
The Primitive Age, Lament of an Immortal(A honghuang xianxia story)

In the primitive era, Pangu has just opened up the primordial universe. A Primitive World in which the process of creation is still incomplete. Yet already powerful beings walks the earth. Innate gods, powerful immortals spawned from heaven and earth, reincarnations of even older godfiends, primordial beasts born of rage and filled with eternal hunger, and native innate creatures born weaker and helpless. In this time, the fame figures of mythology like the Three Pure Ones, the Jade Emperor, or the Monkey King are yet to exist. It was in this era that a sea god came to be. An impossibility that wasn’t meant to be. A creature that was fundamentally incomplete spiritually, physically, and mentally. A failure by the standards of existence. But all the same, an inhabitant of this archaic world. Can this life shift the course of history? Is the Primitive World destined to walk down the events of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West? Or will history change to the flapping of a single butterfly? - Moved here because it's not supposed to be under fanfic. If you find that despicable somehow? too bad

Christopher_who · Eastern
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208 Chs

Prelude to War

"Godfiend?" Yang Mei asked Da Hai.

The two stood upon the rubble of Wangshu's former domain. Her pool of Three Brilliance Sacred Water was dramatically drained, from something the size of an ocean down to large smaller lake. The only thing that still stood after the battle was her palace and the Supreme Laurel Tree.

While the two talked in the sky above the Lunar Star, Wangshu was busy clearing away some of the rubble. Her right side was bandaged up and she had returned to her humanlike Dao body. She momentarily looked up at the two in the distance clicking her tongue.

"You expect me to believe Tian Hai inducted you into our race?" Yang Mei was in disbelief. He looked up and down at Da Hai who shrunk back. Even now he felt insignificant whenever Yang Mei peered at him.

But Yang Mei only sighed. "I believe you," he said. He looked away unfocused as if her was reminiscing.

Wangshu floated up to their location. "So uh…most of the rubble's been cleared away. I can fix up the scenery in the next several hundred years and all should be golden. Will you be staying any longer old man?"

Yang Mei turned his gaze towards her and shook his head.

"Shame, I wanted to ask you a for a few pointers. What with that madman starting a war and everything we'd need to…"

"That is not a matter for you to be concerned with. Just the prepared to move out with me." At Wangshu's subsequent questioning look Yang Mei merely swiped finger to cut a small rift. On the other side was a distorting confusing mess that was completely alien to both Da Hai and Wangshu.

However, ancient memories belonging to Tian Hai recognized it as the qi from the Chaos Sea. Wangshu was still confused when Da Hai blurted it out.

"You're leaving for the Chaos Sea?"

"Wait I can't just leave for that place!" She snapped.

"If you're concerned about the Lunar Star then bring it with you."

"I can't do that! The Lunar Star is a fundamental part of the Primitive World, they can't be separated and I as its caretaker can't leave it alone. What's more with that Shenni threatening to end everything I need to…"

"Evacuate with me and let others sort this mess out," Yang Mei abruptly interrupted. "This conflict has nothing to do with you. Listen to me and come along."

"I am a congenital goddess of this land. An innate god spawned from the Supreme Laurel Tree and lord of the Lunar Star. As of current I am also the reigning power of the Starry Skies. I cannot allow my home to be destroyed." Wangshu's tone had changed. Where she was once chipper, she was now harsher much like her persona during battle.

"Wangshu is right," Da Hai found himself saying instinctively. "Defending the Primitive World should be our utmost priority. We're innate gods spawned from its heaven and earth, what Shenni wants to do is…is…its blasphemy!"

"I wasn't speaking to you." Turning away from Da Hai, Yang Mei appeared uneasy in the face of Wangshu. "Think of your future. You would risk your life for the sake of one Chaos World? There are countless such universes out there. Do not make yourself a player in whatever games Hongjun and Shenni is playing. Find yourself a new home among them. Besides, what can you do in the face of Shenni?"

"And you're being a coward," Wangshu retorted. "What happened to the brave and mighty godfiends you always told me about?"

"Getting involved in unnecessary trouble is a…"

"Doesn't matter Yang Mei, I'm not leaving with you."

Yang Mei scanned Wangshu with a scrutinizing gaze. He sighed, "So be it." If Wangshu was so adamant of her choice then he won't fight it. Godfiends were naturally creatures of freedom who sought the Dao in their own ways, often to maddening insanity.

He'd trained her for a very long time, so much so that he saw her as a godfiend of the next generation. Wangshu's path had to be her own. He thought back to what Da Hai had told him only moments prior.

