
The Prime Dungeon

John died and was left in the void but a chance encounter gave him the chance to be one of the first four dungeon cores in a fantasy world. Will try to update 3 times a week for now though that is subject to change. Thanks, guys

CactusInGlasses · Fantasy
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8 Chs


John's memory was very fussy about details from his past but He had worked a minimum wage job at some burger joint. He had been passed around foster care for as long as he could remember so no one would care about his death. Even his death was pathetic as he hadn't listened to the quarantine and got the coronavirus leading to him being hospitalized until a few days later he passed away. Well after that all that surrounded him was the darkness as it sapped away the feelings from his soul. At first, he struggled but that was difficult without a body and with time eventually, he gave up. Then he saw a light in the distance but couldn't muster the energy or motivation to care so he stayed where he was as the light blinked out of existence.

It was a while longer before anything happened but then a humanoid figure made entirely of light except for two white feathered wings covered in eyes appeared and said with a booming voice, "George send in newly departed souls until we have four in here, thanks.

The darkness flashed for a second as an ethereal voice spoke, "Got it, boss"

Then just as the voice spoke three other souls appeared next to him and the figure turned and spoke,

"Welcome, I know you have questions but let me get straight to the point you have all passed away"

The three new souls looked at the angel and started to speak,

"Are you an angel?"

"I'm dead?"

"This is is a weird dream"

"I know you are confused but this isn't the end as our great lord has chosen you four for a divine quest," the figure boomed

[Quest Accepted]

(Divine Quest)

-Rank Divine

You have chosen to help a stagnated world restart its evolution.

(Automatically Accepted)


"What is this?"

"We're in a video game"

The angel interrupted them, "This is the system it is the main way to gain power outside of the origin world, start by saying status"




He just thought the word and was surprised as a screen popped up in front of him.

Name- John Carver

Race- Lost Soul

This screen seems pretty empty, he thought

"Good," boomed the voice of the angel

"Your job is to purify the mana of the world you are going to and provide chances for the people there to advance"

"Any questions"

Before anybody could respond the angel immediately said, "None then, so good luck to you heroes"

Just as the angel finished talking a portal opened up underneath him and sucked him in followed by the other souls.

After the souls were transported the ethereal voice spoke up, "uh, boss we have a problem for some reason I can only put three souls in the room"

"What are you talking about I just transported four souls," spoke the angel confused

"Oh," said the ethereal voice

Hello Guys,

I myself have been looking for active dungeon novels but couldn't find any I liked so I'm trying my hand at one.

Please give me some constructive criticisms, ideas, or insults but if you do that last one i'll ignore you.

Thanks in advance.


CactusInGlassescreators' thoughts