

"In a universe where hybridization is the only path to ultimate power, Henry Osa, an orphan boy with a common F-grade talent, possesses a mysterious ring left behind by his parents. This ring holds the soul of a dimigod, but osa is unaware of its significance. With the aid of a revolutionary scientific discovery and a miraculous technology known as Vion technology, hybridization a process of allowing humans to tap into the powers of magical beasts was discovered. osa's goal is to become the most powerful being in the universe, but his journey won't be easy. Join him on a thrilling adventure as he strives to reach the pinnacle of power."

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Chapter 4: The Awakening 2

The ring began to glow so brightly that it illuminated an area around Osa that was more than twenty meters in diameter after it had sucked the life force of the two guys and the unfortunate woman as if to show how hungry it is. All of the blood that flows from Osa's head began to fly toward the ring as if it were drawn to it by a magnet and was absorbed.

The ring's glow disappeared after a short while, and it returned to its normal appearance. However, this time, there was a noticeable difference: the ring's usual bronze color had changed to blood red, with what appears to be a dragon's head as its symbol.

Before he passed out, Osa's only thought after witnessing the ring's transformation was, "I only need blood to open the ring."

It was after an indeterminate period of time that Osa slowly opened his eyes to see a spider climbing a tree at a distance of approximately 100 meters. He could even count the number of limbs on the spider.

Astonished, Osa leaped to his feet and felt as light as a feather. Looking to his left, he saw ants dragging what appeared to be a strange insect that looked like a cross between a butterfly and a fly; the sound he heard was likely them dragging it across the floor. Osa wondered to himself, surprised by what had happened.

You appear to be awake, huh. A voice said in his right.

Osa turned around quickly and was astounded to see a transparent man who appeared to be in his early twenties and had gorgeous red hair that hung down to his waist. He could not help but comment on how attractive the man was.

The transparent man said to Osa, laughing lightly, "I am not interested in men."

Osa was taken aback and instantly turned his head away.

Thinking of his metamorphosis, Osa returned his focus instantly to the strange transparent man.

Gazing at the far-off sun, the transparent man seemed to be remembering parts of his distant past, as if he knew what Osa was thinking. Time does, in fact, wait for no one.

He turned back to face Osa, grinning, and said, "You are indeed my descendant; otherwise, the ring would not have reacted the way it did back then." Osa was perplexed, and he asked, "What did you mean by I am you descendant and my blood is the reason why the ring reacted that way?" He stopped suddenly, as if he was recalling something, and he quickly touched the spot where he had been struck by a bottle, but he did not find any wounds there, nor did he feel any pain. Instead, he became shocked. "What is bordering you?" the transparent man questioned him.

I was struck with a bottle on my head just before I passed out, and I remember that the situation was very serious and that I might have bled to death if I had not received medical attention. He asked the transparent man what had happened to the wound.

What happened was that you healed. The transparent man responded.

How did he heal from such a serious wound? Osa seemed unsatisfied with his response and questioned him once more.

The transparent man asked him, "What is wrong with healing from that small wound?" rather than providing an answer.

Only hybrids can recover from such a wound; however, since I am not a hybrid, how can I recover from such a wound? Osa questioned, his voice displaying some discontent.

The translucent man asked, amused, "You are not really a hybrid?"

OSA was taken aback. He thought, "How am I a hybrid," but then he recalled his experience when he had just woken up. Osa was shocked—if he is not a hybrid, how could he see a spider more than a hundred meters away and still be able to count its legs?" When Osa heard from his parents that there was a portion that could turn a regular person into a hybrid, he was unable to contain his excitement. Could the portion have been in the ring, or had his parents hidden it inside? He thought something was wrong because if the ring truly contained the fabled hybrid portion, he would not have to wait six years to open it. Based on what he had heard from his parents, you inject a hybrid portion into your system. So when did I inject the hybrid portion into my system? he asked himself.

The transparent man could not help but smile at Osa's occasionally enlightened expression before it changed to a confused one; even the gods might not understand what he was thinking?

After a few minutes, Osa was able to collect himself. He then turned back to the translucent man and questioned, "Who are you?"

The transparent man answered, "My name is Henry Dean."

As soon as Osa heard his sunname Henry, he was shocked and asked, "Are you a member of the Henry family?"

I am not only a member of the Henry family; I am your ancestor, the one who brought the Henry family to this little universe. Dean replied.

Astonished, Osa asked, "So you are my ancestor?" But if that is the case, why have not my parents ever mentioned you to me? I mean, since I was born, I have never heard them mention your name, and I have never seen this ring on them, so what is the proof that you are my ancestor?"Osa questioned Dean.

The only evidence I have, though, is that the ring in your thumb can only be opened by my descendant using my bloodline. With seriousness, Dean answered

Osa was taken aback once more because what Dean was saying made complete sense. He could clearly recall how the ring changed after absorbing his blood, and when he gave it some thought, he fell silent.

After a few minutes, Osa broke the silence by asking Dean how come you are transparent and if truly you are my ancestor, the only way for you to still be alive is if you are a hybrid, so what happened to you?

Which one did you want to know about me first? Did you want to know if I am a hybrid dean or why I am a transparent man?

I would like to hear everything. Osa said right away

Reflecting on his history Dean said, "What you are seeing here is my soul form. I died shortly after that ancient war. You must have heard about it right?" Osa nodded, acknowledging that he had heard about the conflict that claimed the lives of more than 90% of humankind's experts