
The Primitive Age, Lament of an Immortal(A honghuang xianxia story)

In the primitive era, Pangu has just opened up the primordial universe. A Primitive World in which the process of creation is still incomplete. Yet already powerful beings walks the earth. Innate gods, powerful immortals spawned from heaven and earth, reincarnations of even older godfiends, primordial beasts born of rage and filled with eternal hunger, and native innate creatures born weaker and helpless. In this time, the fame figures of mythology like the Three Pure Ones, the Jade Emperor, or the Monkey King are yet to exist. It was in this era that a sea god came to be. An impossibility that wasn’t meant to be. A creature that was fundamentally incomplete spiritually, physically, and mentally. A failure by the standards of existence. But all the same, an inhabitant of this archaic world. Can this life shift the course of history? Is the Primitive World destined to walk down the events of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West? Or will history change to the flapping of a single butterfly? - Moved here because it's not supposed to be under fanfic. If you find that despicable somehow? too bad

Christopher_who · Eastern
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220 Chs

Monkey vs Innate Gods


The words were said with as much amusement as contempt. It only served to bring befuddlement to Taishang. With Zhunti crying in the background, the little macaque lifted his head until his gaze was looking down upon the taller Taishang.

"I saw expected Daddy to appear. The schemes of you are the most ruthless against the MC. The Dao of Inaction dictate is naturally hypocrisy. You desire the the treasures I obtain. Because I am golden fairy wonderland against the cruel heaven."

"I saw the pathetic teacher try to attack for babies. But Tai Tai is ruthless and saw the golden fairy rich. The daddy hunger for the innate. Of course my treasures are the best. The innate the best, magic treasure of monkey king. But compared to the Great Sage Equal Heaven who was a pathetic fool, a loser who lost everything and failed in life. My the best treasures are so much better."

"Tai Tai is a powerful adversary. He cultivates the avenue and gain great strength. He is the most powerful of the six slaves and ruthless and too strong. But daddy is weak. Daddy is a pathetic fool who fails at everything. I am naturally so much better and teach daddy a lesson and take the the best treasure…"

"What on heaven and earth are you spouting?" Taishang exclaimed. "Have you taken leave of your senses?"

Yet Liu Er continued to speak ignoring Taishang. It was as if the innate god had not spoken to Liu Er at all. Like he was only hearing one side of a conversation.

Taishang took this moment to study every inch of Liu Er. The monkey had greatly changed since he last saw him. Every little spec of his body oozed perfection on a fundamental level. The vast vitality pouring out of him held layers upon layers of an enormously powerful Dao fruit.

In fact, that same aura was something Taishang could clearly sense spreading into every fabric of reality in the nearby vicinity.

'He's doing this. They're, they're all talking like him.' Taishang felt more and more nervous. All signs pointed to a completed Dao fruit. He had seen the battle power of the monkey up close while the west when he was weaker. The dread of a more powerful Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal Liu Er who was clearly barring his teeth did little to bring him joy.

"But daddy will not win. I Dao Venerate shall eliminate the thieves and take the best magic treasure. Heaven is cruel and gave me nothing, but heaven is fair so I will take the the best magic baby. KILL!"

Changing targets, Liu Er charged towards Taishang at blinding speeds. Such was the force of his movements that the wind pressure blasted a crater behind him.

"Are you insane? We're on the same side!" Taishang yelled and leapt back.

"Daddy may be the innate Protoss. But I am Liu Er, am not a slave to heaven, am never a slave. I will…"

"Traitor then. Will you cease spouting nonsense?" Taishang snarled while avoiding the monkey. He flailed his sleeve sending semi invisible hands to tear Liu Er apart.

Of course these hands bounced harmlessly against the monkey's fur. Liu Er continued to ignore Taishang's words as if he didn't even hear him. His eyes were locked fully on the Grand Pure One with an unblinking creepy gaze.

Taishang thanked the heavens the monkey didn't seem to be using any esoteric magical abilities as that made him easier to avoid. He unleashed the Heaven and Earth Exquisite Pagoda as his own defensive tool.

