
The Prince's Choice

Melissa Davis was kidnapped and taken away from the Ubi Palace when she was a baby, by an aggrieved maid. Unknown to her that she was a princess, she grew up far away and went to apply for a maid job in Emam palace. It was after the crown prince of Emam kingdom fell in love with her and chooses her over his fiancee whom was her biological twin, that the real secret behind her true identity unravelled. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Urban
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13 Chs

The slap

Princess Miranda kept her gaze focused on the prince and she continued to stare at him as they wait for the maids to arrive. How shameless of her to stare at a man so intently. She hadn't expected him to be so handsome as she had thought he would be ugly or just like the common ordinary men she had seen around the palace and some few had the guts to come ask for her hand in marriage from her father.

She disliked the fact that her mother hadn't show her any motherly love as her mother was always calm and quiet and never spoken for once against any of the men that came to ask for her hand in marriage. She had singlehandedly rejected all of them telling her father she was still young to get married and the men should wait until she turns twenty years of age.

Now she had come of age, her father now told her that he had forgotten that his friend had previously proposed marriage to him and he can't say no, so she had no other option or rejection to the proposal other than to accept and go prepare to see the prince and to get to know his kingdom. He was the only son just like her older brother Prince Mike, but her brother was fair in complexion and unlike her brother she doesn't know the prince's age but she admired him as he was to handsome for her to ignore.

Sitting lost and staring at the prince, she wanted so time alone with him to get to know him before she leaves and return back home as she hadn't come to stay since it was her first time visiting. She only came to meet them for the first time and to familiarize with them.

The guard sent by the queen to call the maids saw two maids discussing in front of the mansion as he came out, he stopped and called them both, instead of him going to the maid quarters to call them as he didn't want to keep the royal family and their guest waiting.

"Heh! you two follow me," He told them and Sandra and Melissa turned to look at him as Sandra was gisting Melissa about the things they do in the palace when the royal family had retired to sleep.

"Huh," Sandra quickly rushed to the guard first and he turned to go back in. Seeing that only one of the maid was following him, he turned to look back, "No, I meant the two of you, come quick," He told them and Melissa wanted to refute as the head maid had instructed her not to near the royal mansion nor go inside of it.

Seeing Melissa contemplation Sandra quickly spoked to her, "Come let's go, we don't keep the royal family waiting," and Melissa swallowed her nervousness and followed them as she was still new and didn't even know her way inside the palace.

She remembered the head maid warning to always keep her head lowered if standing in front of the queen or any of the royal family including the princesses. She swallowed hard again as she walked behind Sandra following the guard as they went back into the mansion.

Reaching in front of the dining where the royal family sat, the guard stopped with the two maids and sandra spoked first, "You sent for us my queen."

"Yes, go to the cook and bring our meal," Queen Vicky replied, "And please be quick," She told them as she continued discussing with her husband.

Prince Charles wasn't looking at them as he kept his gaze focused on the food magazine placed on the dinning table. He didn't take notice of any of the maids as his mind was still thinking about the upcoming arrange marriage between him and the beautiful white princess seating opposite of him and he had seen how she shamelessly stared at him like she hadn't seen a man before and he didn't like that as he couldn't comfortably meet her gaze, so he decided to keep his gaze lowered and focused on the magazine while she focused on him and feed her eyes.

Sandra went into the kitchen that close to the dinning room and Melissa followed her into it. The cook had already dished out all the meal that would be served to the royal family and their job was to only carry out the food and set it in front of the royal family each, and as there was no talking in the kitchen to avoid throwing of spits into the royal family food. Sandra wasn't able to tell Melissa how to serve the royal family as she hadn't done it before since she was new to the palace.

Sandra carried the tray of food first and went out to serve the king and queen while Melissa carried the next tray of food and followed her from behind to serve the prince and the guest princess.

Melissa's hand was visibly shaking as she held the tray of food and walk closer to the dinning table, she carefully dropped it on the table and princess Amanda eyes shifted to stare at her. First she observed the maid hair wasn't tied in a bun which wasn't supposed too and the maid also acted slow, she kept her calm and continued watching the maid while she waited for hers to be served.

Sandra quickly served the king and queen, dishing out their meal and pouring out the juice into the empty glass cups as refilled one with juice and the other with water, she kept the jug and left to serve the princess.

Melissa brought out the food from the tray and placed them in front of the Prince.

Princess Miranda whom was staring at the prince shifted her gaze to look at the maid that had her hair dropping to her shoulder level, her eyes narrowed as she stared at the maid.

Prince Charles kept down the magazine he was holding and picked up his cutlery but then he noticed the maid hadn't poured out his water nor juice and both the king and queen also shifted their gaze to stared him not saying anything as they had already started eaten.

Prince Charles decided to pour out his drink which wasn't supposed too as he wanted to do quick and excuse himself from the dinning room. Sandra went and bought out Princess Amanda tray of food and served her refiling the cups with a glass of juice and water each, While Melissa went over to the guest Princess Miranda to serve her.

Princess Miranda shifted her gaze from the maid and continued staring at the prince, watching how he ate his food in a dignified manner and her appetite grew as she turned to look at the maid whom was still taking time in bring out her food and positioning it in front of her

This would be the first time that a maid actually delayed in serving the royal family and Queen Vicky shook her head in disgust as it wasn't in their habit to speak while eating.

Melissa finally shifted the food and placed it in front of Princess Miranda, putting her spoon and fork besides the cover plate while she dropped two empty glass cups in front of the princess to serve herself, and she turned and to leave.

Princess Amanda whom has been watching and staring at her quickly called her back as she was irritated,

"Hey you!, don't you know you're supposed to fill the two cups ?," She questioned and Prince Charles whom was eating finally shifted his gaze from his meal to stare at the maid as he had also observed that the samd maid hadn't poured out his own drink too.

Staring up to look at her. He subconsciously stopped eating as his mouth fell agap while he stared at her. So she was the one whom had served him and he wasn't even aware that she was even here with him, he thought while he stared at her.

Melissa quickly went back to refill the cups, but her hand shook as she held unto the jug to refill the cup with water. As she poured out the water into the cup, the jug fell from her hand and hit on the table, splashing on the guest princess. whom stood up embarrassed and landed her three hot slaps on her cheeks startling the royal family..

[Slaps, Slaps, Slaps!]

Slapping her left, right and left cheeks again and Queen Vicky thundered, "Princess Miranda!" as she hadn't expected such retaliation from Princess Miranda as the water that had spilled from from the jug wasn't much as the jug was tightly closed.

"Mother! She ruined my outfit," Princess Miranda answered while Prince Charles stared at them in shock not expecting the slap. Princess Cassandra stepped in and Melissa quickly apologized, "Am sorry my princess," As she tried to wipe the water off Princess Miranda dress, princess Miranda pushed her away and she fell to the ground and stood up back.

Princess Cassandra came to the dinning and asked "What going on here?" and Melissa quickly bowed and walked passed her.

"Where are you going too?," She questioned and Melissa stiffened, "Go get a mop and come dry this water," she told Melissa and Melissa quickly left exited the mansion.

"Where's she going to again, isn't that the mop," Princess Cassandra said as she pointed to the restroom, she shook her head and went to Princess Miranda side..