides, these two weeks are crucial moment for me," Ayleth quickly revoked the idea.

"You do realize, being stubborn is not good for your current condition," said Eran. He took a glance at Hadrian who watched Ayleth in care. His eyes were full of concern.

Noe, he couldn't help but kept thinking the relationship between these two men. Plus, there was another man, across the room, who gave her the same expression.

Who is Ayleth to them actually?

"If you insist, fine. I'll issue some suggestions to the camp. Please do not reject them. It's for your own good," Hadrian persuaded Ayleth.

"I hope those measurements won't bring us trouble, Your Highness. You must understand. The gruesome training for the Royal Guard is normal for us. Do not let us at ease, just because of some favor child," Eran threw a reminder before he took a fleet from the room.

Ayleth watched him until he was undetectable for a sight. Then, her eyes pierce at Aden, who stood there, clenching his teeth. He can't get closer, although right now, his strong desire to hug Ayleth was almost eaten him alive.

All he could do was staring.

"Your Highness. I have a suggestion," Kamui suddenly spoke after a long silent. Hadrian nodded in tiny.

"Prince Aden has a lot of experience in herbalogy and medical. How about we let him lead a team and open a medical unit inside the camp?" Hadrian frowned.

"Did the training camp has their own medical team?" he asked.

"Not really. They had one but it's mobile, so it's not as perfect as the Royal Physicians Unit, or even a general hospital. As far as I know, they still need to refer some cases outside the camp, because of the lack of equipment. Just like today," said Kamui.

"The recruit mentioned about the gruesome training. And you told me the medical unit that exist in the camp is zero to none. How they handle some serious cases, just in case?" Hadrian almost jumped from his seat.

"They will bring those injure recruits to the general hospital. But, the serious injury is rare. It's almost impossible for those recruits to encounter some sever injuries. Because we did the selection process thoroughly. It's just, Al happened to occur this after the selection and before he joined the training. It's rare and unfortunate," replied Kamui.

Hadrian looked at Ayleth. He paused a bit before rose up from his seat.

"Fine. I accept the suggestion. Aden, pack your things immediately and I will visit the Royal Physicians unit today to select some physicians to help you. Inform the Royal Guard's Training Camp, they will have a new medical unit, complete with all necessities," Hadrian put down his dictation. Kamui nodded to him, as a sign that he understood the order.

"I'll pack up now, brother..."

"I put my trust on you, Aden..." Hadrian patted his brother's shoulder. He left the room at once, because he had so much to do in a short amount of time.

Kamui smiled at Ayleth.

"Thanks to you, now the training camp has a complete medical unit. They won't put you in trouble, I can guarantee that," he said that to Ayleth. He also left the room after some time. Leaving Aden and Ayleth by themselves.

"We never know..." Ayleth murmured softly under her breath. Aden quickly reached out to her, giving Ayleth a soft stroke on her head.

"At least, we can see each other everyday. And I can protect you as well," said Aden. Finally, Ayleth drew a smile on her face.

As long as Aden stands by her side, she won't be afraid anymore.