"Then I shall sacrifice my baby too!" Liu Er picked up his cudgel, a crude ironlike object and threw it towards the rising pagoda.

The two smashed against each other causing sparks to fly. But black and yellow mist emerging from the pagoda swallowed the cudgel. Instead, Taishang used his xiantian spiritual treasure to attack Liu Er.

The mysterious powers of heaven and earth seemed to form an entire universe as it slammed against a fist Liu Er threw out. The universe gave off a primordial feeling. Volcanic activity along with tectonic shifts littered throughout. The energy it gave off started rending apart the localized spacetime.

The universe gave out.

"Gah!" Taishang groaned as the monkey kicked the pagoda and him along with it back. While it was not enough to cause him substantial injuries, he didn't want to be directly hit again.

The pagoda and Taishang started performing numerous spells in tandem. Taishang held the pagoda like a handle as enchantments upon enchantments stacked atop each other. Rivers of black and yellow formed an axe above the pagoda.

"Yin Yang cleave!" Taishang executed one of his more terrifying offensive means. It was by no means on his sister Tongtian's level, but it was still deadly. "Let's see how you deal with that traitor!"

"Daddy is weak. Daddy is a pathetic fool who failed at everything!" Liu Er responded. In fact this was not the first time he'd said this. That entire phrase was uttered throughout the battle nonstop like a war cry or some sort of self hyping chant.

His fleshy body withstood Taishang's blow but was halted in the momentum. One would expect Liu Er's posture to arch forwards. Only, Liu Er's body continued being in the same ascending position despite not gaining ground. He didn't even look as if he registered he was being hit.

Beneath the golden light of a crying Zhunti, Taishang could only sigh at the sheer durability of that monkey. The point of impact for his strike was a thin gash. Liu Er didn't even seem to resister he'd been injured and continued to spout something about 'Tai Tai', or 'daddy'.

"I do not remember ever convincing a child. But if I had one as unruly as you I'd die of shame." Taishang's said as his body began shining in dual colours. He had his own trump cards he had never used in his life despite cultivating them.

The change in his body was so mesmerising that it seemed to snap Zhunti out of his crying. Even the unchanging creepy expression of Liu Er reacted.

"As expected of daddy," Liu Er said. Two streams of qi emerged from Taishang's physique. They reformatted into humanoid shapes one which appeared colourless while the other was perfectly symmetrical in black and white.

The colourless one radiated a jade light and transformed into a version of middle aged version of Taishang holding a pearl. This was the Jade Pure Incarnation.

The dual coloured one radiated a golden light before transforming into a young adult version of Taishang holding a ruyi. This was the Supreme Pure Incarnation.

As for the Grand Pure One, he emerged from his own transformation with a semi transparent disc made of five interconnected colours behind him. His presence also significantly magnified. In one of his hands was a banana fan while the other held his pagoda.

Liu Er smiled toothy grin. It was a knowing look as if he recognized something. He was also feeling incredibly smug, as if he became assured that he was right.

"Yuan Yuan is a pathetic fool who failed at everything. Arrogant hater of fur and armour. It is natural the fool be killed and absorption in the robbery."

"Yuan yuan? You mean Yuanshi?"

"The master is a pathetic fool who failed at everything. Trash who can't even protect his own disciples. It is natural the fool be killed and absorptive in the robbery."

"Oh wait, he's ignoring me."

"Daddy is weak, daddy is a pathetic fool who failed at everything. The strongest scheming saint is a hypocrite who assassinate his brothers in the robbery."

"You just contradicted yourself," all three of Taishang pointed out. "Am I a pathetic fool who fails? Or a powerful adversary? I didn't think it was possible but here I find a mentally ill innate god."

Liu Er didn't seem to have heard Taishang. He both looked yet did not look at him. To his fellow innate god, it was as if Liu Er saw another him when he looked at him. It was something he'll ponder about later as all three versions moved to attack.