"Fine then, if you're so adamant about fighting Shenni then I won't stop you. Know that I will not participate in this battle. I will not save you. As of this moment whatever relationship we've had has ceased."

Though he said that calmly, Yang Mei felt very complex inside. He couldn't help but acknowledge that he'd grown attached to the little girl. Ever since Huoyun becoming distant, and Tian Hai's revealed demise, the Dao was the only thing left for him.

'But perhaps this is a good thing, now I am truly free from all distractions,' he thought. His new Dao had grown rapidly and soon would even reach the Primal Origin level where aberrations in his Dao fruit would form.

"Before I go," he said facing Wangshu once more. "You can be considered my legacy in this world. The Chaos Godfiend civilization as it had existed in the Chaos Sea may be gone, but you can consider yourself one as well for having learned under me."

Wangshu creased her brows. Yet she acknowledged this granted status all the same. "Us two may very well be the last to be inducted this way," she chuckled. "Will you really not consider staying?"

"I cannot be trapped in this small corner of the wilder cosmos," Yang Mei said. "I wish you both luck."

Yang Mei departed shortly after that. He only shared one more Sherman with Wangshu before he left and did not allow Da Hai to listen in.

He did not make any grand gestures either. Aside from a select few, no one would even notice this godfiend having fled the Primitive World.

Da Hai placed his hand on Wangshu's left shoulder as a sign of comfort. Though he too didn't stay for too long. He had to return to the East Sea to cultivate. With his opportunity in the Starry Skies having ended, the East Sea was still the most suitable place for him to build up his power.

For the upcoming battle, he had to raise his power as high as he possibly could.

"I'll see you on Mt Buzhou yeah?" He told her before he left.

"Yes, we'll annihilate that fiend."

As Da Hai returned through the void between realms, he couldn't help think of Shenni and Yang Mei. He wanted to defend his home, logically he realized it may be smarter to run away and not be involved. But he just couldn't make that choice.

The East Sea spawned him, he was a natural product of the Primitive World. He owed it to this universe to defend it from Shenni. He thought Wangshu was much the same.

But most importantly of all, he wanted to find Huoyun again. To not only apologize for being a parasite for so long, but to also hopefully fulfill a true friendship with the man. He felt he owed him too much and would like to just spend time with him. Above all other reasonings, this was the one he felt most dear to his heart.

"I'll have to stabilize my condition first, then I'll seek brother Huoyun out. Hopefully he isn't too hard to find."

Unknown to both godfiends, Yang Mei hadn't immediately left for the Chaos Sea. Instead he took one last visit to the Great Wilderness.

Within a valley near the southern coast, outside a cave entrance where the characters, 'Fire Cloud Cave,' was inscribed. Yang Mei met a meditating Huoyun.

"Great Principle Chaos Immortal realm, congratulations on your recovery brother," Yang Mei began.

Huoyun opened his eyes and blossomed a smile. "Yang Mei, thank goodness you're not injured. I felt some of the shockwaves from the Starry Skies even from here."

Yang Mei sat down at a nearby stone table and seat set. Huoyun did the same sitting across from him and manifested drinks.

"Mhm, I came to say goodbye. I'm going to leave for the Chaos Sea and pursue my Dao to its fullest."

"I thought as much, I can sense vast improvement on your Dao as well. Hai if only I had my Dao fruit, there's so much I want to add to it," Huoyun chuckled sadly. He leaned back enjoying the flavor of his drink but could not help but feel unease.

"I still can't believe you abandon your Dao so easily? You've worked for so long on it yet…" he paused having trouble describing it. "How can you feel complete without it?"

"I told you numerous times before brother, I sought a new path," Yang Mei said while taking a drink. "I'd implore you to do the same but I know you can't. I hope you succeed in your plan."

"That easy to guess?"

"It's the only logical path for you now. You better hurry else Shenni might cut yours off permanently."

Huoyun's expression turned ugly at Shenni's mention. He downed his cup before tossing it roughly to the wall. Untold amount of stress appeared on his formerly youthful face as he grumbled beneath his breath.

"Haiyah! Finally recovered enough to approach Buzhou's peak and now that bastard throws this curveball at me," he says while running his hands through his hair. "How did little Shenni of all people get strong enough to fight you and not die?"

"I think the answer's obvious brother. He abandoned his old Dao and much like myself, found a new one that grew exponentially stronger. So how about it? Come explore the Chaos Sea with me, correct former mistakes and achieve higher results."


Subsequently, Huoyun's answer to Yang Mei's attempt did not shock the latter. Yang Mei sighed dejectedly feeling nothing but disappointment. He could see the conviction in Huoyun's eyes and at the end of this disappointing day, he can't force him.

