
Lament For The Fallen

For thousands of years the Great Storm had been made up of an icy chill that swept through the planet, but now it was made from flames and boiling blood.

They began eating their way through the planet and its moons, and the moon where Rowan had his battle with Dorian began to slowly crack open.

The first underground city to experience the wrath of a dying god was Mrinah. The devastation Nezrakim wrought on that city was extensive, and the Angel's final move when he pierced through the ground above the city exposed it to the devastation.

The hundreds of workers trying to seal the holes in the ground barely recognized the reason for their death before turning to ash, and the flames and blood inundated the city.

Until the end, as the endless waves of destruction swept throughout the city, the people of Jarkarr did not stop chanting his name.