
The Orb

"Is that the same inn that we stayed before?"

"Yes! I think Zekiah and Ruvin were also staying there for now."

"Why there?"

"There must be some reason, but it was not stated in the message that Zander sent."

"Hmm, let's stay there then."

* * * * *

"My Lord, the orb is truly amazing. Not only did the power of our dark magic increased, but the strength of the men practicing dark magic has also improved immensely."

The Dark Magic Lord remained silent. He was not certain what triggered the awakening of the orb, although all it did is release some kind of power that enhanced the ability of dark magic users. The Dark Magic Lord was confused because he was yet to retrieve Jorick from the Ninth Prince. Why did the orb suddenly awaken? 

'Something must have triggered its awakening. It is not yet releasing its full power and yet we already feel that our strength is growing day by day. What will happen when we have Jorick?'