
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

2: A Boy, A Forest, A Bear and... A Girl?

As usual, the market seemed quite busy. A lot of people were buying and selling goods everywhere. From food to leather goods, everybody was just swarming all over the place.

Everyone was still doing their routine, buying and selling even though they were facing a new problem those days. The increase in the price of goods, thanks to the tax levy.

The Kingdom of Arch had started raising tax levies. For quite a few years, the government had begun collecting a high amount of tax from the sellers and merchants for development purposes.

And, as a result, the prices had begun to spike. It was something rational since they needed to put some extra amount in costs, and those costs were not even cheaper if you were from some other places, hundreds of miles away. So, they marked up the prices, resulting in an increase in the price of goods in the capital. Shopping wasn't the same anymore. People started to lose some purchasing power. Slow economic growth led to slow development, and the merchants started to lose interest in doing business around.

The government tried its best to show how important the levy was by launching several campaigns like a new-built market and improved roads. The new fortress just a few miles from the market was symbolic of how seriously the government took the security issues.

The Kingdom of Snowden was famous for its valuable natural resources. Herbs from forests, logs, and even some agricultural products like greens, fish, and poultry. This kingdom was also famous for its harbor, attracting merchants from all over the world into the trading business. There were pros and cons to opening up the gates to the outside world. That was why security issues were at the top of the kingdom's priority.

Most of the people in this country were original inhabitants who had followed the previous king, who was technically ousted from the previous country, The Kingdom Of Arch. It was the civil war that separated them from the country they loved so much.

But, for the sake of their lives, they had to depart and follow the previous ruler, King Richard Armond III, who was the last king of The Kingdom of Arch and also the last king to hold the Armond royal name.

His Majesty had ruled the kingdom from the base, building it together with the people. Through blood, sweat, and tears, they had succeeded in building a strong empire in less than 20 years. They had survived through civil war and many other wars, spreading the empire to every nation and establishing diplomatic relationships with some of the countries that weren't keen on war. The Kingdom of Arch was now a large nation with the strongest army and a very well-organized kingdom, thanks to the king, His Majesty King Samuel.

"Well, good morning Rufus!"

"You're early, as usual."

"Well... you know, got some important things to do," Aden put down his sling bag on his table. He looked around the drug store. There were lots of herbs and potions on the top shelves above his head and on the shelves behind his back.

"How's the potion?"

"Splendid! I hope we can produce some more and share the benefits with the locals," Rufus smiled and continued doing his job. Aden always thought about the benefits of medicine for the people.

"You know, you should work with those royal physicians at the royal hospital."

"Here is my lab, my workplace. Besides, they are so quiet. It's kinda boring!" Aden chuckled. He went through all the little jars behind him, fascinated by the herbs that he had collected.

"That's because you're so talkative!"

"I can't help it when someone says I should stop talking. That is my specialty," the old man laughed heartily. Aden was such a joker. He was also pure-hearted and sincere. He was so much different from the other boys he had ever met.

"Gotta go now."

"Where are you heading to?"

"My secret base," Aden winked. Rufus just smirked.

"I thought this was your secret base..."

"I got another one yesterday," Aden took his bag and walked straight to the door. He stopped and waved to Rufus. Rufus just smiled and continued his work. Aden disappeared from his sight.

Rufus sighed. He knew he should probably enjoy this moment. Aden was a very good companion, but this wouldn't last forever. Sooner or later, that gentleman would walk away from his drug store.

"Ahem..." suddenly a voice came from behind. Rufus looked at the door, his face looking faded. He was shocked.

"Good morning, Sir Rufus..."


Morning breeze, not too hot yet not too cold; it was just right. The weather was perfect for foraging. Aden couldn't wait. He looked around the forest. Everything was green and shining.

He wished he could find the flower. A rare type of flower that only blooms one day in the summer. He was so desperate to find it. The only place it could be found was in that area in the southern forest, Binkaberm Forest. Aden had gathered some information about this flower from the locals. This might be his final option.

He walked a long way, but there were no signs of any flowers. Ferns and mushrooms were everywhere. The soil was wet from yesterday's rain. He was so determined to find it. That flower was his lifesaver. This was the only day the flower would bloom. He needed that flower. He surely needed it.

"I might have gone too far, I guess..." he sighed. He had lost his direction. He looked around to find a place where he could take a break. He found a nice shady tree and walked there with tired legs.

"Where is it? Lord, I can't believe I'm looking for it all by myself!" Aden fussed around. He should have brought at least a companion. But, no one wanted to follow him.

Everyone in the kingdom knew Binkaberm Forest was the most dangerous place in that kingdom. Bears were everywhere. That's why no one wanted to enter the forest. If possible, they would avoid passing by it altogether.

But Aden was so compelled to find the flower. He didn't care about bear attacks or anything else. At least he knew how to fight a bear, even if it was just the basics. What was more important was finding the flower as soon as possible.

