
The Primordial Paragon Lord

The multiverse and the Chaos is boundless, made up of the myriad races, divided into Lower realm, Middle realm and the Upper realm. Lhney or the immortal is the central continent of the multiverse and the chaos. Here, bloodline talent and physique basically determines the talent of a cultivator. The desolate era ushered in a flourishing period for cultivation, until the war of the fiendcelestials in the ancient era. Many universes were destroyed, great dao was destroyed, the chaos trembled and abyss was sealed, leaving a prophecy about the coming battle in the future. Millions of epochs later, Cody was born with the bloodline of the primordial fiendcelestial and the primordial sword body. With his sword raised, he determined to walk the road against heaven until he becomes the greatest cultivator and conquer the abyss!

Daoist_2c · Fantasy
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50 Chs

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By sunrise many geniuses and famous existences who have been lodging in various pavilions in Exkaby the capital of Vaharyl clan made their way to the venue.

Some geniuses are hoping to maybe catch the eye of a certain expert who might take them in as a disciple. Various auras were surging in the hall. Some people with lower cultivation felt like suffocating.

It was when the former emperor unleashed a little bit of his aura did he manage to calm down the whole situation.

The geniuses from various factions couldn't help but suck in cold air, they were all in awe of the beauty of the palace. They found it fascinating.

It also spurred determination in some young men making their blood to boil hot, some were envious while some looked at the palace with greed, but they quickly hid it. Because in the presence of ultimate power, schemes are powerless.

From time to time, various forces started making grand entrance into the hall with intimidating auras, each greater than the former.

"Eyme clan presents: a million year old longevity tea, 5 million year old ginseng and a packet of illusion enlightenment grass," announced the envoy

Everybody in the audience gasped. Some of the peak dao ancestors and some alchemists looked at the illusion enlightenment grass with greed.

Each enlightenment grass represents at least a 50% chance to glimpse into the secret of great Dao laws of emperors.

"As expected of the Eyme clan," sighed a peak dao ancestor sage from a 1st rank force. He couldn't get his eyes off the herb.

The former emperor was grinning from ear to ear because these represents giving wings to the tiger. The Vaharyl clan is sure to add at least five new emperors to their rank.

Forces that have been at odds with the Northern empire began revisiting their plans, communicating through their divine senses.

"Dragon clan presents: dragon orb, law pill and moon essence," the envoy announced with pride.

Dragons are known for being prideful and as a good ally of the Vaharyl clan they spared no expense in making a grand entrance.

Some of the old antiques couldn't sit still anymore. Moon essence represents an opportunity to breakthrough to great emperor realm. Even though great emperor realm is ethereal, it helps in understanding or epiphany even if it is just 10% chance.

"Master why are you so agitated?" a disciple asked his master when he saw how was looking at the sealed packet with longing.

That was when the master calmed his heart.

"That represents a chance to glimpse into the secret of great emperor Dao!" the master said excitedly.

Suddenly a heavy pressure descended on everybody in the hall, that was when the hall became quiet again.

"This even alarmed the sixth ancestor?" the former emperor murmured. Some of the old antiques couldn't help shivering, cold sweat ran through their backs. That was a gap in life level!

Another discussion ensured in the hall, " the sixth ancestor of the Vaharyl clan has taken that step!"

That means that Vaharyl clan have a total of six great emperors, not counting the whole Northern empire.

Even the Demon mountain, Devil clan and other envoys couldn't seat still again, they sent the message back to their various forces

"Demon Mountain presents…"

"Sword Sect presents…" as many emperor level sects and clans were presenting their gift, Ice temple was the last to step forward.

Even the previous emperor have to come out to personally welcome them because of the calibre of expert that came with them.