The three Taishang positioned themselves with the Jade Pure Incarnation at the middle, the Supreme Pure Incarnation at the right, while Taishang moved to the left.

"I sacrifice my baby and kill the strongest Tai Tai!" Liu Er roared. The cudgel bashed for the Jade Pure Incarnation.

'Does he think my Jade Pure Incarnation is the real me?' Taishang waved his banana fan unleashing flurries cosmic fire. The Supreme Pure Incarnation swing his ruyi unleashing numerous seals upon Liu Er.

"Sacrifice the baby!" Liu Er swung the cudgel against the seals. But his body became bogged down restricting his available movements. Then he was swallowed by a hurricane of fire. The tips of his fur became singed even as the monkey laughed like a masochist.

"My baby is innate the best. If the pathetic stick of the fool Sun Wukong who was a pathetic fool who failed at everything is strong. Then mine is so much better!"

The rod of metal came out of the wall of fire to strike at the Jade Pure Incarnation. In response, he upheld the pearl and sung a song. From his being, pure chaos qi exploded outwards. A similar looking cudgel manifested to parry Liu Er's own attack.


Both weapons were equal. The Jade Pure Incarnation frowned slightly but this was not because of the clash.

As the Jade Pure One, he was interpreted as the treasure of the Dao, the source of all things. He was able to produce a perfect copy of the treasure Liu Er held in his grasp thus allowing him to fully understand it. As long as it remains within the domain of xiantian spiritual, he could reproduce it.

Hence he became dismayed at the crude way Liu Er used his weapon. In its truest form, this cudgel was actually the handle of a scythe that resonated with the Lunar Star. It could manifest a facet of the moon and warp reality into a domain of that environment. Now its little more then a blunt hammer.

The Supreme Pure Incarnation grew tired of the clash and clasped his hand. In the Grand Pure One's interpretation, this being was the treasure of natural law.

"Harmonious Natural World, I reject your existence!"

A wave golden light washed over Liu Er seeking to disintegrate him, and failing that to expel him. Taishang truthfully did not have high hopes of killing the monkey. He could think of plenty of ways to stall him. But to kill or to even to suppress a being of such strength was beyond him.

Liu Er didn't seem fazed by the light. He continued to clash against the Jade Pure Incarnation and failed to notice Taishang waving his banana fan. Unlike before, Taishang had flipped the face of the banana fan allowing cosmic wind to blow out.

This fan was a top grade xiantian spiritual treasure he'd stumbled across on Kunlun but never used in combat. One side, the one he showed earlier was rich in yang and spilled fire with a single swing. The other, the one he currently showed was rich in yin and spilled wind. He did not know of its origins, but in this moment he used to get rid of Liu Er.

Seeing this fan, for a second Liu Er twitched. "Heaven is unfair, Daddy is truly a pampered child to have one of the set banana fan from Open Heaven. But he only has one and I'll obtain the second fan to…to…to…one controls fire and one controls wind, as he has the one that…that…that…"

He couldn't quite register that Taishang's fan did both. Therefore meaning there was only one fan. This reality did not compute, so much so that from Liu Er's perspective, two fans appeared in Taishang's hand.

Even Taishang was shocked as he somehow felt the weight of another fan in his hand despite clearly holding one.

'The Dao of a Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal. He's trying to reconfigure my existence? How arrogant, I'm a Chaos Immortal too. To me, this is but a trick of the mind.'

Taishang roared. The echo of which ripped across this layer of localized reality beating back Liu Er's influence. 'My cultivation of my Dao has not reached completion. Yet it competes with his so well. It can only mean he's not stressing to fight back.'

Taishang quickly merged back into one. He exploded forwards with an open palm with a swirling Taiji symbol. He used this attack to smash into the abdomen of Liu Er, flinging him a great distance away.

"ARGH! Daddy is strong and hard to kill. But daddy is weak and failed to kill," Liu Er said. "I'm smart so I know. I saw the not leave with loss." From his perspective, Liu Er grabbed hold of a passing mountain to haunt his momentum.

