

It was 17th May.

“It’s Alexis’ birthday today?”

I sighed, “Yes, and do you know anything about knocking on the door before entering someone’s room?”

A look of realization dawned on his face, and he then he gave me a look that simply screamed ‘Oops!’

“Sorry, I forgot to do that.” He shrugged before taking a seat on the bed, “So, are we doing anything for her?” he asked me, the excitement was clear in his voice.

Sometimes, Wyatt resembled a puppy so much that I simply wanted to extend my hand and pat his head. But since it was socially not appropriate, I held myself back and simply leaned back against the chair I was sitting on, “Probably. Harsh will never not do anything to make her feel special.” I said, with a small smile on my face.

They both were so much in love with each other that it made others around them happy too. They both were one of the reasons why I still hadn’t given up on finding love. I just think I deserved a love like that too. I think we all deserved a love like them too. To be in love; I bet it would be a wonderful feeling.

And, Harsh did plan something special for Alexis. He texted both me and Wyatt that he would take Alexis to the lake near us (Yes, the infamous cursed lake), and would have a dinner with her since that place was where they had their first date. But before that, Wyatt needed to put the fairy lights near the area, and the table.

Get to work. He texted Wyatt. He groaned, “Why am I the only one doing this? This is so unfair!” He protested as he ran his hand though his face.

“Because I am helping him bake the cake, and also make dinner!” I said with a giggle. It was nice to see him break his perfect character, and complain about things. This made him look so real, and I felt like he trusted me. A little bit.

“Go do your duty, prince!” I joked.

We both got into work. Our parents took Alexis out on a shopping so both of us; Harsh and me had the whole house to ourselves and we both could bake the cake peacefully. I focused on the cake, and Harsh focused on making the dinner.

Harsh was a good cook. I knew that because I had personally tasted his food once and when his food entered my mouth, I thought I was in heaven.

When we were finally done, I let out a loud, ‘Finally!’ and went straight to my room to lay down on my bed. I could hear Harsh’s amused laughter behind me.

Working with Harsh was nerve-wrecking; he expected perfection and I was just an amateur in cooking. I thought he wanted to scold me many times but held back his words, and that just made me nervous, and so I worked like my life was on the line.

“Ahh!” I let out a moan when I finally felt the touch of my bed. It felt like heaven. I hugged the pillow closer to my chest, and let out a soft sigh. I was so comfortable that I actually fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt like the world was spinning. I ran my hands through my hair, and let out a yawn. I picked up my phone to look at the time, and when I saw the time, my eyebrows nearly touched my hairline.

It was 9:30 pm. I actually slept for four hours and no one decided to wake me up. I went towards Wyatt’s room after I splashed my face with water, and found him with his laptop.

“Are they both still out?” I questioned.

“Wow, your hair is a mess.” He pointed out, instead of answering my question. I touched my hair and felt a little insecure at that time. He probably noticed my emotion, and immediately said, “It’s cute. You look cute like this.”

I didn’t know how to react besides blushing like a kid. I knew I was probably all red at that moment. “Shut up!” That was what my brain could come up with. Great work, brain! You are definitely not acting useless.

He chuckled, “Alright, Jane!” He held his hands up as if to say he would listen to me.

Then he patted the spot next to him, “Come watch this movie with me?” He asked me and how could I say no to the prince? And so, I sat down next to him, and he started the movie from the beginning.

“Do you want to work in the palace?” I heard him say after 30 minutes into the movie.

“What?” My head turned towards him so fast that I was surprised that my head didn’t just fall off.

“Didn’t you say that your parents expected you to get married soon? You will be free from this pressure if you come with me,” His eyes were focused on the laptop screen and then he finally turned to look at me, “My sister needs a new language tutor, and who is a better tutor than you?”

“How old is your sister?” I asked him because I was curious. I had heard about her, but I never knew her age. The royal family hadn’t even released any of her photos to the public so we do not know how she looked like.

He thought for a moment, “Ten.” He sounded unsure, and I gave him a look of disbelief, “You don’t know her age?”

“I am not good with age. I am surprised that I am able to remember my own age.” He defended himself, but he didn’t let this topic about his sister’s age stretch out and said, “Plus, you can meet with Alexis whenever you will feel like.” It was indeed true. Alexis and Harsh stayed in the capital, so me working as a tutor for the Princess would definitely help me be close to my sister.

“I will think about it.” I whispered, fidgeting with my hands. I didn’t know what to say. I felt like my brain was getting overwhelmed by this sudden offer.

“Aren’t you a teacher? So, you already know the basics of handling kids.”

“How do you know about my occupation?” I asked him, surprised that he knew I was working as a teacher.

“Alexis informed me.” Oh. Of course! How could I forget that he knew my sister? Of course, Alexis would tell him everything about me. She was just like that.

“Won’t you agree, Jane?” His voice was so soft when he asked this that my heart nearly melted. And again, how could I say no the prince of this country? So, I agreed.

And he had the biggest smile on his face the moment I agreed, and I wondered what did he see in me that he trusted me with such a big responsibility.

Around 11, both Harsh and Alexis came back. Alexis had the biggest smile on her face, and she looked so happy. She gave me a hug, “The cake was wonderful. Thank you!”

I lightly patted her shoulder. I was awkward with affections, “You are welcome, idiot.”

That night, I lay in bed and instead of sleeping, I only thought about how I was going to tutor a princess. The gravity of the new job dawned upon me, and I started to have anxious thoughts.

I continued checking the time. The clocked ticked from 12 to 1, and then 1 to 2 and finally it was 3 am in the morning. I let out a helpless sigh when I realised that I was not going to get enough sleep.