
The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Gu Yunjiao, the daughter of a prominent medical family, was reborn with a pharmacy. She became a young village woman who was widowed on her wedding night. Her biological father disappeared, her mother was a crybaby, her in-laws considered her an unlucky omen, and there were even lustful men with ill intentions watching her closely. Life was tough. Fortunately, her mother-in-law was formidable, and her siblings were supportive. Her family members were very protective of her. Her mother-in-law made a deal with her: if she could uphold her chastity for three years, she would be set free. Three years later, she had become a renowned divine physician and a wealthy woman. She packed her belongings to seek her freedom, but her family members all cried and wailed. A certain incredibly handsome man held her tightly and said, "You can't leave! You've examined my body, so you're responsible for me!" Gu Yunjiao counted on her fingers and retorted, "When I was treating patients, I've seen at least eighty, if not a hundred men." The man covered her mouth and said, "They were all patients; only I am a man." Later, there was a legend in the capital city that the young and handsome Prime Minister was afraid of his wife. "

Embroidered Green Jade · History
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40 Chs

Chapter 26 Fortunately, She Was Here_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Mrs. Long and Sam watched from the side.

Mrs. Long saw that Brittany was not flustered at all and felt much more at ease. However, she said hesitantly, "Is this useful?"

Brittany nodded. "It should be useful. My grandfather..."

She paused and recalled that her grandfather was also a doctor in this life. There was nothing wrong with her words.

She continued to say, "Centipedes are a type of medicinal herb. In the past, we collected and processed many of the medicinal herbs we used at home to ensure their efficacy."

"This method was told to my grandfather by an old man in the mountains who sends centipedes to my family every year."

As she spoke, Leo suddenly cried out, "Mother, It doesn't hurt anymore!"

Mrs. Long said in surprise, "It doesn't hurt anymore?"

Leo nodded repeatedly. "It doesn't hurt at all."

Sam stared at Leo's hand. "The swelling seems to have started to subside."