
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Meeting The Creator

Oliver Pov


'I'm still alive?' I thought as I regained my consciousness.

The incident with the egg was too sudden for me to process anything.

I only felt a familiar connection to it as I got closer to it.

Then without any sort of warning, it started flying before entering my body at a speed faster than I could react.

I don't even think with my enhanced speed ability I could dodge it.

I opened my eyes only to be greeted with a golden light.

Staring at it hurt my eyes so I quickly closed them only to realize I could still see.

I didn't know how, but the area around me became visible.

It was like I was using my perception to create a 360 domain around myself, but instead of sensing anything that entered, I could actually see.

Well, it wasn't big as I felt the golden barrier stopping me from seeing anything outside of it, but it still felt weird.

"How are you feeling, Oliver?" I heard a familiar voice ask me.

I couldn't respond as I felt my whole body tremble.

The golden barrier disappeared and from the new vision, I could see a woman standing above me.

"No... way?" I muttered before sitting up and opening my eyes.

I started to feel dizzy as I was looking with my eyes and I could still see everything around me, but I didn't care as I couldn't believe this person was in front of me.

It wasn't until I saw with my eyes and not my other vision that I could finally accept it.

Tears fell down my face as I closed my eyes and dashed into her arms.

"Mom! I... I thought... you... were gone." I said in between sobs.

I couldn't speak properly, but I just kept venting out everything to her.

Me stealing from Carol, my death and revival, the system, me finding her dead body. I just kept talking about everything that happened as she caressed my hair.

I don't remember how long I talked, but I was just glad the nightmare ended. I might have loved the power that came with becoming a Metahuman, but if I had to lose my mother I would deny that power. I was always a mama's boy.

After what felt like an hour I saw someone else enter my 360 degree vision from behind.

"Ellie... is that you?" I asked as I saw a familiar face.

She looked way different from before.

Her hair became longer from its previous short style reaching her waist. Then its color changed from its previous black color to a snow-white one.

Her face gained some maturity while her height grew at least 3 inches.

"She's not our mother, Ollie," Elizabeth said while looking at me with pity.

"Huh, what do you mean, Ellie?" I asked confused.

Is she blind or something I'm in mom's arms right now. Although there is some difference from what I've remembered. This is mom.

"Your sister is correct Oliver. I'm not your mother." My mother. Or whoever I was holding said agreeing to Ellie's statement.

"What... are you talking about," I asked slowly while letting go of the woman.

"Did getting knocked out by an egg make you forget who you were supposed to have a meeting with?" The woman who looked like my mother said with a teasing expression.

"Pfttt." I heard my sister laugh from behind me.

'It came out of nowhere.' I thought while putting my head down in embarrassment. The egg caught me off guard. How was I supposed to know it could fly and then almost kill me.

"Wait meeting with," I muttered putting my embarrassment aside. "You're the creator of the system?" I asked while looking up at the woman.

My eyes were still closed as opening them felt weird, but I could still see the woman smile while giving me a slight nod.

I felt angry. Even if this person created the thing which brought me back to life.

Giving me that false hope of believing my mother was alive.

"Right now you should get used to your new vision and strength, so we will talk later." The creator of the system, the woman who looked like my mother said interrupting my thoughts while walking away.

"Wait!" I screamed, but it was useless as she disappeared.

"Don't worry she'll be back." I heard Ellie say from beside me.

"Anyways it feels weird at first, but it is pretty handy when you get used to it," Elizabeth said while helping off the alter I was laying on.

"You can see everything around you too?" I asked surprised

"Yea." She responded while wrapping her arm around my waist.

I realized then, that my balance was off, and I was taller and stronger than before.

I almost fell a few times while walking, but Ellie surprisingly held me up.

She lead me down the hill for a while until she stopped and went to lay on the ground.

She patted the side next to her motioning me to sit down too.

I laid down next to her and rested my head on my arms.

I used our silence to process my thoughts.

Where were we?

How Ellie is here?

Why did the system's creator look like my mother?

We lay there for a few minutes until Ellie got up.

"Here," Ellie said while tossing me a white blindfold and weird device. "Use the blindfold to get a grasp of your divine vision and the device will give you exercises to control your strength."

"Once you're ready come back to the top of the hill and she will answer any questions you have," Elizabeth bent down and kissed my forehead.

