
The Prince’s Slave

WIlliam Rhineheart, son of King Patrick, has never seen life or their way or ruling as anything less than perfect. Believing his father when he says they do what they must, he's never questioned the system. However, after saving a slave from a slaughter, William's eyes are opened to the cruelty around them, and he's told there is only one way to make it right: He must kill the king. "A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

InfigoWriters · History
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6 Chs

Royal Promise

After Mr. No Name fell asleep, I'd picked him up and laid him on the bed.

I'd sat in the chair until I noticed the sun rise, and quickly realized my mistake.

"Hey, Mr. No Name?" I asked, looking over. He didn't give a response, letting me know he was still asleep. I should've expected it; No child through a fit like what he had yesterday and didn't spend another day to sleep it off.

Plus, he'd need his sleep if he were to catch us to the other slaves. Even if he were under my name, my father had rules for them, too. They'd help clean and well, anything he said if it meant he kept them alive and fed with shelter.

It was such a scam.

He worked them too hard, and many didn't survive. Especially those taken from war zones. Sometimes people would come as a "temporary" help, sent by either their parents or as some punishment to work for five years max. The pay for parents who sent their children were high, and so they went along with it.

He was young.. the rest of the slaves were at least in their 20'a to mid-30's. He looked too young, and let's face it, he had some personality. And very, very vivid language.

I take gently to the talking back, the fighting and smart ass comments- my dad would have him killed for them- or thrown him in the chambers. So.. death either way.


I froze in place, then turned to look at the bed. The boy had curled up, a pillow clutched to his chest the way a young child would hold it teddy.

The poor lad really wouldn't last here. This castle at one point might have been a great fit for someone of his age and with his... Personality, I suppose, but it wasn't anymore. It wasn't the same place I grew up in, thought I refused to admit that to anyone. Somewhere along the line, my father had changed. My mother did too, though not nearly as badly as my father.

I'd been close to following his tracks with the way he treats slaves, but I was given another shot at redemption.

I wasn't about to let another child's life be ruined, and that was a promise.

[ Even after a shit ton of editing this chapter is the shortest, rip. This is more so a filler chapter. I don't remember why I added it when i first wrote TPS, But its here and it just sort of... Belongs. Anywho! Enjoy ]