The two departed on amicable terms with a promise to meet each other again in the Chaos Sea. Yang Mei held some hope that by then they'd both be as close as they formerly were. But if this signified the parting of ways for them, then it was fine as well.

Yang Mei departed the Primitive World and wouldn't be heard from again for a long time.

Decades later, Huoyun touched down upon the foot of Mt Buzhou. He gaze up and with one motion, leapt high into the air with complete disregard of Mt Buzhou's suppression.

His body glowed with five distinct colours which all interchanged into each other forming a perfect harmony. His teeth gritted as he used his most powerful movement technique to penetrate the clouds.

The arid soil became insignificant below him while Mt Buzhou's height seemed to go on forever even as we climbed. Huoyun did not stop his ascendency. He flew pass where he and Da Hai previously stayed within the first year. Yet it still took him decades to reach the summit for his speed continue to decrease.

The suppression on Mt Buzhou's peak was so strong that Huoyun took several centuries before he finally managed to penetrate into the top. His body was full of sweat when he finally found his footing at Buzhou's peak.

For several moments, he rested on his back. The sky above him was not the blue skybox he was use to. Instead it was a vast mixture of colours each representative of different parts of the wider Primitive World. Huoyun could even see the howling darkness of the void between realms, the brilliance of the Starry Skies, and countless lesser dimensions bleeding through into one spiraling mess.

It was like he was looking at a rendition of the Chaos Sea.

'It's hard to even move here,' he sighed bitterly climbing to his feet. But he was instantly startled for another purple robed person was already sitting there with his back turned to him.

The other person, an elderly burly man seemed to ignore him. He sat cross legged with a spherical object in his hands. The ease in which he floated in the air brought nothing but shock to the God of the Five Elements.

"What are you doing here Hongjun?"

Hongjun sighed and released the orb allowing it to float above him. He looked back at Huoyun with pity in his eye.

"You would've found greater success if you'd created a new Dao to follow. Pangu's actions must've generated many insights for you as well," he whispered. His legs broke out of their cross position and into a straight stance on the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Five Elements, you were recognized far and wide as one of the most premier of experts. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing really, I'm not here for you," Huoyun said. He made to move past Hongjun and reached for the orb floating behind him. It's appearance seemed to resemble the Primitive World in its totality.

Three thousand large galaxies spiraled within while a hundred and eight thousand small galaxies orbited them. These were representative of the various Laws of this world which dictated its function. Laws which were merely a surface level showing of the Dao fruits hidden within.

Huoyun's gaze had a maddened yearning within them.


"What are you doing?" Huoyun's head turned in annoyance. Hongjun's hand clasped onto his wrist and met him with a look of disapproval.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that fellow daoist, taking back your Dao fruit will have detrimental affects on its development," Hongjun said calmly.

Huoyun looked back at the sphere. "What the will of this world? Me taking back my Dao won't hurt it."

"But your Dao is the foundational building blocks of existence itself," Hongjun replied. "Besides, it's one of the stabilizing factors of this cosmos. You taking it may trigger an extinction event just as Shenni intends."

"And what would I care for this world?" Huoyun glared. "I want my Dao back!"


Huoyun was forcefully pushed back by Hongjun. When he darted forward again Hongjun slapped his chest with his palm strike. The blow caused Huoyun to skirt back to near the edge of the peak. His feet dug into the soil as he barely managed to stabilize himself.

"Hongjun you don't want to fight me!" Huoyun threatened. "Get in my way one more time swear I swear I won't hold back," he said while multi coloured qi flowed through his body. A blazing fire, chilling water, malleable metal, solid earth, and nurturing wood manifested around him, dancing in dangerous harmony.

"You're right, I could use your strength against Shenni's men. But see…you're getting in my way."

The peak of Mt Buzhou exploded in from a variety of shockwaves. The only reason the effects were kept localized was because of the stability of the Central Continent and Mt Buzhou's suppression. Otherwise this clash would be very noticeable.

Hongjun and Huoyun traded dozens of blows. Purple clouds and heavenly lighting ripped into Huoyun's Five Coloured Treasure lights. Knowing the potential dangers of Huoyun's light at full strength, Hongjun did not resort to any of his treasures to battle directly, rather he only used their auxiliary energies to support himself.

Very quickly, they switched seamlessly from a cosmic display of spells into clashes of martial arts and back again. But Huoyun could not gain one in the closer to his goal.

'How did he grow so much?' "Distorted Five Phases!" Huoyun called out his latest attack. His harmonized light pierced for Hongjun and split outwards to tear the purple robed immortal apart.