Against Taishang's expectations, Liu Er somehow managed to catch himself mid air. His fingers seemed to scrape against the fabric of reality. Then he flung himself, ripping a hole in the East Continent allowing for void currents to flow in.

"Not again!" But Taishang turned out to be wrong. Liu Er did not jump for him.

"Wooo wooo wooo. I'm so pathetic. I can't fight any battles and I must hide like a sissy girl. Wooo wooo wooo, if no one saves me I must commit suicide else I cannot stand it." Zhunti was bawling with all eighteen arms either rubbing his eyes or cowering at anything and everything.

His golden head was now looking to imitate a golden globe. If the normal Zhunti were to see this, he'd be deeply embarrassed. But when Taishang's Supreme Pure Incarnation unleashed his spell, he'd been implicated as well.

In terms of cultivation, Zhunti was below Taishang. When cultivating from the Great Unity Golden Immortal to the Chaos Immortal realms, one's own Dao will evolve as it becomes more and more concrete. Despite being on the run for countless years, his Dao had reached a stage of a Confirmed Law.

This meant it had few flaws that could be used to argue against it unlike a Primal Zenith expert who's Dao was an undeniable truth that could not be argued against. Hence, if pushed hard enough Zhunti's Dao can gain cracks from which it'll weaken. When it's proven as wholly fake to the creator.

When Chaos Immortals battled, outside of the trading of spells and battle techniques, every fight could be described as a discussion between two Daos. If one's Dao heart was not rigid enough, their Dao would be overwhelmed as a Dao heart was both determination as well as belief in one's own path.

Zhunti had never anticipated such a colossal Dao to envelope him. It was like he'd entered a dream where a different life was being lived out.

The Zhunti within Zhunti was stupefied. He'd faced ghost devils of the Primal Zenith class and even ran from living Devil Great Emperors. But Liu Er's Dao was so strong that it blew away any of theirs. His surface self was being rewritten to conform to what Liu Er perceives him as.

The monkey essentially bombarded him without him even noticing. Tearing into him in such a seamless way not entirely unlike how some Devil Great Emperors tried to ensnare him in the past.

"Resist, resist, resist!" He chanted.

The golden light unleashed by Taishang began eating away at Liu Er's Dao's perception of reality. Through this, Zhunti's efforts gained fruit.

His personal treasure, the Seven Branches Treasure Tree was finally able to manifest. It's roots stabbed into Zhunti. The golden eighteen armed figure gradually stopped crying. His rounded face became more angular and his body became less chubby and more muscular.

"I am Zhunti, saviour of the west, learned of cause and effect and master of karma."

"The teacher is weak. Zhunti a pathetic fool who failed at everything!"

Zhunti's eyes snapped at a creepy Liu Er aiming for him. Deep down he was furious. What had he ever done to the monkey for him to treat him so? He'd barely ever met him, yet in the few times they'd interacted he'd been so cruel.

In the clash of their Daos, Zhunti was able to clearly see how Liu Er viewed him. It was so incredibly arrogant how he'd just concluded that view and applied it to him. Just like the domineering way Devil Great Emperors will laud themselves over lesser devils.

Zhunti hated such domineering people. Those unreasonable sorts who saw things their way and will only have it their way. He'd even disliked Da Hai initially because of this.

"Bene…no insane beast," Zhunti corrected himself. "You are accursed to betray the alliance like this."

Liu Er did not seem to have registered Zhunti's words, only responding to the sixteen palm strikes sent his way. His expression changed to that of a grinning maniac filled with infinite bloodlust. Deep hatred rose from his eyes, though this didn't even seem to come from the monkey.

Tugging at the lines of karma around them, Zhunti observed Liu Er even as his life came to danger. To Zhunti, Liu Er was even worse than devils. At least they had real desires.

"The teacher is too stupid," Liu Er proclaimed as he shattered several of Zhunti's hands. "Like a cultivator. Too dumb to recognize real power. I will kill the Zhunti and save humanity Co-Owner Three Emperor Five Emperor."

