
Chapter 1

I stood in my parents living room, in black trousers, a black button up shirt and a black leather jacket. My suitcase already at the front door.

"Chloe, I'm so proud of you. You passed all your exams and now you're leaving for the city to become a nurse!" My mum grinned happily as she made her way towards me.

I gave mum a big smile.

"Thank you, this wouldn't of been possible if it wasn't for you both. Thank you for everything!" I replied as my eyes started filling up with tears.

Mum rushed over and pulled me into a hug.

Mum's beautiful, long, blonde hair covered her face as she pulled me in tightly.

Over mums shoulder my dad walked through the door from his bedroom and he gave me a warm smile as he walked over towards mum and I.

"Ok Lucy, Chloe can't breath when you hug her that tightly. Let the girl breath." Dad chuckled as he made his way to my mum.

Dad pulled mum off me and smiled at me.

"Sorry, I couldn't help It, I'm going to miss you." Mum said as a tear started filling her eyes.

"It's ok Mum, I will write to you often and I'll come and visit and you guys can come visit me!" I explained with a big smile on my face.

My dad nodded in agreement.

"That's right. You better hurry or you'll miss your train." Dad said glancing up at the round black and white clock.

"Oh shoot your right!" I replied in surprise, if I don't leave now I will miss my train.

"Go. Let us know you got there safely!" Mum said as she ushered me towards the front door.

I quickly glanced in the mirror on the wall.

My long lilac hair and bright blue eyes where shining from the light above me.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and then grabbed my suitcase.

"Take care, we love you." Dad said as he stood next to my mum and put his arm around her shoulder.

Mum was tearing up, but she had a big smile on her face.

"I love you two. I'll write to you when I get there." I replied as I smiled at my parents and opened the door.

I waved goodbye to my parents and then made my way to the train station.

After a 6 hour hour train ride I finally made it to the beautiful White City.

The most popular city, with the best trade marketing and shops, various restaurants at your choosing and a beautiful White palace that stood high over the village.

The whole city was covered in beautiful colourful plants and trees, there were fairy lights surrounding the entire town that came on at night.

It really is the most beautiful city.

Stepping out of the train station I looked around at the scenery.

Many friendly faces entering and leaving the train station.

There was beautiful rose bushes scattered all around with bees and butterflies flying around.

"Beautiful, isn't It?" Came a young girls voice from next to me.

I turned to my left and and saw a young girl with long black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Yes, it is." I replied.

The girl smiled at me.

"I'm Hayley by the way." She introduced.

"I'm Chloe." I replied smiling back at her.

"So where are you heading?" Hayley asked as she started making her way down the gravel path that lead into the city.

"I've just moved here, so I'm looking for my new apartment. How about you?" I explained as I followed Hayley down the path.

"I've just come back from seeing my family. I've lived here for four years now." Hayley explained.

"I can see why, this place is amazing." I replied still glancing around at the beautiful flowers.

"This is only the entrance, wait until you see the palace's garden!" Hayley replied grinning.

"That palace garden?" I asked.

Hayley walked up to a horse and cart and got into the back, she then motioned for me to join her.

I climbed up the step and sat down in the open cart.

There were many horses and carts that were just standing around.

It's the main transport from the train station to the city which is twenty minutes if you walk, 10 in a cart.

"Yeah, every summer they open the garden palace to the townspeople so you can admire the beauty of it. It's the most gorgeous garden you will ever see!" Hayley grinned.

"Have you seen It?" I asked intrigued.

"Yes of course, I help maintain it and create medicines from the garden." Hayley explained with a big smile.

"She's very friendly..." Chloe thought.

"So what about you? What brings you to white city?" Hayley asked as she crossed her left leg over her right and out her hands together.

Her eyes staring into mine.

"I've just passed my nursing exam, so I've come to white city to get a nursing job." I explained smiling.

"That sounds cool, well if I hear of something I'll let you know." Hayley smiled as she looked around.

I copied and just realised that we were riding through the town.

"Right here will do!" Hayley called to the driver.

The man nodded as Hayley flipped a coin at him.

I watched her as she jumped out of the cart.

"You can pay for the next ride, since you're new I will help you out." Hayley grinned as she put her hands on her hips.

"Ok deal." I smiled back as I got out the cart.

"Ok so where do you need to go?" Hayley asked cocking an eyebrow up.

I pulled a folded bit of paper out of my jacket pocket.

"Pearl street?" Hayley asked glancing up at me.

"That's near me, it's this way." Hayley replied as she turned her back on me and started walking up the concrete path.

Large brick houses and apartments surrounded me, there was jewerelly shops and clothes shops, a few restaurants scattered here and there.

The atmosphere it's self was calm, relaxing and friendly.

"This is my apartment, this is Jupiter street. Walk to the end of the road and pearl street is there. Your apartment is 1002 which is on the left side of road. It's pretty easy. I'll let you settle in for now." Hayley smiled as she pointed to the end of the street.

I gave her a nod to show I understood.

"Oh one more thing, at 7pm this evening there is a town party happening in the central park, you should come with it will be fun." Hayley smiled excitedly.

I gave her a smile and a nod.

"Ok yeah sounds fun." I said back.

"Ok meet me at the central park it's back that way, and up the road, just follow some of the people, everyone attends." Hayley explained.

I gave her another understanding nod.

"Ok good. See you at 7." Hayley grinned before turning away and walking in the brick building in front of me.

I then made my way down the street following Hayleys directions till I found apartment 1002.

I decided to take a nap once I get inside.