"Take your time." She said before walking away.

I stayed there in silence for a few minutes before standing up.

I picked up the weird disc-looking device and blindfolded and examined them for a while.

"Any questions I have, huh," I muttered before opening my eyes.

Listening to my little sister's advice I started getting used to my new 360-degree vision or Divine vision as Ellie called it and my new strength.

Getting used to my divine vision felt weird at first, but slowly over time, I started to get used to it.

Training with the blindfold forced me to get accustomed to my divine vision as I couldn't deactivate it.

My new height and strength were way easier to get used to as the device my sister gave me sent images of exercises into my head and practicing them helped me gain amazing body control.

I tried to pull up my system data, but every time I tried interacting with it I always got a notification saying that it was updating.

I never got tired, but that didn't stop me from sweating.

I went to a pond nearby to clean myself and that's where I saw that my hair changed color. Its original black color was now silver and it grew longer, now reaching my shoulders.

I wanted to cut it as sometimes got in the way, but my sister banned me from doing that while putting it in a bun.

After that, I continued with my training for who knows how long as I couldn't tell the time with the white sun always being in the air.

My sister visited me a lot while training and we spared once. Let's just say I felt it was bullying to spar with my little sister so I told her we would never spar again.

Totally didn't get my ass handed to me by a little girl.

Anyways time passed and I finally got used to my divine vision. I got kind of attached to the white blindfold too.

I didn't need it anymore as I could see with both my eyes and my divine vision at the same time or just see around me with my eyes closed, but I deiced to keep it.


(Pov Elizabeth)

After leaving my big brother to sort out his thoughts and feelings about everything I walked up the hill to see the creator as Oliver called her.

I couldn't help but have mixed feelings every time I saw her as she had the face of my deceased mother.

Putting those thoughts to the side I walked in front of her.

"Teacher," I said while bowing.

"His reaction was the same as yours when you woke up." She said with a teasing smile, but I didn't react to her words as I have already gotten used to her playful nature.

She pouted at my lack of reaction, but that didn't stop her from teasing me again.

"Your too serious for someone so young, if you keep it up you might never get a husband in the future." She sighed while shaking her head.

I couldn't help but blush at that statement.

However, when I saw my surroundings change from the hill to a white void I pushed my embarrassment to the side while dodging the arrow coming from behind me.

More arrows along with swords, spears, and other weapons came from different angles while I felt my body getting heavier because of an increase in gravity.

I could see the arrows and different weapons coming with my 360 vision. However, the tricky part was dodging while the gravity could increase or decrease at any given moment and the different weapons could speed up and slow down.

This was one of the training exercises I did to get stronger.

After waking up, getting used to my 360 vision, and asking all my questions. I asked the creator to train me to become strong.

I still remember every moment of helplessness as I hid upstairs while my mother was being raped.

I couldn't do anything as she died in front of my eyes and if it wasn't for one of the men ripping off my necklaces which sealed my powers, I would have died too.

I never wanted to feel that helplessness again.

The creator agreed to train me physically, but anything involving my esper abilities, bloodline powers, or my mana core had to be explored by me myself.

That annoyed me at first, but I didn't complain as she was doing more than enough by already agreeing to train me when I was just a tag-along to my brother's meeting with her.

I don't remember how many times we went through this routine of talking, training, and silence, but I knew it was coming to an end as my brother woke up.

Once he got used to his divine vision and talked to my teacher we would leave this place and be sent back to earth.

"Your improvement is impressive Elizabeth." My teacher said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I just nodded as I was too tired to talk.

"Well, this will be our last training session." She said as our surroundings changed from the white void back to the hill surrounded by purple flowers.

I felt my fatigue and tiredness go away as I took a deep breath.

"Thank you, teacher," I said while bowing again.

"This was nothing as you can do something similar once you go back to earth." She said waving her hand and creating a table with three chairs.

"I will give you the rest of the body postures for you to build up your strength. We will wait for your brother to finish and once that's done you guys will return." She said while looking down the hill to see my brother walk with a blindfold over his head.

She appeared nostalgic watching Oliver get used to his new vision and strength and I couldn't help but view my teacher in a new light after seeing that.

Knowing that my training would end now I decided to spend the rest of my time enjoying this peaceful environment while bothering my brother.