
The prince's little slave

Jaelynn... a young slave girl who escaped from the slave house with her mother. Unfortunately her mother died and she was left all alone. That is until she met Alexander, the kingdom's crown prince. Does Jaelynn's life change for the better by meeting Alexander? Or Will everything take a drastic turn and life becomes worse for her? Find out in THE PRINCE'S LITTLE SLAVE

Pheona_Edward · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

With the slave people now gone, jaelynn felt so relieved but not so fully because no doubt when the prince goes, they would come looking for her again.

"Are you okay?" the prince's voice dismissed her from her thoughts.

"Yes your highness" she bowed her head, "And i would like to thank you for saving me from the slave catchers, I'm grateful" she added.

"I didn't just save you, I bought you"

He did? She looked up at him confused.

"Is there anyway i can repay you, Your Highness" she said looking down.

He came closer to her.

"What part of 'I bought you' don't you understand? You now belong to me so you're coming with me to the castle as my slave"

Her? to the castle? as a slave again, its just like walking from a burning bush to a volcano.

But she would have food to eat and a roof over her head, she thought.

"I understand your Highness" she replied.

He just looked at her and turned to one of his guards.

"Leroy prepare the horses, its getting late"

The guard named Leroy bowed his head and replied, "Yes Your Highness" and he left.

The prince then turned back to Jaelynn.

"What is your name?" he asked her.

She bowed slightly, "Jaelynn, Your Highness"

"Jalie" he murmured

She seemed confused as to why he called her jalie.

"And your age?" he asked again

"I am Seventeen, Your highness"

"Your Highness, the horses are ready" Leroy informed them.

"Jaelynn can you ride?" the prince asked.

What? Jaelynn thought, She had never even touch a horse before in her life.

"No your Highness"

The prince seemed to think for a while.

"Your Highness, maybe she should ride with me" A guard suggested.

Jaelynn looked at him, he had long black hair and hazel eyes which looked at her brown ones.

"Yes that would..." she was saying but got cut off by the prince firmly.

"No need Isaiah, she would ride with me"

So the good looking guard's name was Isaiah, Jaelynn thought to herself.

They all got on their horses ready to go.

Jaelynn rode with the prince, when the ride became too fast for her, she wrapped her arms around the prince's waist so tight

"Are you alright?" she heard the prince ask.

"Yes i am fine" she answered faintly.

The prince knew she was lying but either way he didn't slow down, he liked the way she held him and rested her head on his back.

When they arrived at the palace, he helped her down from the horse. The guards dispersed immediately, maybe they went to their quarters, she thought to herself.

"Aren't you coming jalie?" the prince was already at the golden door of the castle.

"Huh..uh... yes your highness" she hurried her footsteps.

They entered the castle and it was beautiful, everything about the castle was gold and white.

It seemed like a golden palace.

"Your Highness??"

"Hmm" he answered without looking at her.

"Would i work as a kitchen maid"

"No, you're working for me and me alone"

She just nodded, then the prince spotted a maid walking in the hallway.

"You over there, come here" he called her.

The maid quickly rushed to where they were.

"Take this girl, give her food and new clothes and don't waste time!" he ordered.

"Yes your highness"

Jaelynn followed the maid quietly.