"A very warm welcome to all our viewers out there. As you can see that we have no studio audience today but what we do have are very special guests making their first appearance on national television post their engagement. This is your host Niki and let's not make you wait before we invite the royal couple! Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, His Royal Highness, King Aiden Jonas and his much speculated about, beautiful fiance Miss Amelia Brighton.
As the spotlight brightened, Amelia appeared on the screen with her hand tucked in the King's arm. Wearing a royal blue knee-length dress that highlighted her curves, the young girl was escorted by the King who looked resplendent as always in the royal blue uniform.
"Miss Amelia, as you might know, the entire nation is curious about you, so we'll start with the obvious, where did you and King Aiden first meet?"
A blush lighting her face, Amelia answered slowly, " I don't remember our first meeting. There was a lot going on that day. After all, I was just born."
While Niki was confused, Aiden held her hand in his and continued," Amelia and I met the day she was born. She was the cutest little baby I'd held, even though she was completely red and had very little hair on her head."
"A childhood sweetheart! King Aiden, you really have been quite sly, hiding her so well from everyone. Please don't behead me for being impudent!" Niki continued as she imagined her ratings going even higher at this point.
Laughing, Aiden shook his head, while Niki continued," So you are childhood sweethearts?"
"Yes and No. As you know, Amy is quite younger so other than her baby years when she used to follow me around, we lost touch for a while during my teen years. We reconnected again after a few years and as we got to know each other again, I knew that I wanted to never let her go."
"That is really too romantic! So, how did he propose, Amelia? And were you never tempted to come out and reveal your identity when he was linked with so many women over the two years?"
"I'll answer your second question first. I was actually bothered about the rumours but only because it gave him a bad reputation. As for the proposal, it was quite romantic actually. It was the day after my eighteenth birthday."
"Wow! Well, we did deduce that you did not wait but that is just... unbelievable. I see that you are not wearing the promise ring, Amelia."
"I am actually. I have always worn it on a necklace."
"Well, it really is a pair! And what does the ring say? The inscription?"
"It's our initials, stamped with the date of his proposal."
Niki nodded at this as she continued, " Boys if you need ideas on how to woo a girl, follow our King's example! I am floored. Sir, we never would have guessed that you would be so romantic! Now, I'll pose the next question to you as Amelia is already blushing so prettily. And this is not me so please don't blame me. People are bound to want to know about your plans for children. Do you want lots of children?"
AJ nodded while Amelia blushed even more as predicted," We are taking one step at a time. Let's get through the engagement, wedding and coronation. But yes, we would both love to have a family."
"Amelia, when did you realise that you love him? Because you are very young..."
Throwing an adoring glance AJ's way she smiled and spoke," I don't think there has ever been a time when I have not loved him. Since a young age, I have seen him be so caring and loving that my heart has always fluttered for him."
"At the risk of repeating myself, wow wow wow..." Niki spoke as she looked between the couple. "And what did the King Father think of you two? Were you nervous when you met him and Queen Lily?"
"Not really, no. Actually, I did not meet his grandfather formally. He was there to visit AJ and I was also there. So we just bonded over breakfast. I was a bit nervous when I was Grandma but she is too welcoming to stay nervous for long."
"Alright, just as we are coming to a close, Amelia, what are your thoughts on the criticisms of the people who are pointing out that you are too young to take on the responsibility of our future."
"I can only say that I am grateful for the protectiveness that AJ has shown me over the years making it possible for me to grow and learn the ropes. And I am hoping to learn more in the future. As for the people who would rather criticize first, I'll let them see for themselves whether I can pull my weight. That's all that matters."
"That is a really great way to put it, Amelia. And now the last question- are you more terrified of the upcoming wedding or happier?"
"I am terrifyingly excited about the wedding, I think."
"Well. we hope you would be a great support to our King in bringing about the change that he has started. Good Luck to you both. And thank you for joining us."
As the camera panned out, the remote control was thrown towards the wall as Amy almost screamed in frustration! Two days! It had been two days after the interview had been aired and she had yet to see a sign of her doting fiance to pamper her.