"What else do you expect me to do? You attacked me!" Zhunti challenged back despite only understanding half of what was said. He knew he cannot resist the monkey. Even in his previous state, he did see the battle between Taishang and Liu Er.

Even though he lacked the ability to fight back nor flee, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. He raised a fist and punched the trunk of the Seven Branches Treasures Tree. Hymns emerged from the enlightened spiritual plant treasure.

"Zhunti is evil!" Liu Er suddenly cursed far louder then before. "The most pathetic of the six slaves use slave on I. But Prehistoric Liu Er is the true Great Arrogant, never a slave. Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave!"

Zhunti clasped his hands and opened them up to a square shape. A pillar shot towards the monkey but barely slowed him down. His treasure tree abandoned its peaceful hymns to assault the monkey with its own body.

"Haha, I sacrifice the best baby. My blood sperm powers my baby to kill you!" Liu Er's cudgel smashed into the tree.

'This is really how I die? Against insane ramblings? My apologies senior brother.' The Seven Branches Treasure Tree crashed into his colossal body. Liu Er jumped high into the air with the cudgel raised high.

In Liu Er's eyes, Zhunti was begging for his life with all sorts of pathetic excuses. None of the innate god's actual words were heard at all.

"Liu Er, if you have any semblance of honour left in you? Stay your hand!" Taishang called out desperately. He'd dropped his defences and charged towards the both of them.

But the fact of the matter is, Liu Er was faster then him. Not even with full mastery over magical abilities could he keep up.

Reality warped along the metallic cudgel. Wether it was the act of Liu Er's Dao, or it's own innate magical properties did not matter. It grew to colossal size and smashed down onto Zhunti's head.

"Hai," Zhunti sighed.


The golden giant crumbled away with a peaceful smile. He was split straight down the middle through sheer brutish power. Both halves quickly started crumbling after losing their lustre.

"Zhunti is weak! The teacher is a pathetic fool who failed at everything. A useless weakling who's never fought a day in his life," Liu Er declared. He landed proudly on the pile of rubble that was Zhunti. "Now that he's killed, the east owes me karma."

Taishang widened his eyes. He dashed through the avalanche of falling debris and grabbed hold of a wildly moving orb. He heard a weak groan afterwards.

'Of course, most of his attack is purely physical. He's a Chaos Immortal so by nature he harms all layers of an individual as well. But since he didn't extent magical means to attack, spiritually it was weak enough for fellow daoist Zhunti was able to barely escape.'

"Die daddy!"

Liu Er quickly turned and swung at the exposed Taishang. The elderly looking innate god planned fast.

The tear in the Great Wilderness was still there and still extremely large. It's currents were becoming increasingly more violent. 'He actually thinks Zhunti is fully dead,' he thought in observation.

Taishang made to grab the tree Zhunti left behind after being obliterated. But Liu Er saw this as well. He clawed at the innate god with his own foot.

"Daddy is greedy, so ruthless to steal innate root that does not belong to him." The six eared macaque thought the tree will be of much better use in his own collection instead.


Taishang sighed in disappointment and retracted his hand. His elbow was bent in an unnatural position. He eyed the oncoming cudgel and closed his eyes.

Liu Er's strike crunched into his ribcage, tore through his flesh and out the other end. It turned his skin concave until it could no longer handle it. Pulverized his bones and bisected the man through brutal power.

Taishang did not resist even as Liu Er basked in his victory. His bisected body fell into a void current while still holding Zhunti's nascent soul. The two were quickly swept away.

"The haul is high. The teacher is dead and the karma is owed. The Co-Owner Three Emperor Five Emperor, the twelve liches, the demons all owe me karma," he proclaimed while holding the Seven Branches Treasure Tree that was left behind.

Soon enough, he'd realize it's cumbersome to keep hauling the tree around. Then it'll justify it as trash since it belonged to Zhunti and lose interest.

Eventually, he continued his rampage towards the coast.