
The Prince's Forbidden Desire

[Warning: Nature content ahead!] Li Mei, a demoness who was used to running away from the brothel to save her little virginity, one day bumped into the arrogant, ruthless, and unpredictable third prince of the Cao Dynasty. Thank god, she was cross-dressing at that time. She had expected the man to let her go, but alas! It turned out the prince was nowhere as elegant as they would think. He forced ‘him’ to enter into his harem and slept next to ‘him’ every single night. When she thought that was the limit of his craziness, the elegant prince also bumped into her in her real, female demoness form in a park. Ever since then, the elegant and majestic prince only had two things to do in his life: teasing the person in his palace, and teasing the person in the park. Li Mei: “Let go of me!” (Speaking the same words through both her male and female forms.) The elegant prince: “Never. Teasing you is the goal of my eternal life.” Li Mei: “.....” She wondered how the man would react if he ever found out the two of them were the same person…..

Pinkyprincess · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Running Away Once Again!

Li Mei became even more terrified after hearing those words. She glanced right and left, trying her best, but to her dismay, the ugly, fatty man started dragging her away.

It wasn't that she lacked strength, but she was just a young girl. How could her strength match that of the fatty, ugly man, who was way bigger than her? She could even see the loose muscles on his back trembling with every step he took.

Li Mei took a deep breath.

Calm down. Don't panic. It's okay. You're doing fine.

After repeating those words in her mind, she opened her eyes and looked at the back of the fatty man. Now that she had calmed down, she had first to ensure that the man let go of her wrist, and second, she wanted to trick him into leaving her alone.

Only then would she be able to run away!

After thinking of her plan, she instantly coughed and said in a pitiful voice, "Sir, I apologize to you for what I did in the alley."

Despite her disgust, she still ensured she sounded as pitiful as possible. After all, all men were the same: shameless and too easily attracted to women.

Li Mei was confident that once a beautiful, pitiful woman looked at any man through her eyelashes, glancing like the most adorable and innocent young woman, any man's heart would end up throbbing. Then, she could certainly make him do whatever she wanted, giving her a chance to be free once again!

Of course, how would it be easy for her plan to work? The fatty man scoffed and only tightened his hold on her wrist as he dragged her through the street. There was a small sedan waiting for them at the corner, meaning Li Mei didn't have much time left.

If she was forced into that sedan, God knows what would happen!

Li Mei swallowed traces of fear and blinked, saying, "Sir, can you tell me your name?"

The ugly, fatty man looked surprised as he asked, "Why do you want to know my name, demon?"

Li Mei gritted her teeth. Ever since she was a child, everyone had barely called her by name. They all either used 'demon child' or 'worthless brat.' These were her daily nicknames back then.

Even now, when she had been sold, people at the brothel or the shopkeepers down the street would still call her a demon girl. Nothing changed with respect to giving her nicknames casually.

But she really wanted to yell at them and say, "I also have a name!"

Li Mei could feel her anger spiking upon hearing that nickname again spouting from that ugly man's mouth, but she took a deep breath and repeated the mantra once again.

You're fine. Keep going on. You'll be free soon.

After she calmed her anger down, she blinked again and made a pitiful expression on her face, saying, "Sir, we are going to live together. I should at least know how to call you out of bed every day."

Li Mei's nose wrinkled automatically at that thought. Even though she liked reading and writing yellow books, it didn't mean she would jump on the bed with any damned fatty, ugly man just like that!

She was still a virgin! And she had to go through so much effort to preserve her innocence! How could she let this man have his way like this?!

If she could, she wanted to throw this man down a mountain and let him feel what a 'demoness' could actually do if you made her angry!

But then, she pursed her lips.

She knew she couldn't do it. No matter what, when it comes to actually killing people, despite how they troubled her, she couldn't do it even in her dreams. Ah, why did she have to be such a goody-two-shoes?

Those words, however, pleased the fatty man too much. He laughed as his round stomach vibrated. Even the ornaments that fell on his stomach vibrated with his tummy.

"Alright. How about calling me 'baby'?"

Li Mei's face turned green.

She didn't want to call him that! Not even for the sake of running away! Damn, why was it so difficult?!

She was getting closer and closer to that sedan. Just when they were about to cross the road, a horse came running through the street and accidentally stepped into the mud, spreading it all over the fatty man's body.

The fatty man was so shocked that his entire body remained frozen at the spot. He wiped his face and glared at the horse that stopped not far away from them. The man aboard seemed to be an imperial soldier in a hurry.

He instantly bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry. I'll compensate with a few coins. You can buy yourself another outfit."

"Hah!" The fatty man was so angry that he ended up laughing out loud. "You'd better wait! I'll file a complaint against you in the main court! Since you people work directly for the King himself, you guys think you're above us all! This won't do!"

Because of his anger, he ignored Li Mei and even let her go, marching to the imperial soldier. He pointed his finger at the man above him on the horse and said, "I don't need your f*cking compensation!"

"Then..." The man wore a silver and golden robe as an imperial officer's hat adorned his head. He seemed anxious as he looked back. A few more horses came by as he pulled out his bag of gold coins, throwing it at the fatty man. "I really have to hurry. I'm sorry."

"You-" The fatty man caught the bag automatically as he opened his mouth to yell at him, but then, he turned to see several horses rushing over and walking by him, making his mouth close.

It was one thing to yell at one imperial soldier, but to yell at a group of them...? No matter what, even the fatty man couldn't do it.

His grip on the bag of coins tightened as he spat on the ground. "You'd better not meet me ever again!" Then he turned around, mumbling under his breath, "My good mood is gone once again! I'll make sure to give that demon a hell in bed! It's all because of her that I'm wet with mud. If not for her, I would never have arrived at this damned brothel in the first place!"

He went to the same spot where he had left Li Mei before, but when he walked over, he was stunned to see that place empty. He stood there, stunned, as he stared at that empty place.

No, where the heck did she go?!