
The prince and Girl of Niato

This story is about a Girl named Mia and she is supposed to marry a prince so that she can produce a heir. The princes name is Preston and he is a workaholic. Will Mia say yes? will the prince leave is girlfriend for Mia? who knows. Read the story and find out. I publish a Chapter almost every Saturday so stay posted! Hope you like the book! I also will make this into a comic on here and Webtoon so I will tell you when! Bye loves!!!

LailaFetherson · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: What is happening to my life:

The prince and King were in our family room!!! What was royalty doing in our family room? Were they here because I did something wrong? I feel like I can't breathe! Am I having a panic attack? I don't know but everything just went black. I woke up in a white carriage. I popped up, I looked to my side to see the prince looking out the window. The prince looked my way! " oh, you're awake. I'm Prince Prest-" " I know who you are. Why am I here?" I said cutting him off. " You are supposed to be marrying me. But I have a girlfriend so don't get any ideas!" He said looking straight into my eyes." Oh, I wouldn't ever get any ideas! Why would I want to marry the guy whose girlfriend is already been cheating on him for 2 years!" I said with a glare coming from my ocean blue eyes to his green dead eyes." My girlfriend has never cheated on me you stupid girl." He said looking back out of the window. " First of all, I'm not just some woman. Second of all your 'girlfriend' is cheating on you with her so- called brother who was my boyfriend. I caught them in the act." I said tearing up. "Well I don't believe stupid little girls aka you." he said with a grin on his face. Then the carriage went to a stop. Then someone started yelling for the king. And then Danny appeared. "Mia, Prince Preston, come with me now!" Danny said, opening the carriage door.