"Hmph," Hongjun snorted. He slapped his palms together instantly shutting down the attempt and reformatted his body as it once were. He was completely balanced and in perfect shape.

The fierce exchange continued for a short time but Hongjun was clearly coming out on top. Huoyun was not only feeling injuries in his body, but also struggled to call upon his treasure lights. Hongjun was seemingly able to disrupt the united whole he had cultivated with the five in one.

He could see Hongjun forming another palm strike. Because he was weakened, Huoyun was helpless as the blow smashed into his body pushing him to the ground.

"Gah!" He spat out mouthfuls of blood. Looking up, he saw Hongjun pull out a long flag pole.

Hongjun flung the banner to unroll it before swinging it wildly across the sky. Huoyun gasped as he seemingly started experiencing terrifying visions.

Though it was only a cloth flag, though it waved through the air, even though it seemed harmless. Huoyun can see a distinct metallic sheen along the cloth flag. What's more, he could feel terrifying cutting power resembling that of the sharpest sword in all existence.

"Pangu?" He gasped.

"Close," Hongjun said with a small smirk. "Chaotic Sword Qi!" He roared slamming the banner down. The immediate wave of grey gas released from the cloth flag slashed towards Huoyun.

This scene was so familiar. It was just like that of Pangu cutting apart the Chaos Sea nearly one yuanhui ago. Back then, it seemed his axe head was also coated in this grayish gas cloud.

'RUN!' Huoyun came to his senses finally.

Hongjun's devastating attack covered his entire vision. But an explosion of rainbow light followed by a sonic boom was the only sight and sound he experienced. He waved the gas cloud back into his banner and looked around but Huoyun was already gone.

"Shame," he said stroking his beard. The banner disappeared from his hand as he sat back down again. He wasn't too concerned about Huoyun. In fact, he knew Huoyun would appear to defend Mt Buzhou. Otherwise, wouldn't he lose his chance permanently?

Hongjun hugged the orb to his chest once more. "Soon you'll come to this world. You and I will achieve great things. I'll defend you until then, so long as you cooperate with me. Don't worry, I won't allow Luohu to touch you.

Around the North Continent, dozens of godfiends sat around in a meeting discussing what they'd learned. Shenni had secluded himself upon returning to attain the Primal Origin Chaos Immortal realm. Since the confident emperor was away, these immortals took this opportunity.

Hongjun was not idle either, he released a full recording of Shenni's rant and his murder of Lu Ya. Little details such as Da Hai or Wangshu were ignored for a far more volatile threat.

Hence under suggestions by a godfiend named Si Hai, a cave was found and fortified with numerous formations. Si Hai was also a Great Principle Chaos Immortal and could muster up greater success in keeping them hidden.

"I can't believe it," one of the godfiends gasped. Looking around, he saw that a dozen others were uneasy.

They discussed the benefits and consequences of helping Shenni any further. On one hand, destroying the Primitive World would make them enemies of everyone including the ones who weren't opposed to them previously. While Shenni's factions strength could likely stalemate the other Great Principle Chaos Immortals in the world, the number of Great Unity Golden Immortals vastly eclipsed their poultry number.

What's more, it would eliminate all future opportunities they could encounter such as treasures or natural phenomenas that would aid their cultivation. There was also the backlash that destroying such a vast universe would inevitably emit once Shenni crushes Mt Buzhou.

When they were stronger, they could crush Chaos Worlds in their palms with ease. But that only considered ordinary Chaos Worlds and not this transcendent creation Pangu achieved. With the sheer density of primordial qi and size of this world, Shenni had to destroy the support pillar to destabilize this universe. These godfiends were truly not confident in surviving such an event.

But the most important piece of information was none of those.

"Our Dao fruits are still within the core of the Primitive World."

Si Hai's announcement was met with murmuring agreement. While they could recover to their peak strength again, they could not achieve any higher pursuits. They needed their Dao fruits back to hope to see the limitless principle Wuji.

"That's right, Shenni has clearly lost his mind!"

"Damn that one horned beast, how dare he spit on us like this?"

"If Shenni would so recklessly destroy our chances for petty revenge, then how can we support him?" Si Hai's roar invigorated the others and cemented their resolves.

When Shenni would emerge from seclusion, he would be mouth frothing with rage. At the end, he realized that no one but Demon Ape's closest circle would support him. But nevertheless he resolved himself to what must be done.

Centuries later, near the end of the current yuanhui, when the sky turned red from dark miasma. When the feeling of bloodlust seeped through the earth drove weaker creatures into a frenzy. Shenni's wanton cruelty had forced the world into a state of tribulation.