He was drinking from the stream when suddenly he saw a glimpse. He looked back, but no one was there. Probably just a feeling. He continued washing at the stream. Suddenly, he saw a huge stone to his right. Underneath it was a strange flower. How could a flower be blooming in a place like that?

He walked slowly towards the spot. He squatted down and looked at the flower. It looked pale but was in full bloom. He took a sketch from his bag.

"I found it! Yes! Yes!!!!" Aden screamed at the top of his lungs. He had found the flower. Carefully, he took a knife and cut the flower. He smiled from ear to ear. He stood up when suddenly...

"What was that?" His eyes widened. He saw something flying in the corner of his eye. He looked to his right. There was an arrow, embedded in a tree. The sound of a bear's roar startled him.

And then, another arrow flew. This time, it narrowly missed his arm as he managed to avoid it.

"Hey! There's a human here!" he screamed. Someone emerged from behind a tree. He was so startled that he almost stabbed that person with his small knife.

"Watch it!" the person yelled. It sounded like a woman, standing in front of him, wearing a hood that covered her face.

"Don't come closer, or I will kill you!"

"Shut up!" she pushed him away. She looked around curiously. When she realized that everything was clear, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Look, whoever you are, just don't..."

"I already saved you from a bear. I don't need your thank you, just appreciate it if you don't talk too much," she put down her bow and turned away.

"Hey, you almost killed me, too.." Aden voiced his protest. He held her shoulder and turned her to face him. The brown hood she wore slipped down to her shoulder.

For the first time, he experienced a sharp electric shock running through his body. Those piercing blue eyes caught him, enough to make him paralyzed. His heart was beating so fast he felt like it almost jumped out of his chest.

"Woah!" he took a step back but unfortunately tripped over his leg and fell. Luckily, he saved his face from kissing the ground, otherwise, he would have been eating dirt. But still, his rear end hit the ground hard.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked with a frown on her face. She sighed, feeling like she was questioning his behavior and offered her hand for help, but Aden quickly pushed it away with a scared expression.

"If you say so.." she ignored him, simultaneously feeling furious about his manners. How rude! She muttered to herself.

Aden tried to stand up, but a sharp pain shot through his ankle. He might have sprained it. He tried again, but he failed. The only thing he managed to do was moan in pain.

She attempted to give him her hand, but he pushed it away again.

"I'm trying to help you here, mister! If you're not willing to be lunch today..."

"I'm not used to holding a girl's hand!" she sighed again. She wasn't sure how many times she had sighed during this encounter. Probably a hundred? She was already feeling exasperated.

"What kind of gentleman are you? Sissy?"

"I am not a sissy! It's just... it's true. I've never held a lady's hand, except for my mother," he looked straight into her eyes. She suddenly felt like he wasn't lying. He probably came from a place where mingling between ladies and gentlemen was still prohibited, or he might be someone who had never used to socialize with ladies. He looked very young, probably younger than her.

She looked around and found a sturdy twig that could be used to support someone. She pointed the twigs towards him.

"Grab this," she instructed. Aden reached for the twig, held it tight, and she pulled him up with her energy. But...

They were caught between reality and dreams. All he knew right now was that he needed to wake up as soon as possible. She was lying on the sand, her eyes wide open, wondering how she ended up lying there with that man on top of her.

Aden stood up quickly. He cleared his throat and wiped away some residue from his clothes. His face was reddening. She stood up by herself, maintaining her calm demeanor while brushing off some sand from her back.

"Well, how can I believe you never held a girl's hand when you are so casually lying on top of them?" she gave him a sharp retort.

"I never held any girls' hands! Do you think I'm lying right now? That was a reflex!" Aden denied the accusation.

"Who knows? You look weird, with that outfit and wandering around here. It's either you want to commit suicide or you're a psychopath looking for a place to hide your crime," he could feel his face burning.

"I am not!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Then, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for..." suddenly, he stopped talking. His eyes were fixed on the ground. Suddenly, he pushed her aside and picked something up.

"Hey! You wanted to kill me, right?!"

"Shut up! Shut your bloody mouth up!!!" Aden had reached his limit of anger. He held her shoulder, his eyes blazing red. The lady froze. Suddenly, tears streamed down his face. She looked uneasy and felt guilty instantly.

"You stepped on it!"


"You stepped on that flower, you crazy devil!" he pushed her. She walked back a few steps, not understanding what he was talking about. He turned away with the flower in his palm.

"I stepped on what?!"

"Just consider that you already killed someone today..." his voice deepened. He sounded very sad and devastated.

"You can't accuse me when you have no proof. I didn't step on any creature!"

"Do you think a creature is only considered as something living and moving around?" he turned towards her, showing her the flower.

She walked slowly towards him and took the flower from his hand. She sniffed the flower and examined its features. Suddenly, she smiled and grabbed his hand. He pulled his hand away furiously.

"You have to come with me."


"Don't ask. Just follow me," she grabbed his hand. With no words to argue, he just followed in her footsteps. They walked into the forest for a while.